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Old 10-29-2009, 05:50 PM   #1
Malik2's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Oregon
Posts: 219
Malik2 is on a distinguished road
Default Solo grinding a warlock

OK so I'm not new but I do have a question.

My warlock is up to lvl 32 or so and I find grinding going pretty slow.

2 reasons:

First: my energy barrier is lvl 3. I target a normal or challenging mob and before it is dead it breaks my energy barrier and is doing me damage. So then I wait for the barrier to cycle before grinding again. Or somtimes attack another mob and take massive damage. Vampirism doesn't seem to help much as it knocks my mana for not much health and then the energy barrier goes down and I take more damage than I recovered with it, because vamp does not do as much damage as something like lightning or fireball.

Second: less of a strategy thing but I have been experienceing a massive number of resists. Not only are spells but also regular damage from my staff seem to be resisted at least once per mob; I often experience multiple resists. So instead of casting 2 damaging spells per mob I am up to 3 plus buffs every 2 minutes it puts a heavy weight on my mana and ambitious sacrafice.

I have also noticed a strange situation in syrtis. In general I have found that in general when grinders learn that I am not a conjurer their eyes glaze over and are not thrilled with forming a group with a warlock. I think ultimately a group grind situation would be best.

Any thoughts on grinding a lvl 32 or so warlock would be appreciated.
Ulixes Wolfhair
Hunter of Syrtis...Horus and Ra- The White Company
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