I agree that character names should be censored, but only for people ages 10 and up. The only reason those 13 year old kids playing the game know those type of words is because they've played RO or other games and heard them from us older players in the chat windows! I totally support censorship but only up to a point! Censoring the game would drive people away and it's bad enough that not that many people play it as it is now! Yet we need some kind of control over what people say in the game also! So if we don't censor what is said, yet we can't stand listening to it either, what should be done about it?
The only way to not have to listen to the foul language is to either 1.) vote for total censorship of language and character names, OR 2.) just don't play the game! If you can think of a better way than these two choices, let me know because there's no other way that I know of as of yet!
I not only don't like seeing swear words being used in the Chat windows or as character names, but I also don't like people saying I should quit playing the game because I'm too old and no one that plays these games wants to play with "Old People"!
This statement made to Aulon today really hurt my feelings and was totally uncalled for! They said other things too that I won't repeat that were even more hurtful to me so I left the game 5 hours early due to the fact I could no longer see the screen through the tears running down my face!
This kind of behavior is just rude and uncalled for by some people I thought were very kind and cool people! I guess I was wrong!
If this kind of behavior keeps up, I may just stop playing altogether! Although, I hope it won't come to that!