Originally Posted by Piccolo53
Generally reading ur posts I can say u give too many advantages to a single barb. With ur barb description it would mean we have lvl 19 slashing, warcries, blunt, 2h mastery and tactics trees and about 80 skill points to distribute. Also u think every barb has DI, material wall, knight auras, lvl 5 conju buffs, limitless mana given by conju, unstoppable madness during most of the fight.
But on the topic (which I guess has become another barb discussion) - Im against turning %s into dmg like meteor and golem fist. Why? Because then all dmg improvements coming from buffs, weapon, rings/amus/armor/whatever u use to improve ur dmg would become far less useful, since they would improve only ur basic hits. My solution would be limiting the max %s the attack could be boosted. Like with speed - its capped, so u cant run faster than 150% - so would be with meele attacks. The exact value would need to be stated, but I think 200-250% is high enaugh. On the other hand, since this would nerf pretty much attacks like sc or balestra (3-4k+ dmg sc has like 400% dmg risen by buffs? ) barb would need something what would help him to survive a bit longer - we die very often, comparing to other classes because of poor defense (and I dont mean armor points, but general RO game tactics - barbs are targeted 1st in fort wars, they are most common victims off different tricks , like mind push, stunning fists, ambushes, etc.). No idea what could that be, though.