Originally Posted by chilko
We cannot incorporate premium items into the game that generate gold instantly. that would break the whole economy.
In the real world at least, no economy has ever benefited from isolation. (And all 20th century experiments with planned economies have failed miserably.)
To get back on topic:
I tried a platinum lucky box on Amun first (for a hunter) and got a nice epic bow on the first and only attempt. Then I bought one bronze box on Horus (for marks) and actually got what I was realistically hoping for: a longbow suitable for my lvl. Nothing fancy but an alright tool. Inspired by this success I had two further attempts with bronze boxes, after gaining a couple of levels and needing to upgrade my gear, and got a couple of onehand fast weapons (one rapier, one axe) that I eventually threw away since I couldn't find anyone who wanted them (does any knight use a puny fast weapon?) and they weighed too much for me to drag around in my inventory.
Another thing worth noting that I haven't seen anyone mention is that in gold, a full set of armour costs about as much as a weapon. But from a lucky box you only get one armour piece for the same price in ximerins. So a full armour set from lucky boxes (assuming you either get something that fits you or can find anyone to trade with) costs, in ximerins, five times as much as getting a weapon for a warrior or archer, or three times as much for a mage.
All in all, my vote would be (I didn't vote), a nay. I won't buy another one and definitely not to get armour. But then I've never been interested in gambling. I am aware that 4 samples are far too few to yield reliable statistics. On the other hand you could simply declare, in %'s rather than a cryptic "greater chance" etc, what the chances to get various types of items from various boxes are, so we all could actually know what we are buying.