It was meant as a celebration for the anniversary of the game, and for some of you to act like "small children" was totally un-called for. Pretty sad when some folks are there to participate in the festivities, and some idiots take it upon themselves to probably get the only RP's that they will be getting for awhile, but it still sux. I will mention no names, but they have been taken down, and I'll deal with them on my own........I'm sure they know who they are, so just remember ..... when you least expect it, expect it!!
And all this happened with my lower level player, amazing how after coming in with my lvl 50, it all seemed to stop. No matter, these individuals have made my " shit-list " and I'll deal with them on my own.
Jedi-x Hunter lvl 50 , Jedix Warlock lvl 45 , x Jedi x Barb lvl 49 Alsius Hunters of RA