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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 05-29-2013, 07:39 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 4,089
Frosk will become famous soon enough
Default [GUIDE] - Champions of Regnum – Hall of Fame

Feature description and explanation.

The Champions of Regnum Hall of Fame is a new feature directly related to end-game content. This new feature will be based on a museum-like gallery where players will be honored for their performance in Battlezones.

In order to do so, the Hall of Fame will award the best players of each Battle Season with a named statue of their very own characters, which will remain permanently in the game world for any current or future player to visit.
Due to its nature, the Hall of Fame will be set in another world instance, inside a region where combat is not allowed.

On release, it will only consist of a single Room that’s going to contain the statues of the 1st Battle Season winners.

To access this instance, players will be able to travel to the Middle Island, in which a portal to the Hall of Fame is placed.
As time goes by, and more Battle Seasons occur, more Rooms will become available to display the winners of future seasons. Different rooms will be connected through corridors.

Battle Seasons

A Battle Season is a period of time in which players will be evaluated depending on their performance in the Battlezones, such as Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag.
Each Battle Season will last for 3 (three) months.

The first Season will begin next Wednesday, June 12th.

Every time a player wins a Battlezone match, he or she will gain a Battlezone Victory.
Those players with the most Battlezone Victories at the end of the Battle Season will be awarded with a statue in the corresponding season’s room.
The Hall of Fame will hold 1 main Statue, and 6 smaller surrounding statues.

A - Season Statue Rewards

The main Statue will represent the absolute winner of each Battle Season, whom will be the player with the most Battle Victories in his/her world (server), regardless of his/her subclass.
On the other side, the surrounding statues will resemble the most winning players of each subclass, except for the player that shares the same subclass with the main Statue winner. In this case, the 2nd best will be picked.

B - Season Real-time progress rankings.

The Battle Victories will be measured throughout Rankings.
Each Season will have its own ranking, visible in the game’s home website, allowing users to check on their personal Victory score, as well as other players’ progress.

Once a Battle Season is over, the ranking will be closed and archived; giving place to a completely new one starting from scratch, that’ll start to count the victories of the beginning Season.

This way, fictional characters or NPC’s will not be the heroes in the game’s lore who possess statues with their names on them. It will be the players themselves those who leave a personal, and permanent, mark in the game’s world.

C - Content per Season.

Each Season will bring new content with it.
Whenever a new Season starts, a new Champion Armor Set will be released, that will have slightly better stats than those of the previous seasons.
The Champion Armor Sets will also include unique attributes and stats that will only work if the player is equipping the whole Armor Set from the same Season.

It’s worth mentioning that these attributes will only be granted by equipping all parts of the same set, and thus, combining parts from different Seasons will not have the desired effect.

Hall of Fame and Battle Season Premium-related content.

The Premium content will also be present during Battle Seasons.
To attract people onto consuming Ximerin, a series of consumable items are going to be released, that as Potions, will allow players to alter their attributes for a short period of time.

However, these items are exclusively destined to be use on Battlezones, not having any effect outside of this game mode.

These items will purchasable with Champion Coins at moderated prices, and with Ximerin at a very low cost.
Besides, there’s a possibility that in the future Champion Coins Boosters become available.

Best regards!

Last edited by Frosk; 06-04-2013 at 07:25 PM.
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