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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 10-28-2013, 10:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 270
Krungle is on a distinguished road
Default Dragon Strats

This thread is not b****-fest and I ask the moderators to kindly edit or remove all responses that are complaints about the new killable dragons.

This thread is about strategies to kill the new dragons. Period.

Let me start this. Each dragon has a unique breath weapon and resist as follows: Ignis: fire, Syrtis: lightening, Goats: cold. Gear and cast accordingly.

Also give Di to those with Mass Dispell first and come up with a rotation that is called out during the raid for the casting of Mass Dispell. I would imagine the casting of certain area of effect buffs should also be on a preset rotation (which buffs are yet to be seen).

What is needed is other attacks/resists and spell effects both on and from the dragons. Do the attacks follow a preprogrammed timing or sequence? In another game (that I literally wrote the book on killing the original dragons) one dragon would complete heal at a certain life level. Keeping her from casting it was key to a clean kill (basically 'Silence').

Are the normal attacks slashing, piercing or blunt? Does being at a certain location during attacks mitigate damage? What CC's do or do not work?

Although class make-up is needed to understand buffs and CC's do not for a second believe that some cookie-cutter group is the only way to succeed for it *never* is true.

ALWAYS post which dragon you fought in your posts as tactics might be unique to one dragon and not another.

So what is needed is also group make-up, what was tried and failed to have any effect *and* on what, specifically was it tried on. What did have an effect. What had a greater or lesser effect. And anything else you may find helpful.

Although with PvP and RvR I refuse to discuss tactics on the forums I see nothing wrong with sharing PvE info here. So please post about your experiences, successes and failures, but keep it limited to the mechanics of what happened and not complaints. If you want to complain there is section for that.

I thank everyone ahead of time for their aide with this thread.
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Old 11-01-2013, 04:06 PM   #2
Gabburtjuh's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Somewhere where grinding does NOT exist
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Gabburtjuh is on a distinguished road

Its simple, you get 3-4 conjs, 3-4 knights and fill the rest with barbs (or add a hunter/lock for debuffs)

The knights rotate their area buffs (sw, ss) and use either heroic or deflecting barrier, never both (so not one knight using deflecting barrier and another heroic either) Further the knights just debuff with disabling, taunt and fatal strike and hit the dragon.

The conjurers can rotate mana pylon/mana communication and try to rotate some aoe heals as most of the all the dragons damage comes from their 3 aoe spells now, further they just stay alive, buff their allies and try to give some heals/mana to them.

The barbs just buff and smack the mofo, rotating on owth and onslaught isnt needed, but its usefull to not use onslaught at thesame time as someone else, so you get maximum damage output from it.

Lock or hunter would just spend all his time debuffing, buffing their allies and maybe trying to do some damage.

Note: There's a 3 aura limit, thats why knights can't use both their aura's, as it would either block out mana communication leaving the group without mana, or mana pylon, which would mean you need to heal alot more.

Works for all 3 dragons.
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52

One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight
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