Originally Posted by chilko
In terms of nominal value it is more expensive but the relative value is the same...
We tried to come up with a pricing scheme that will not only take into account the exchange rates but the purchasing power.
an example of other products:
An xbox 360 game system costs 300 USD in the States, and 300 Euro in Europe
PC GAMES that cost 50 USD in America usually cost 50 Euro in Europe
Same thing with mass market stuff like MacDonalds, etc
This argument is complete nonsense, i am in the UK i have therefore to pay for everything i buy in GBP sterling. Due to my location I have to buy Xim in EUR the exchange rate i 1.26 therefore for 10EUR i pay 8GBP. If i could buy in dollars I would pay the exchange rate of 1.94 and therefore 10USD would cost me 5.15GBP.
This buys the same amount of xim irrespective of the currency which means NGD are pocketing (from UK nationals at least) an extra £3GBP for every $10USD of Xim purchased.
This effects everyone paying in EUR who are effectively paying more for their xim. With the current exchange rate at 1.5 USD per EUR players buying in EUR should be receiving 50% extra Xim to be getting the same value for money as those paying in USDollar.
When NGD look in their bank account (which is obviously in held in US dollars) they must see a much larger contribution to their balance coming from EUR payers, maybe we should receive some benefit for our extra contribution to NGD's balance sheet?