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Old 09-01-2011, 01:53 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2010
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BudapestKnight2 is an unknown quantity at this point
Default This update is total nightmare for ALL!

NGD had been decided to kill RO finaly?
I was hoping the gravity "fine" is just a joke on Amun, but I have to woke up: it's a perfect nightmare. I understood that NGD tried to make the game-feeling close to reality, but this is a perfect buggy change.
All of last updates made to loose players. Dear NGD are you searoiusly thinking that your way is right? Just see around! On Horus the realms are almost empty. What means: NO PLAYERS-->NO XIMERINS-->NO INCOMES.
What if you listen the gamers' feedback?
And what is the sh*t infected quest? What is the point? What will it be over? Is that temporaly or permanent? When it will be permanent than you, NGD, find the most fast way to loose players and incomes...
I know that you use your brain but I don't know your strategy... Wake up!
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Old 09-01-2011, 02:19 PM   #2
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easy dude its only 1 stage update
yestarday i was online and count 25+ chars online coooooool

and purshase the Ximerin today
Sooner or later, you know, that the world around you can't change. But when all illusions are destroyed, you can start to build one, the one great illusion.
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Old 09-01-2011, 02:40 PM   #3
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I like the update.

Allowing 2 stuns for hunter and ambush 10m does not work well in group situations. Why? Ok, we had a small hunting group of 2 warriors 1 mage and 2 archers. We all ran off to herbred save looking for action. This is what happened when we found 2 barbs and 1 healer.

1. I camoed
2. The barbs attacked our warriors
3. I cast confuse on the healer
4. One of the barbs began killing our mage
5. I cast distracting shot on that barb (he was out of range for ambush)
6. A warrior hit that barb ending my stun
7. Our mage died because of it.
8. I said wtf you made our mage die.
9. Our warrior said, I saw no stun animation. (excuse? - I dont know)
10. Enemy archer arrived.
11. I tried to escape
12. Enemy barb cast INTIMIDATE on me.
13. I ran the speed of stupid.
14. The healer hit me with ivy
15. I tried to use stalker to save us all.
16. Warriors were out of stuning fist range while hitting me.
17. Enemy healer used time master
18. We froze we unfroze we died.

What does this tell me? It's better to fight alone in 1vs1 situations as hunter now, since other allies will quickly end our stuns in combat.

I like jumping over small walls, over bridges, on rocks and stunning warriors so they cant jump and get to me.

If you lag while you jump you have a chance of dieing.

If you are walking from samal to herbred you will see falling animation when approaching the bridge.

When will mounts be able to jump?

When will we be able to crawl or crouch walk?

I want to flip when I jump!

Give the update time. From what I can tell it forces closer combat situations, that people have to fight their way out of. No one can escape a barb groups with intimidate. I checked it out to see if it was playable, In low lag times the answer is - yes. I will return to test stage 2.
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Old 09-01-2011, 02:55 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
I like the update.

Allowing 2 stuns for hunter and ambush 10m does not work well in group situations. Why? Ok, we had a small hunting group of 2 warriors 1 mage and 2 archers. We all ran off to herbred save looking for action. This is what happened when we found 2 barbs and 1 healer.

1. I camoed
2. The barbs attacked our warriors
3. I cast confuse on the healer
4. One of the barbs began killing our mage
5. I cast distracting shot on that barb (he was out of range for ambush)
6. A warrior hit that barb ending my stun
7. Our mage died because of it.
8. I said wtf you made our mage die.
9. Our warrior said, I saw no stun animation. (excuse? - I dont know)
10. Enemy archer arrived.
11. I tried to escape
12. Enemy barb cast INTIMIDATE on me.
13. I ran the speed of stupid.
14. The healer hit me with ivy
15. I tried to use stalker to save us all.
16. Warriors were out of stuning fist range while hitting me.
17. Enemy healer used time master
18. We froze we unfroze we died.

What does this tell me? It's better to fight alone in 1vs1 situations as hunter now, since other allies will quickly end our stuns in combat.

I like jumping over small walls, over bridges, on rocks and stunning warriors so they cant jump and get to me.

If you lag while you jump you have a chance of dieing.

If you are walking from samal to herbred you will see falling animation when approaching the bridge.

When will mounts be able to jump?

When will we be able to crawl or crouch walk?

I want to flip when I jump!

Give the update time. From what I can tell it forces closer combat situations, that people have to fight their way out of. No one can escape a barb groups with intimidate. I checked it out to see if it was playable, In low lag times the answer is - yes. I will return to test stage 2.
now with update 1 v1 hunters nearby OP but in grp v gp sucks+no animation for spells casted out from camo +sometimes no note in log for this
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Old 09-01-2011, 03:38 PM   #5
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Hunters are a joke imho.... They have very unique spells, but not enough to be great help in group fights...
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Old 09-01-2011, 03:50 PM   #6
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I am okay with the update so far. I have been able to adjust to falling damage quite quickly and it is rather funny in fort wars.

