I am not one to usually praise the enemy, but my god is it just me or does Alsius seem to be the realm that fights with their whole heart? Yesterday, me and my fellow Syritians were holding pinos when as usual most of Syrtis began to rush. I had to rush some too because I have to keep all of them alive.

Alsius just kept coming back time after time. Alsius finally said it is not worth it, and they just stood there with no armor or weapons equiped. I just wanted to let them know they made their point with me, and I have some new found respect for a lot of the players of Alsius. It just seems that a lot of the time their philosophy is we know we might die but lets try and take the fort any way. Sometimes with Syrtis we do a lot of standing around, and it gets boring. Well once again I will say that the majority of Alsius has gotten my respect. Keep up the good work.