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Old 08-07-2011, 08:09 PM   #61
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I do not discount PvP skills. That is one type of skill.

RvR skill is different. I play mainly RvR in this game. Singular PvP does not appeal to me. As such I trained and skilled my Knight in the art of support build specifically for team play.
That alone is a skill by itself. Because of this I am constantly on the front lines of any RvR battle be it 4 v 4 or 100 v 100. I am not here to measure the strengths of any style. As a matter of fact each format is different.

When you are 1 v 1 you have one target , one focus. 2 v 1 is similar. You take out one and switch focus between targets.

RvR is different , the mind set is different the focus is different. Ask any support conjurer. A support conjurer's job is infinitely harder in RvR than PvP. Support knight is less taxing but still requires a specific skill set.

As support knight (as I play anyway), your job is not to kill but to setup the opponent, weaken and debilitate them. While you are doing this you have to keep looking at your allies to back up and support those that need help. In some cases you can deliver the final blow. This requires an overview of the entire battlefield and you have to see where everything is, your range, timings, offence ,self defence, ally offence and defence. Because you are melee you have to do this all while under constant attack form melee and ranged alike. You have to assess all dangers, remember multiple opponent buffs etc. In many cases you are required to harrass and take blows from all and sundry in order for your allies to have breathing room to operate.

In some cases you have to take one for the team. How will a PvP specialist even understand such a concept ?

Why go into all this? Not to flame, to inform. If you really like playing support and are good at it, you are hardly noticed but your team has a good chance of winning. The quality of support defines a war group. The opponent may be more but if their collaborative (not singular) skill is less, they are going to struggle.
I like looking at the PvP videos. But make no mistake, if you play RvR and specialise in support as I do , it needs just as much skill as any singular PvP battle. It needs more observation skills, quick decision making (no spell chains here, decisions on the fly.) and memory too.
The point of my previous post is that PvP specialists are no better than RvR specialists, just different.

For my kind of build, Back slam fits . I use it at level 1. It is not for everyone. The chance % is good enough odds for me to use it. Gives me options.
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Old 08-08-2011, 12:35 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
I do not discount PvP skills. That is one type of skill.
RvR skill is different. I play mainly RvR in this game. Singular PvP does not appeal to me. As such I trained and skilled my Knight in the art of support build specifically for team play. .
I think the skills you are referring to are the skillz required to play a specific role in combat whether being a support class which tend to focus on RvR or an offensive class which tend to focus on PvP. these include ur observational skills in the battlefield, the ability to support and provide cover to allies, the precison of your assessment in distance and timing, the ability to feel the duration and ccs that various opponents cast and to be able to respond properly, the ability to fight in a chaotic situation where you don't have absolute control, to be able to play as a team etc. well i assumed that everyone knew how to play their designated role in combat when i started this post. You are supposed to know what spell to cast given ANY situation. you are supposed to feel the duration and cd of your opponents and come up with the most logical response immdiately. you are supposed to know who and when you should dispell. you are supposed to have all these role specific skillz already if you have been playing a class for say 2 years right? everything should be intuitive.

now the mechanics to execute spells and move around are not so easy to master compared to the role specific skillz that bois and others have been referring to. when someone says RvR involves no skill, he meant RvR is not as demanding physically in how fast and precise you cast a spell and how fluent you can manuver your character when compared to PvP. I have spent years researching on fastest way to manuever and cast spells ie. the keyboarding techniques. as the number of spells increases, it becomes more and more difficult to get to a specific spell that you wanted given the specific situation you are in as spells are spread out in different function bars and you have to switch in between based on the situation you are in. we see ppl organize their spells in unique way such that they can get to them as quickly as possible.

Aside from spell choice, player instinct and role speicific skills, we are able to see through videos the mechanical aspect of the gameplay and that's where the true efficiency of combat lies. After all, between an average player and say the best player, spell choices should be identical because they are supposed to know what they are doing. what makes one superior than the other are how they actually cast them and how they maneuver their character. most of the times a player would know exactly what to do. however their responses are often delayed because of the immature hand techniques.