Also , my enemies do not have many questionable escape tactics. So far falling damage looks good for an initial deployment. Hopefully they will continue to tweak it for even better experience.

Intimidate, I am still not sure about.

Kick and faint I can't assess properly because we are usually fighting with lesser HP but the damage saw no decline. So for now damage will rule the roost and when the event is over, we will be able to assess it better.

I got stunfist and ambush used on me. In combination with caltrops/ ensaring and vs my slow knight, this is viable. Against faster and better ranged opponents I am just not sure. In close quarter battles 1 v 1 against slower or slowed melee opponents, archer regains potency. No doubt about it.
I tried out stunfist in group situation and it is as Demon said. Quite often Stun is broken because either the melee did not see the animation or more likely they were in a cast or their attack speed prevented them from stopping in time. Also it is not only melee that breaks stun. Works well in 1 v 1 or maybe very small skirmish but the cannot attack method worked better in RvR.

Knight remains relatively unaffected by this balance update. Lower level knight however, have easier access to 2 knocks. This is a plus.

I tried mana regeneration on marks and so far the rate looks pretty good. You have to think again but at the same time, you are able to operate without needing a conju stapled to your back. Marks blessed with mana gear will remain potent.

No comment on Burst of wind yet.

No comment on will domain except that it is effective against slow and slowed melee combatants. Will be effective vs dizzy and imobilised ranged opponents. The spell is risky but I think still potent if well combined with others.

All in all, a reasonable effort.
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Old 09-01-2011, 04:25 PM   #7
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I was not affected in anyway by this spell changes.

And i play both classes warlock and marksman as main chars.

This changes dose not affected me because i was not skilled with wild domain or ambush.I am not a knock maniac.Ok had only ambush 2 ..but very rare used them....because was on second HotBar most of time forget to use ..that why is needit a extendet dual hotbar

I use bow(only lvl 2) on marks...but seems dose not affect yet too much because lack of conj in all realms.
I was not skilled for stun fist/or neighter distract shot ...so this effect are minimal for me.

From warlock point of view it is skilled only with areas and not wilddomain.Some warlocks forget they roll in war is to support ally with massive areas dmg/knock/immobilize/dizzy and rush.
Most of them are skilled for PvP(beetle swarm 5,wildomain 5,slow 5,silence 5 etc and ofc DOTS Spamm).
With areas spamm i integrate perfect my lock in RvR situations where from behind barbs and marksmans war i spamm areas that help our warriors to rush.

About fall dmg...still not learned yet to play and inside realm i fall averange times because in alsius are many montains and shortcuts was vital...and there was someplace where from 0.5 m took me 1800 dmg....but i hope they will work more to fix some thinks about ..maybe.
In fort wars i avoid any kind of wall now...cant fight and stay on them...i don't want to find myself in situation of suicide...

So spells changes dose not affected me in any way,fall from dmg killed my wall wars in fort but has a minimal effect in other way.

About barbarians changes...ah well still i get killed in same way...kick 5 ...and for mages and archers...no chances to escape from that....only hopping warrior has position bug.
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Old 09-01-2011, 04:41 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by HidraA View Post
Most of them are skilled for PvP(beetle swarm 5,wildomain 5,slow 5,silence 5 etc and ofc DOTS Spamm).
Erm,,,, me? Well anyways while NGD won't give lock 50 range or nerf BoW/defence there will no reason to use areas. U just will do 0 damage with 20 sec DoT on which u lost 600 mana (BTW skill twister 5 and summon lighting 5 if want war not meteor 5 )
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Old 09-01-2011, 05:04 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by NSer View Post
(BTW skill twister 5 and summon lighting 5 if want war not meteor 5 )
I have both of them :P

Summon lightning 5,twister 4,sultar terror 5,fireball 5,frozen storm 4..and took recently meteor 5 because of some other locks that disabled me with same weapon meteor 5....and get more meteors than bow in my ass.
Seems marksman use more BoW on fight between other marks than vs lock..i cant complain about marksman that spamm BoW on me ...but meteor spamm on me for sure ,even beetle swarm 5 and wild domain 5.
With this setup i always join groups,it's useless to PvP with this setup
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Old 09-01-2011, 05:13 PM   #10
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This update is total nightmare for ALL!
Funny, I don't remember being asked.

I'm happy to see NGD making gradual balance changes.

I think the event needs improvement but like it, its good to see some life inner. Lot of folks shouting 'its all about war' but for new players 'its all about leveling' and its no fun doing that in an empty inner realm. It also seems like being forced to work with others is bitter medicine for some but that medicine is badly needed.

Jumping and fall damage add realism and watching folks who have got used to it is cool, the animations are nicely done.

Physics/collision tweaks, glitches squashed, all good.

Sorry, count me out
This update is total nightmare for ALL -1!
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