Constantly Disconnected
Hey, I just installed RO, and my first impressions were pretty good. Seems intuitive and easy to play(Though moving about is hard for me because I am a console gamer, and the only PC mmorpgs I have played were point-and-click based movement)
My problem is that I get disconnected from server about 1 minute after I login. Without fail. I've also noticed a bit of lag while I am in game, but I'm on cable, and not downloading or transfering any other data. I verified my connection, and its still booting me. Is this server side? Temporary? If it is on my side, is it possible that it is being caused by using a wireless connection, or perhaps an issue with my router? The lag doesn't seem bad enough to cause a disconnection, and the regular timing makes me wonder if its due to anti macroing/hacking software. Perhaps my wireless fluctuations, and/or router config is tripping something. Any info would be greatly appreciated.