Its actually really easy. All you need is maximum 2 players on aproximatly lvl 30. Then you take a bunch of really STUPID guards (oh, what do you know..we allready have them). All set? Now its just kids play. Pump the pass the four guards to the gate. Dont worry they wont follow you...because theyr STUPID. Breake the gate. Pump the turbo again....ruuuuun to the on it several times like "you just dont care" and ruuuun to the back of the castle... now you have sumonned Syrtis/Alsius guards and they begin to fight with Ignis. Dont worry nobody is going to hurt just enjoy the view...Then just beat up the rest and....Shanarid is yours. Who should you thank? Well your "bravery" offcourse, your speed spells and in the last row big applause to the STUPID guards.