For example, the fastest way to cast a spell is by keyboard, as selecting a target with mouse and then use the mouse to cast a spell is slower than if you select target with right hand (on mouse) while casting a spell with ur left hand, and in the case where the spell u want is on the right end of keyboard you would have to reach with ur left hand. In a chase situation, you might be required to cast a spell with keyboard while turning with mouse or the QE keys or you might be required to use both hands on the keyboard and at the same time be able to handle the turning efficiently. details like these define how efficient u really are in combat, given that you have mastered all the class specific skills and have the required player instinct to handle all possible scenarios in the warzone. one has to see how the player physically operate his character before deciding how good the player really this. after all, how can a player excel in his class if he hasn't got the machanic part figured out. Tho the mechanics is only one aspect of the broader personal skill definition. It is something one has to see to determine his true lvl of personal skill.
H G - Warlock - Alsius - Haven

Last edited by esptupac; 08-08-2011 at 01:11 AM.
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Old 08-08-2011, 06:09 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
RvR is no skill involved
Lol whut?...

Yeah..what these guys said (and others too.)

Originally Posted by bois View Post
I am tempted to make a video of my own. In it I will show how I cast disabling to set up a player for my pals in RvR, then show how I cast protect ally on the conju so that they were not confused any-more to be able to help others. I cast auras to protect my pals and sometimes Shield wall to help my knocked ally survive the bashing.
Then I show my uber Balestra 1 that stops barbs for a vital moment (non um) and kick 3 not to mention shield bash 3 that keeps the locks quiet for a moment. If I desire, I can even cast back slam. I have that skill you know.
To top it off I will show my selfless sacrifice to stall opponents so my pals can escape.

Wait, that won't work. This game is based on PvP and my RvR skills mean that I don't know how to play. Wait , PvP , no.. This game is RvR based not so?
Damn now I am confused.
Originally Posted by bois View Post
I guess I am damn lucky. I don't have any skill at all. I just log in , hope to meet a few friends, have some nice RvR battle and have fun.

If I do crap , so be it. If I can have fun and laugh at my absolutely crappy play even better. I am the best I can be at any given time, that is all that matters to me. Even if my best is a pile of manure on that day.
It is not like I can put Regnum Online Knight (best in Horus) on a resume. Well maybe I can.
Exactly what he said...yes i can warju sometimes and own, other times, i die fast... at conjuring...

Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Personally, I think you should tell your conjus that, they'd love you for it.
Indeed..like Artec said, he has a group based set up, to help the whole army.....thats a conju's role too..

It's not hard to work out when and where you should cast your spells, its getting the chance to do it thats the problem....like knowing what conju di'd what conju so no double casting and one suffer's, timing mana pylon, mana com, waiting till the biggest part of the group is together so you can cast Greater healing, knowing what you can and cannot dispell, timing mass dispell to counter the right spell, one barb pops pout, dont cast just yet..cos theres another barb with roar comin etc....so yeah, RvR for all classes, all which have at least one spell that they can use to support their realm by either knockdown, stops pells or protection. (yes even hunters got rep shot :P )

Originally Posted by Dupa_z_Zasady View Post
This is how it is played in Alsius on Horus...
We kinda knew that all along.. alot of old Syrtis zerg went to Alsuis remember :P

But back on topic, i made a few vids of my hunter and barb play a couple of years ago, then, my hunter was pretty decent, not the best by a long shot, but i could fight, now, my hunter pretty much sucks and im back in conju mode, i could take vids of that, but then you will see like others have pointed out, we all have our good and bad days, sometimes, i die so damn fast (mostly cos im the only conju there) that i get no rp, only another run from the save/gate...some days i rock the conju and somehow manage to keep the whole army alive, the thing is..it all depends who you fight with and against....but wait..fighting with people and against them?.... oh yeah, cos its an RvR game...doh!! (thats that cleared up Arty :P ) So in my vids, if i make more, you will pretty much see good and bad days, just like the ones we all have...

And on the RP count for players in relation to how good they are..*sigh*.. there may be one player who has over 100k but who plays all day and mostly preys on the weak, low hp and low level grinders, 'look at me going round the back of the fort while you muppets take the door , im killing that one conju that just came,and i got 3 afkers at the save!! mwahahah aint i badass?' ...no quite frankly , your not.... And on the other side, you may have one player, who logs in twice a week and simply play really really well, kicking ass all over the place, but because of their short playtime, they only have maybe 50k rp....so RP imo is not a true reflection of players skill.
Φ Operation Repo Φ
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Old 08-08-2011, 08:21 AM   #64
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1 vs 9, 1 vs 5 etc. it doesn't matter. You can beat a whole zerg of noobs with kiting, but it's impossible(luck only) to beat 2 good skilled players even...

