Maybe you could do one about an intrepid young archer who dedicated his life to Ignis and pwnd lots of people. Then he decides to go on vacation for a while, and while he's gone he notices that totalitarianism has taken hold of Ignis. Then he tries to write a letter to the editor of the Medenet Times, but someone who used to live in Ignis (but moved to Alsius where the neighbors like her better) didn't like it and made everyone tell the mailman to tear up the archer's letter. Then the mailman did. And the someone who used to live in Ignis but doesn't anymore's boyfriend was like "pfft, shouldn't have gone on vacation". So the archer secretly came back from vacation and gives the person who used to live in Ignis (and her boyfriend) the ol' snail trail every chance he gets.
You should do one like that.
Last edited by Vythica; 02-27-2010 at 12:03 AM.