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Old 03-03-2010, 06:46 PM   #1
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Default 1.5.1 hotfix #3. Good job NGD

A refresher:

Version: 1.5.1 (Hotfix 3) (Date: 2010/2/24)


- Fixed: Textures in Direct3D mode loaded twice.
- Modified: The memory management is now more efficient, distinguishing between persistent and non persistent textures

- Fixed: Visual error that avoided to visualize the gems in the weapons stored/retrieved from the personal stash.
- Fixed: De-synchronization of the time counters in the compass and the map during an invasion.
- Fixed: After an invasion, the gates close correctly after the time is finished.
- Fixed: The characters that were sit while entering the visual radio now show the correct animation.
- Fixed: Movement keys no longer block after teleporting through a door or Teleport Scroll.

- Modified: The automatic restart system of the server is more efficient now.
- Modified: More verifications were added in the server to prevent item duplication in personal stashes.
- Fixed: Code optimization in the server to avoid memory loss.

Across a lot of this forum, many threads have been made about what is wrong, need adjusting, improved, nerfed etc. But, far fewer talk about the good things that have been done. Sometimes very tiny updates go unnoticed by the masses yet have a positive impact.
Hotfix #3 in my opinion, is one such update. I refer specifically to the memory management. For quite a while , since the new engine, I have been having issues with run away memory hogging by the game with the result of me having to relog every 2 hours or so. The game would start off ~550Mb and gradually bloat to 1.3-1.6GB, eventually resulting in instability and poor performance.
This update addresses quietly this very vexing problem. I now fit nicely within the 600-750MB envelope with the result of far, far fewer crashes and better general computer performance while running this game . I would like to publicly congratulate NGD on fixing this issue. My feeling is they don't hear enough of this for 'background' solutions. It would be nice if any other people have noticed this as the community seems to be silent on it.

Best Regards
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