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Old 01-05-2011, 08:01 PM   #1
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Post Invasion System Change Needed

I am Not sure If i am the first to suggest this but We need a change in the system of Invasions. This is what needs to be changed. The Invading Realm and Defending Realm are the only realms allowed to touch the gems in the Inner realms and War Zone. the Third should not be allowed to pick up gem at all. reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it, We in Ignis and i am sure in other two realms are sick and tried of a few multirealmers spoiling the hard work that Invasions are worth. Also the 3rd realm should not be allowed to attack the invading realm and defending realms at all. suggest only after the 2 gates have been broken something Like immunity for the defending and invading realms.

Peace Out
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Old 01-05-2011, 08:21 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it
this ofc is a theory not accusal proof its unknown if this is happening or can be implamented but if so and can happen , ngd should look into this
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Old 01-05-2011, 08:23 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
I am Not sure If i am the first to suggest this but We need a change in the system of Invasions.
I agree there is indeed a need for a change in Invasions, currently I find them boring and no fun.

The Invading Realm and Defending Realm are the only realms allowed to touch the gems in the Inner realms and War Zone. the Third should not be allowed to pick up gem at all.
So the 3rd realm would have to be forced to do nothing while the other two realms are having their fun pursuiting each other for a shiney gem? That does not sound fair to me, every realm should have the right to mess around with other realm's plans, it makes it more interesting.

reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it, We in Ignis and i am sure in other two realms are sick and tried of a few multirealmers spoiling the hard work that Invasions are worth.
Wait, whut? So, let's say Syrtis' gates are in danger and Ignis is invading. The multirealming Alsian would just need to get on his Syrtis char parked near the gem and throw it into the water? I see no reason then for the 3rd realm to be prohibited to pick up the gem. It makes no sence.

Also, if you do know someone who is a multirealmer and does these kind of actions, you can just send a ticket to report them. That easy.

Also the 3rd realm should not be allowed to attack the invading realm and defending realms at all. suggest only after the 2 gates have been broken something Like immunity for the defending and invading realms.
Wtf, I'd love to see if you'd like to be from the 3rd realm, unable to do anything in the warzone while the other two realms are having their fun.

Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
Peace Out
In conclusion, your suggestion would just kill the fun in invasions even more. Actually, it would kill the purpose of having a 3rd realm in this game.
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Old 01-05-2011, 08:23 PM   #4
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well, by terms of service multirealming and multiaccounting is forbidden therefore implementing such changes would legalise it.

as for not allowing third realm to participiate in invasion war would be against the war dynamics "driver". the third realm is to provide some dynamics and unpredictability in game.
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Old 01-05-2011, 11:37 PM   #5
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I do agree that the mechanics need , I would use the term : adjustment.
I have made many suggestions over the years which a lot have read.

I still believe the third realm must have a role to play in the dynamic and as such they can pick up the gem. If you wanted (although I am not really for this) you can place a weak protective orb around the gems that three players can smash easily but 1 finds it slightly more challenging. Weak meaning a powerful barb needs maybe 4 swings while fully buffed to break through. The player can still get it but wastes time while pounding away. I just had an odd idea of making the player that carries the gem slower but gains boosts in speed by the number of allies surrounding him/her. This only happens inside the realm. Once you break free it goes back to normal. It would be funny if you got even slower as you came close to the cities of the realm while holding the gem.

Unfortunately, I do not think we can or should expect NGD to legislate all behaviour in the respective realms. Actions can be condoned or frowned upon. It is the collective responsibility of all players to remember first and foremost this is a game and while you can win using "any means necessary" , are you really a better player for it? Is the win not sweeter when you do it within the confines of honourable play and be able to hold your heads high?
Of course many players are young and might not care about these ideals but it can be frowned upon by seniors.
It is a game by NGD but it is also ours. It is our responsibility to protect fun for friend and foe alike.


Last edited by bois; 01-05-2011 at 11:48 PM.
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Old 01-06-2011, 04:01 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by PT_DaAr_PT View Post
In conclusion, your suggestion would just kill the fun in invasions even more. Actually, it would kill the purpose of having a 3rd realm in this game.
Well in the last few Days it feels like Sytris and Alsuis have become one realm so in a nut shell hit has become a 2 realm game and alot of ignis are sick of it, so a simple immunity for the 3rd realm well be welcomed, and just remember how many times has Ignis and its zerg screwed up a invasion for other realms, sure great fun and all but we go for the Gems and take them home, these other gem stealer have "NO" interest in taking gem back to there own realms. just run to a city or drown it
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Old 01-06-2011, 04:26 AM   #7
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Regarding the point about two realms creating an alliance, sometimes that's the only option left to a realm when they are being consistently dominated by another. Ignis has been the dominant realm lately and the other two realms know that when one of them is invaded successfully then the other will soon follow. So in a way, alsius being invaded is a failure for syrtis because it puts them more clearly in harms way as they become the only target left.
Just for the record, when Ignis got one of Alsius gems into the wz and then lost it, syrtis immediately attempted to scoop it up and steal it for themselves. So we are not as friendly as you may think.
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Old 01-06-2011, 05:30 AM   #8
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Well, it's a three way war game, the third can choose whatever they want to do. It doesn't make sense that you're punishing the 3rd realm so that they can't participate while the other realm invades another realm because someone from the 3rd realm switches to another account where the other realm is being invaded... Also, since most invasions are mostly done when not a lot of people of the invaded realm are on (unless they log on when checking the war zone status), I think it's only fair that the third realm could "work" together with the invaded realm.

And this alliance thing is ridiculous, if some (not the whole realm) Alsians want to help Syrtis, they can, but that doesn't officially sign them up as best buddies forever for ages to come.

Yeah, invasions need some work, but NGD already has tons of work on their hands.
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Old 01-06-2011, 06:07 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
hard work that Invasions are worth
Funniest thing I've seen in this forum, ever!

Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
Well in the last few Days it feels like Sytris and Alsuis have become one realm
You forgot last time Syrtis invaded, Ignis got inside Alsius, picked up a gem and was hiding it in Gok...

Also, it's so much fun to be able to participate in invasions, especially if you're not the realm invading or being invaded
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Old 01-06-2011, 07:05 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
We need a change in the system of Invasions. This is what needs to be changed. The Invading Realm and Defending Realm are the only realms allowed to touch the gems in the Inner realms and War Zone. the Third should not be allowed to pick up gem at all. reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it, We in Ignis and i am sure in other two realms are sick and tried of a few multirealmers spoiling the hard work that Invasions are worth. Also the 3rd realm should not be allowed to attack the invading realm and defending realms at all. suggest only after the 2 gates have been broken something Like immunity for the defending and invading realms.

Peace Out
Yes, I completely agree with you. It's not right that after you do all the hard work, another realm could get the price. Also it can prevent indeed that those annoying multirealmers spoil it all by hiding the gem(s).
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