Originally Posted by Miraculix
We should make every spell name in the class and subclass pages linkable (ie add the [[ ]] around it) and then add the spell info, one by one. Most of the info can be found in www.regnumzg.com.ar under Oracle -> Skills. We also need to agree on a common template for spell pages.
Any of the other guys that are actively editing the wiki thinks we should do that?
EDIT: I just went ahead and made all the spell names linkable. I also could not find the 4 common disciplines and their spells listed from each of the 3 main classes except for mage, am I missing smth?
Also, the page named "Training" needs another name, perhaps smth longer or more descriptive, cause now the hunter spell "Training" links to that page 
I believe the convention on Wikipedia is to have the more prominent article keep the plain name, and add a qualifier to the secondary article i.e. Training, and Training_(Hunter_Skill). This could be done in this case, or the name of the first article could be changed.
Wikia has a template called an
infobox that is basically a stylized html table. The Runescape wiki uses them for
spells. The RO wiki might want to standardize on an infobox that had cells for each bit of information that needs to be listed.
Outstanding work