RegnumZG is the main fansite, imho, unavoidable. (languages : Spanish, English, German)
Syrtis HQ, a great site for us Syrtians who hope in better days with more interaction between our clans. (English)
Liga de Syrtis, a forum for Syrtians, they can introduce themselves and speak of every subjects. (Spanish)
El Reino de Syrtis, Syrtian site (:P), well made, with many informations. (Spanish), the main German site about Regnum. LOTS of info, tools and a huge forum. (German)
Regnum HQ, fansite a bit heavy and unfortunately quite empty. Could be promising. (English, but a funny translator is available ^^)
Clan Inquisition, who don't know this great clan?... here's his site
Communauté Regnum Francophone, our l'ttle fansite ^^'. Nothing really impressive, unless you're a French speaker... ;P (French)
German Guardians, forum of das Grösse clan (introducing them is totally futile if your not just arrived from another planet...
) (German
huhu ^^)
Yaara Heren Hyarmenor, their clan site, a great one