Originally Posted by Radian
Being able to swap from a grinding build to one of several hunt/war builds takes a lot of the drudgery out. If /reset_powers disappeared so would I, and probably a lot of others too...
OK. I was wrong about the meaning of RPG in a MMO PC game. Fantasy background and characters are only a pretext to PvP. However, quests add and lead to misundertanding the true face of the game. I expected uncovering mysteries, solving enigmas, exploring dungeons
and sometimes warring in warzone. The purpose of quests is quite only gaining easy xp, so.
I did use /reset_powers three times only since i started to play my 3 characters, twice for the fist and now highest and once for another, badly feeling I was 'hacking' the game and somehow cheating. But I did not know level 50 characters were still short of skills. However, i believe being able to reset powers only at the time you gain 1 level (eventually rebuilding your char from the start) would be enough.
What if we could additionally save different character profiles before or after a reset, in a set of two or three profiles for example, and could choose one at login time instead of basically clicking 'play' as we do now ? But this is certainly out of place here and mostly one more suggestion...