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Old 03-24-2013, 10:47 AM   #1
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Default The New One-sided Invasion

Can anyone with the right state of mind clear this with me.The bottom line of this new invasion is?

1. Losing realm/Defending realm gets to fight a 1 hitter Dragon for 1 or more hours in the wall.
2. Has to face 70 enemies at the same time and risk of getting killed by the Dragon.
3. While the losing realm loses all the gems, Winning realm gets to open portal and summon the dragon and has the opportunity to get the gems again because the Dragon is still there.
4. Enemy realm can just hide behind the Dragon and run from trapdoors.

I don't know what in the galaxy of logic you got this concept but, it seems one sided only to the winning realm. Is this NGD's intention? The worst has come for realm imbalance.

1. No balance.
2. No opportunity to defend.
3. The weakest realms gets fed always.

It kinda sucks if NGD's answer is yes yes yes! and Losing realm just have to live with it. It be nice to have a formal answer. So that those people who spent their lives defending can just have a beer and sleep.

I can't understand why we can't play a game that is balanced and has no corruption with game masters. I guess in reality if you are ugly, you are just ugly and die.

Well, NGD, Is it because this game is FREE ? And it has to have a low quality of logic in Balance and game play.

This game at worst has lost its boner or balls.
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Old 03-24-2013, 10:56 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by trulyem View Post
This game at worst has lost its boner or balls.
my sides are in orbit
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Old 03-24-2013, 11:14 AM   #3
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They had in mind for the lower-populated realm to have a chance to invade. However I guess it wasn't well-thought.
Sad part is, I don't think it will change. At least for another year.
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Old 03-24-2013, 11:57 AM   #4
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Some will and some won't like the new invasion stuff.
For me invasions used to be fun, being a game with 3 realms it would also involve all 3 realms.
On RA the number of fort/castle fights has, sadly enough, decreased a lot. Only the relic is interesting.
Invasions with a dragon on my side or a dragon as enemy do not give me fun so i do not participate.
To my opinion the game is pretty much ruined with this new invastion stuff.
The 'game over' for RO is coming closer and closer for me.
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Old 03-24-2013, 12:29 PM   #5
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El nuevo sistema de invasión en mi opinión es bueno, pues se arman grandes batallas por la posesión de 1 reliquia y posterior una futura invasión. La modalidad de poner como aliado al dragón de cada reino es una gran ventaja,claro si el reino que invade la sabe aprovechar,así de simple y sencillo no por tener al dragón de tu lado vas a sacar gemas =); es cuestión de pensar y organizar. Y sobre que hay reino que no participa por las reliquias,ellos sabrán porque no lo hacen;porque jugadores los tiene.
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Old 03-24-2013, 02:57 PM   #6
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I see at least two serious issues with the current system:
  • dragon at gate isn't good, because when one realm was able to collect relics it means they have more characters in game than defending realms, they hardly need a dragon to help them. Also it is prone to bugs...
  • relics have a side effect: when a fort has no relic in, realm have no reason to defend it or to try to get it back.

Possible solutions:
  • make dragon at gate vulnerable, so it could be rewarding for defenders to kill it (making defence easier), and eventually drop something.
    In this case, attackers have to think twice before launching their invasion attempt, since this will permit to enemies to kill their dragon and then perhaps be rewarded for it.
    Usual regular spawn of realm dragon could be removed with this change.
  • when a fort without relic is hold by enemies for 30 minutes, delay for other relics to open is reduced by 5 minutes by fort (so up to 20 minutes if one relic left, and all the 3 forts taken).
  • when gate of a realm is vulnerable, if active population within few hours is low regarding the one of the attacker, defender's dragon may spawn at gate too, to help on inner side.
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Old 03-24-2013, 03:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by mariocrazy View Post
El nuevo sistema de invasión en mi opinión es bueno, pues se arman grandes batallas por la posesión de 1 reliquia y posterior una futura invasión. La modalidad de poner como aliado al dragón de cada reino es una gran ventaja,claro si el reino que invade la sabe aprovechar,así de simple y sencillo no por tener al dragón de tu lado vas a sacar gemas =); es cuestión de pensar y organizar. Y sobre que hay reino que no participa por las reliquias,ellos sabrán porque no lo hacen;porque jugadores los tiene.
this is the english part of the forum for a reason, so please write in english.
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Old 03-24-2013, 05:45 PM   #8
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It seems as though NGD attempted to be creative with this new system, but they didn't think the entire concept through. Though these new mechanics can be fun at times, the negatives outweigh the positives. Though this was supposed to be a "better" invasion system, I honestly miss and prefer the old.


Not all is bad. Relic chasing has led to some really nice wars.... but that's really it. Everything else has major design flaws. (read below)


NGD stated that their new system was meant to make it easier to invade for lower populations, but from what I've seen, that's not at all true. After all, how is a realm with a lower population supposed to actually KEEP their relics (during all timezones) long enough to summon the dragon. That's assuming that the same realm actually manages to hold a fort for 30 minutes. Sure, invasions are now more common..... but for the strongest realm.

Now that we have invasion dragons, actually defending a gate from the outside is impossible. Frosk stated that this is intentional as the defending realm has already "lost the first stage of the invasion process" but this doesn't make any sense....... when you take into account that fact that we have lower levels grinding inside. I assume NGD's goal is to retain as many new players as possible, but I find that difficult to believe when you offer up a realm's newest players for slaughter so easily. (It's also quite amazing how NPCs can now be killed for quite a long time.)

Oh and what's the point of making the gate capturable? It's much easier to just not capture the gate and run through it (leaving it doorless). This is the method currently used on Haven all the time.

Furthermore, the pretty eye-candy invasion dragon has now taken away the ability for all 3 realms to contribute to a single invasion in their own way. Whenever one realm grew too populated, the other two realms would cooperate until things were balanced out. It was a factor that kept the currently populated realm in check. Now that isn't possible anymore, is it?

Lastly, there is a major lack of notifications in this new system. Once upon a time you were able to look at the map, notice all your forts were taken, and you would know that shit was about to go down. But now, most of the time you look at the map and it's not completely obvious that there's an invasion (unless from vibrations of the dragon). There is no timer for when the dragon leaves and there are no timers for when relics unlock.

The previous invasion mechanics had issues...... but this one makes the old look like heaven.
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Last edited by Aarisewan; 03-25-2013 at 02:01 PM.
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Old 03-24-2013, 05:59 PM   #9
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i like this system. But Dragon still bugged.

nowdays lot of invasions not FAILED like before.
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Old 03-24-2013, 07:04 PM   #10
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Positive feedback loop, that is currently present in invasion mechanics, works against balance, reinforces the stronger realms during invasions.
I think, there is enough feedbacks on the forums, why the dragon is not the greatest implementation, so I won't comment on it any further.

It's time for NGD to decide, whether they will modify the mechanics, or leave it.
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