That's why most in videos you can rarely see 2-3 "normal" players vs one. Most of them are "easy" or "very easy".
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Old 08-08-2011, 08:55 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
I do not discount PvP skills. That is one type of skill.

RvR skill is different. I play mainly RvR in this game. Singular PvP does not appeal to me. As such I trained and skilled my Knight in the art of support build specifically for team play.
That alone is a skill by itself. Because of this I am constantly on the front lines of any RvR battle be it 4 v 4 or 100 v 100. I am not here to measure the strengths of any style. As a matter of fact each format is different.

When you are 1 v 1 you have one target , one focus. 2 v 1 is similar. You take out one and switch focus between targets.

RvR is different , the mind set is different the focus is different. Ask any support conjurer. A support conjurer's job is infinitely harder in RvR than PvP. Support knight is less taxing but still requires a specific skill set.

As support knight (as I play anyway), your job is not to kill but to setup the opponent, weaken and debilitate them. While you are doing this you have to keep looking at your allies to back up and support those that need help. In some cases you can deliver the final blow. This requires an overview of the entire battlefield and you have to see where everything is, your range, timings, offence ,self defence, ally offence and defence. Because you are melee you have to do this all while under constant attack form melee and ranged alike. You have to assess all dangers, remember multiple opponent buffs etc. In many cases you are required to harrass and take blows from all and sundry in order for your allies to have breathing room to operate.

In some cases you have to take one for the team. How will a PvP specialist even understand such a concept ?

Why go into all this? Not to flame, to inform. If you really like playing support and are good at it, you are hardly noticed but your team has a good chance of winning. The quality of support defines a war group. The opponent may be more but if their collaborative (not singular) skill is less, they are going to struggle.
I like looking at the PvP videos. But make no mistake, if you play RvR and specialise in support as I do , it needs just as much skill as any singular PvP battle. It needs more observation skills, quick decision making (no spell chains here, decisions on the fly.) and memory too.
The point of my previous post is that PvP specialists are no better than RvR specialists, just different.

For my kind of build, Back slam fits . I use it at level 1. It is not for everyone. The chance % is good enough odds for me to use it. Gives me options.

Still if we are talking about fort wars it simply is (Almost) no skill involved especially for ranged classes I mean cmon lets be honest here, ranged classes stay on wall and attack the charging troops if the people on wall get attacked and are low on HP or they simply fall of the wall and go rest or get healed by a conjurer, and if you make mistakes during a fort battle (bad timing CC's for example) it probabbly won't matter because the rest of the group will kill that guy, Now in PvP you can't get saved by a conjurer or find a save spot to rest and in PvP mistakes Are crucial, Also in a RvR fight the main factor that wil determine the outcome of a battle are the Numbers,that being said you already know how much skill is involved in RvR.
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Old 08-08-2011, 08:57 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by isgandarli View Post
1 vs 9, 1 vs 5 etc. it doesn't matter. You can beat a whole zerg of noobs with kiting, but it's impossible(luck only) to beat 2 good skilled players even...

That's why most in videos you can rarely see 2-3 "normal" players vs one. Most of them are "easy" or "very easy".
Easy players are just a few lvls beneath you they still should have more then enough skills to beat you, especially in a 3v1 2v1.
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:14 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
Easy players are just a few lvls beneath you they still should have more then enough skills to beat you, especially in a 3v1 2v1.
Level doesn't matter, I mean, most of "easy" and "very easy" players can be newbies, they can be in grind setup and so on. I just want to tell that - even fighting against 2 skilled players, you can die easily without winning.
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Old 08-13-2011, 11:09 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Dupa_z_Zasady View Post
This is how it is played in Alsius on Horus...
ten chars?
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Old 08-13-2011, 07:48 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by isgandarli View Post
Level doesn't matter, I mean, most of "easy" and "very easy" players can be newbies, they can be in grind setup and so on. I just want to tell that - even fighting against 2 skilled players, you can die easily without winning.
whats your point..?
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