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Old 06-07-2012, 01:27 PM   #21
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Agree with Daar.

In short, the XP curve is not nearly as bad as before and players can be war competent at 50 +. Actually I have not seen the need to level my toons past 51 in any hurry. I play RvR so I can have fun operating in the crowd. The XP curve is not nearly as bad as the Asian grind mills although those do have a fair amount of side content which RO lacks.

This is the model NGD chose and the curve has to be there to pay the bills. Cutting it cuts revenue. it is for profit after all.

The boosters if given too often can create addicts who cannot function without it. Like Daar wrote, in my observation, these boosters do very little for retention as flaky players will be flaky players and disappear once the candy is gone.
Boosts could be used in more strategic ways like booster warzone hotspots which players fight for in low activity periods. For example you can use Momo island for this. Make another. It would be great to see free boosters have a pve/RvR conquest element to it. More low levels in the war zone, which could lead to better groups then better war. You have more things for high levels to do like patrol and defend these hotspots. This could lead to many good things. I had the zonal hotspot idea eons ago but alas it is lost in the labyrinth of the suggestions section.

Free boosts are nice and can be done to boost sagging populations or get people to log on in very low activity periods. But, when they do them, they should have some kind of knock on event to keep players interest up and bring something to the game other that just an experience gain. It should benefit the gameplay on multiple levels.

The way it is done now is just the most unimaginative and non-innovative way possible. But I suppose fatigued developers have very little room for creativity.

The XP boosts may get people here but the question is how do you keep them coming back when the booster is gone ?

Besides, there are other ways to soften the XP curve. One way is to cut the resists/ evades on mobs to very low. Another way is to apply daily quests with decent XP and other quests (event spawned type) that you can do. Add 1 quest per level from level 42 to level 60. For the spawned events quests they will need to have their instance engine up and running. If they ever get instances going it will really widen the scope of what is possible in this game.
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Old 06-07-2012, 01:55 PM   #22
Join Date: May 2010
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standistortion is on a distinguished road

God bless your optimism Bois, all good ideas of the type that sound clearly obvious after you've heard them (ie, the right way to do it). Don't know how you can keep coming up with them after seeing so many ignored and after seeing the kind of changes that have been made instead. If some of them where implemented I'd feel like playing again, a free 50% XP boost and reduced prices aren't a good enough reason to fire up RO again though.

EDIT. Why do I still have to spread reputation before adding to Bois? I've given out at least 10 to others since the last time.
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Old 06-07-2012, 04:33 PM   #23
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Wait, we talk about xp boost and i haven't shouted NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yet? Ehm. Okay:

http://nooooooooooooooo.com .
But yes, i am with Artec and Daar on it.
I heard draconic gem makes people stupid. Now i see it is exactly so.
lol fail \ iFail \ I Am Multirealmer
Good bye RO, the poor players.... have fun
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Old 06-07-2012, 07:23 PM   #24
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Cuchulainn is on a distinguished road

IMHO a small boost (50%) for levels 1-45 is fine, but for highlevel players there shouldn't be any boosts (except the premium boost items).

I don't believe that a boost to lower levels will harm NGD's revenue. More people will be patient enough to reach a RvR capable level and will see that RvR is actually much more fun than PvE in this game. Also it's more attractive for players who already have a highlevel char, to start a new one. Players who have no patience will just switch to another game, before they even see the RvR.
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Old 06-08-2012, 01:30 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
IMHO a small boost (50%) for levels 1-45 is fine, but for highlevel players there shouldn't be any boosts (except the premium boost items).

I don't believe that a boost to lower levels will harm NGD's revenue. More people will be patient enough to reach a RvR capable level and will see that RvR is actually much more fun than PvE in this game. Also it's more attractive for players who already have a highlevel char, to start a new one. Players who have no patience will just switch to another game, before they even see the RvR.
I do agree with this notion to some extent. However I do think that some encouragement should be given to higher levels considering the amount of XP needed in comparison to the amount of XP enemy and mob kills give. Consideration must also be given to the fact that quests drop off to almost nil after level 40. Nil after 50.

As a side issue , I still strongly believe that offering a low level realm v Realm area such as my level cap island idea is much more interesting and compelling a way to encourage players to level up and actually stay with the game. You shouldn't have to wait to find end game entertainment after 50 , you should have a taste all the way up.
I mean, isn't it an admission of failure and extremely weak pve/quest structure if the developers are going to offer boosters (free!) to help you get past mind numbing content to get to the good content? It never ceases to amaze me that GMs and GCs have to maintain prattle on the Realm chat (in Ignis) just to give the impression of bustling activity there.

I don't know, it just seems logical to me that players should have a constant reminder of what they can expect at the end. If you are selling massive RvR it just seems logical to me that you should be advertising this all the way through the game by your content. The level expansion gives the developers just such an opportunity to have a 'juniors' and 'seniors' RvR type experience. You don't need instances to achieve this. Just level cap isolated areas.

How does this all relate to the topic? If you have compelling content all the way through, you need less free boosters to sell average/ sub average content. Players will want to experience the whole game because there will be something valuable in that. Conversely, you will sell more premium because there would be more players, activity and, whet the appetite of the ones you already captured .
I could be wrong.
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