Originally Posted by clings
let's say ignis gave you a reason finally
It wasnt Ignis, it was only 1 player with such cheap behaviour, but of course that will be forgotten and "all Ignis players are cheap" in the end.
Originally Posted by clings
actually i've seen syrtis/alsius teaming on horus since im in wz (sometimes more, sometimes less) ... and thats quite a long time now.
it's 3way-rvr, so players of 2 realms can decide to team up against players of the other realm, yeah ^^
but pls dont say its because of happenings like that one
Thats just my theory on why this happens more frequent then other way around - the agression level seems higher vs Ignis then VS Alsius/Syrtis. Teaming up is absolutely fine for me, gives the whole thing a funny touch