A few questions about game features in future.
I know game it's designed for Realm vs Realm and low PvP.But i have a few question about content of game and if there are plans with same new features.
[Q 1]Are there plans that world map to be revamped with more hight terrain details ,more complex and more vegetations?
-Personaly i will love to be there more bushes even in fixed pipelines to take cover ,to sneack etc.
[Q 2]Are there plans to introduce new races/classes as assassins or others?
[Q 3]Are there plans that spells system to be revamped and classes to share lowest number of trees with spells?
[Q 4]Are there plans to make a system with new spells activable via some items?(Example:Magna bow to give you acces to a unique spell spefic only for magna weapon,example 2: a dragon weapon/items to give you a unique spell :"dragon amulet to give you a buff area with % defense long cd ")
I hope people will not flame about some questions,are just questions ....