Originally Posted by save_the_trees
Lately, I often see a very lame strategy: tons of ranged classes standing on the wall, and if you step 1mm from the wall you get instantly attacked. It seems that those who are exactly on top you still can't attack but those who stand on the other end of the wall can attack diagonally down. Additionally it is just ridiculous how warlocks can use mod/crystal blast on the wall, affecting those standing close but not directly under it.
The problem is: If your realm doesn't have enough ranged classes to bring the wall down you are more or less forced to walk under the wall. But then again you can't see anything because you have to stick so close. Additionally, with everybody sticking so close to the wall, ppl stand inside each other and behind each other all the time. For conjurers very hard to click.
The wall should be as a measure to attack on distance and keep the army away from the fort. but like this, it just often does the opposite, making ppl totally stick to it. This just totally destroys the fun, independent of whether your realm is winning or not.
Maybe a bigger zone around the wall where both parties cannot attack each other will help (But then again there is the problem with short ranged attacks like spiritual blow. I don't know if making the zone bigger will make spells like spiritual blow be out of range).
P.S: I put this in general discussions because I hope that more ppl will read it this way. And I'd like to hear your fair opinion, not the kind of "I'm marksman I have fun like it is" - opinion. and the next time I see it in a very ridiculous form I will include a sreenshot
The area below a wall where ranged attackers cannot see/shoot is called a defilade. Which makes that a defiled position. These are military terms for an existing real life condition.
Any military engineer will tell you that the way to remove a defilade is to build your fort with inwardly curving walls (like helms deep, from Lord of the Rings), thereby removing the defilade zone.
Short of that, the best defense is to drop large rocks or dump boiling water/oil directly off the wall to hit the defiled attackers.
The existence of defiled positions in regnum is highly realistic, i wouldn't mess with it at all.