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Old 10-30-2012, 05:44 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Camuflado atendiendo el celular
Posts: 312
Sombra_gris_ is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Help: History of RO (Syrtis)

Hi , in spanish forum we are trying to compile the history of Syrtis from the quest.

any information is usefull.. we need any screen about history ; heroes of the realm and data about the war. Also need information about :

who is the actual syrtis's King

where is the "Eternal Crying cascade(?)"

How and hum create de runic stones

any information about "Lemorel"

Details about arvanna Lake

Any clu about the homeland of elfs..

Why the war against the Igneos (not Ignitas) begin.

Any information about "raptor de almas" ( soul reaper ; keaper, rogue.. don't know how you call it)

you can put you data in these thread! Thanks!

alsius and Ignis stories have alredy be made. But they are in spanish..

this is the link to the thread for theinformation:


Soy un atrevido, ya se, resusitar algo tan muerto como esto es un delito que merece la pena mayor. Pero hoy al menos no vengo a trollear, tengo un buen motivo.

He recibido amenazas e intimidaciones varias de algunos elfos que prometieron darme muerte si no escribía la historia de Syrtis pronto. Bajo una enorme tensión, en un estado de estress absoluto, me he puesto a levear "nuevamente" un elfo, ya que el que había estado subiendo anteriormente lo tengo en el Haven (no pregunten, yo tampoco se)...

En fin, no voy a ponerme minucioso y explicarles vida y obra de lo que hago. Vine acá para pedirle ayuda a la comunidad syrtiense.


Ya que, al igual que los ignitas, ninguno de ustedes gusanos se ha dignado a escribir siquiera un párrafo de su historia estaría bueno que colgaran screens en este thread de toda quest o dialogo de NPC que les parezca extraño o relevante.
También pueden aportar toda la info que tengan acerca de lo que se les ocurra que puede servir. En tanto me ayuden mas rápido saldrá la historia...

He estado averiguando cosas muy interesantes tanto de Syrtis como de los reinos enemigos, que arman muy bien la historia y le dan forma. Todo encaja como un rompecabezas, pero me faltan los conectores, es decir, la información de relleno para hilar bien la historia.

Información que podría serme útil es:

* Quien es el rey actual en Syrtis (no es ni Ancalimon ni Ataleon, atenti)
* Donde esta o que es la "Cascada del llanto eterno" (no es la de Salto Grande)
* Como se crearon las tres rocas rúnicas o quien las creó
* Algo mas de información sobre Lemorel
* Detalles sobre el lago de Arvanna
* Tierra de donde provienen los elfos, o si nacieron en este continente (esto último no creo, ya que tienen su ciudad capital fuera de la isla)
* Por que los igneos quisieron destruir su reino
* Info sobre el Raptor de Almas. En Syrtis hay mas información de esto que en otros reinos

Tengo mis propias hipótesis sobre esto, pero no quiero arriesgar antes de ver todos los datos que sea posible.
Pueden colgar todo tipo de imagenes, screens, links o escribir info, cosas que recuerden o hayan visto, que les pareció raro... nose, cualquier cosa.

Como se que ustedes los elfos son perezosos y comerciantes VOY A DAR KARMA A TODO EL QUE AYUDE. Y si el post y la info son buenas, prometo 2 KARMAS!!! (?)
Enserio, tírenme una manito que sino me van a tener un mes y medio rompiendoles la garompa en Syrtis, y yo tampoco quiero estar un mes y medio ahí.

Un saludo enorme, con cariño y mucho amor de parte de...

El bárbaro mas sexy, groso y colorado de todo RO
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Old 10-30-2012, 04:42 PM   #2
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I'm a bit rusty from the quest but I'll try my best

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
who is the actual syrtis's King
I wouldn't call him exactly a "King". However the most important person in Syrtis is Ancalimon Jadescribe.

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
where is the "Eternal Crying cascade(?)"
Never heard it/forgot.

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
How and hum create de runic stones
I don't think there is how the Runes were created.
However, you go and collect materials to make identical ones. Water from the Water Spring, Air from Korsum Surroundings, Earth from soil Thalos gives you and Fire I've forgotten.

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
any information about "Lemorel"
Lemoral was an ancient prophet(Who I suspect he was a Wood Elf. Although I can't imagine a prophet without a beard ). He predicted that things will go wrong if Syrtians uses the Dark Magic they've found from the igneos. Who opposed his prophecy got banished which now they are the people of Ignis(except Moloks, they're the natives of the land, so they didn't leave Syrtis).

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
Details about arvanna Lake
Well I don't know anything spetacular but in Arvanna Woods, there is Malaguy Summon...and Vesper

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
Any clu about the homeland of elfs..
Syrtis itself?

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
Why the war against the Igneos (not Ignitas) begin.
The Igneos wanted to dominate everywhere I guess. They failed and got wiped out. Their Dark Magic was found by Syrtis and well...see Information about Lemorel

Originally Posted by Sombra_gris_ View Post
Any information about "raptor de almas" ( soul reaper ; keaper, rogue.. don't know how you call it)
Not sure what you mean/Never heard of it I think.

Hope I helped a bit
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Old 10-30-2012, 05:13 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Brother-brian is an unknown quantity at this point

It would be nice if the Realm histories actually had something to do with the gameplay. As it is, it's just a bunch of hard-to-follow nonsense that someone made up as an excuse to build a game around. The story has absolutely zero to do with the game all quests should just say
"Go kill 10 mobs for gold and xp, noob".
"Go to all enemy forts and try not to die, schmuck".
"Go get ingredients for potion for this guy, 'cause we said so".
"No more quests for you, go grind mobs for the next week".

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Old 10-30-2012, 08:41 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Camuflado atendiendo el celular
Posts: 312
Sombra_gris_ is an unknown quantity at this point

There is a story behind all that , the Alsius and Ignis stories ar done , you can find them in the spanish forum..translate it!

is the syrtis one that miss.

there are very good text , read its!!


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