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Old 02-25-2009, 03:26 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 2
Anasa is on a distinguished road
Lightbulb Conjurers and knights questions.

Hello everyone,

I started this game a few days ago, checked a bit all the classes and i decided to level up a conjurer and a knight until one of them seems more... appealing to me. Currently both seem very nice but i would like to know a few things about how they do at the endgame, maybe the answers will save me some time from leveling something i may not enjoy at higher levels!

So, here goes:

1) About conjurer.I read that summons are quite worthless at pvp because other classes can unsummon or take them as their pets. I was thinking to play summoner/supporter (first idea that came to my mind when i saw the game) and that really disappointed me, since it would be lots of discipline points wasted, not to mention i like having summons running around, especially as a caster.. i feel safer! I was wondering if buffing my pet (if that is possible!) with divine intervention would make it immune to those spells that make me lose control of it in any way. If not any other way to ensure it stays with me or i just have to forget about summons on pvp/rvr situations?

2) Is a full support/survival knight worthless on pvp compared to conj from a supporters pov? I know knights level up slower but i don't care, i just want it to be worth it at the end. Are they useful to protect other people or can you simply ignore them and go for the healer?

3)Which of the 2 classes do you think is more challenging on rvr? I suppose conj will have a hard time staying alive while knight will be a bit more about skill rotation but since i 'm still below 20's some more info about how both classes are used on large scale battles would be really useful !

4)Anyone on horus server, preferably from alsius can tell me what clans/realm lacks more from those 2 classes?

5)In your personal opinion what would make a group happier (considering they already have "enough" tanks and healers), a really good extra healer or tank, both about leveling and pvping.

My inteded specs are:
Knight: 19 blunt weapons/Vanguard/Shields - 13 Tactics - 7 piercing/slashing
Conjurer: 19 Life/Summoning/Mana control - 15 Staff Mastery - 14 Enchantments - 6 sorcery - 3 Mental. (which if summons are really so bad will either become full support or... knight ! )

Thanks for reading and for any helpful replies.
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