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Old 08-10-2014, 11:53 AM   #81
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Distracting shot's cd is 60 sec now, duration 15 sec on lvl 5, mana cost 250.
On Amun the duration was nerfed to 8 sec on lvl 5 but the mana cost is still 250 and the cd still 60 sec. Is that intended? Don't you think that for that 7 sec the mana cost is too high and the cd is too long? I do.
Seems that only the duration of spells was adjusted /nerfed and the mana cost and the CD was ignored....
Anyway, looking forward to the changes, at last something happens

BTW, what about dragons drop amulet again? Now that the super-bosses become lv 60,, dragons should drop amus too IMHO.
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Old 08-10-2014, 04:34 PM   #82
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Default Hunter ( special go for Stalker skill )

it wold be normal if Stalker ask for ally to cast it but this duration ..... 15 s on that speed ...... well Frosk why you guys don't remove move speed on hunter total and maybe put camo on 15 s as well and reduce tracking or remove that to ..... every update hunter lose more and more (from 15 % wild spirit to archers skills ( speed on sotw and 40 % move speed when enemy is in 5 m distance ok with that even marksmans lose then remove death sentence from marksman but put it as skill that is for melee dmg and hunters use arrows and range then let's not forget (archer ) Spell elude from 55 % on lvl 5 to just 55 point and duration / cool down on Acrobatic 120 s / 120 s and same on Spell elude to redced one ... only what hunters get is real Cold Blood and you reduce that as well now ..... only inproved is Shild piercing on LB and it's more helpfull for marksmans then hunters because Dual shot is good even now only have 1 sec cast down and if you wana it on lvl 5 you can't use WM skill or you need remove some of real inportant skills for hunter ) so let's just finish this and remove all from once ... maybe to remove hunter as class as well ....... maybee to remove hunter as class wold be best to do Frosk because you screwd it already big time
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Old 08-10-2014, 06:24 PM   #83
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i dont understand why we need all these changes.imo they wont create balance they will create more imbalance.why wasnt DI looked at.knights being able to dispel is another thing i find out of balance.the knight wm skill to heal is also out of balance i believe.

im all for changes if they help the game.all you have done in this upcoming update is nerf hunter to the point its practically useless at forts now(if it wasnt already).you have made marks stronger and that wasnt needed at all.

you did nothing about introducing boss jewellery and that imo causes so much imbalance.you can have a 5 on 5 fight and then a player as strong as luke or d'arch joins in and totally ruins all strategic and tactical game play needed to win because they have so much damage.they throw what was a great fun fight out the window and reduce it to a one sided slaughter.its not thier fault,id use that gear too if i was able to get it.why not make boss jewellery available to everyone,then you dont need to worry about recoding the game to make thier effects less noticable.

its getting harder and harder to find fun fights lately.they are always one sided and its boring as heck for many of us no matter what side were playing on.
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Old 08-10-2014, 07:38 PM   #84
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Hunters are still OP. Just need pets to be useful
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Old 08-10-2014, 08:12 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Irsh View Post
Looks like you edited your hate post from original.

And just because you don't know my alts doesn't mean I don't play other classes. And much less we certainly don't need balance advices from someone who just sits at cs and bitches and bitches and bitches about the game, NGD, other realms, multirealmers, utter-nonsense-no-one-cares-talk for years on end no matter the situation and is possibly currently inactive.

Now please stop derailing this thread with your nonsense and hate for me and post some actual working model of why you could think this update is bad. I won't reply to your dribble anymore.
"Looks like you edited your hate post from original" too. To be fair: this package's fixes are great & long-awaited, but the 'balance' portion is very dubious at best, an insulting joke at worst.

If you truly cannot understand my entirely valid points-of-contention then have someone knowledgeable translate it for you into your native language. Read it all again. I am saying as plainly as possible that in the most FUNDAMENTAL underpinning ways warriors needed a hard nerf, but instead are getting additional overall advantages they truly do not need (esp. also that barb damage is still too high as it was not nerfed at all), whereas hunters & locks are losing alot of those much-needed advantages that they once possessed & still have need of (nerfed cc durations, effect %'s, longer cd's, etc).

I am saying that warriors are obviously already the central classes in RvR, yet are unreasonably being made even more center-stage than they already were & that all the other classes (except marks) are being further weakened & marginalized than they already were. Everyone elses' roles are increasingly about buffing, healing, dispelling, providing mana, & setting up enemies for the real killers (warriors, mostly the max-dps barbs) by using what cc's/debuffs/etc we have.

I'm saying this game is increasingly becoming more-&-more of a brawling dps/soak-slugfest warrior's-paradise (with uber-marks happy as clams too ofc) with the rest of us essentially becoming nothing more than support-flunkies & cannon-fodder target-dummies to steamroll over. Exaggerative? Yes. But it does feel this way to many at times. Go ahead; don't believe or listen to me. Ask around in game (most don't read, let alone post, in these forums); they'll tell ya' the same ('sadly' yes, to do this u will have to actually use the chat for something other than barking occasional orders &/or bitching at those who didn't do what u wanted because they don't read minds or have 360 degree vision).

Don't be coy. Don't waste our time. We all know you are 100%-barb-at-heart & rarely ever play any other class longterm (I on the other hand play all 6 near-equally, one class per day during the week & I'll readily admit knight was/is my fav). Of course you don't want my balanced advice. I really strive for true objectivity & fairness, have keen insights & perspective into essential underlying fundamentals & am trying to balance all these things properly, for all ppl & classes. You just know what you like. Big f-ing difference.

FYI: I clearly recognize your 'barbness', but I don't hate you (yet I know you hate me; you've proven it time after time with your bitch-bitch-bitchy dismissive & diminuating insults & slurs). Face it; you're the one here who's spouting "utter-nonsense-no-one-cares-talk for years on end no matter the situation...Now please stop derailing this thread with your nonsense and hate for me and post some actual working model of why you could think this update is" actually so good, so fair & balanced in RvR for all. "I won't reply to your dribble anymore" unless it's content is truly substantive in relevance. Otherwise, please leave all the heavy-lifting detail-work to the deeply-cognizant adults from now on p & ty.

Last edited by Lebeau; 08-10-2014 at 08:39 PM. Reason: knowledgeable spelling corrected
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Old 08-10-2014, 09:51 PM   #86
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After reading another nerf update for warlocks, let me give my opinion.

Warlocks, as we are now, are very slow damage dealers. Weak armor, weak defense, low damage output and the only way we can defend from melee classes is to keep the range. New update nerfs all the warlock abilities to keep the enemy off the range. This could be acceptable if damage output for all usual damage spells (lightning, ice...) is 50% or 100% higher. But, as someone already stated (I think it was Sathius), with new nerf update all the vital spells goes to cooldown too fast and lock is left helpless without anything to do against rushing enemy.

Next important nerf is changing frozen storm and time master effect. The worst thing about it that it will be dispellable! Raising FS chance from 90% to 100% doesn't mean a thing - it's still resisted and blocked by many players.

You took the powers from usable spells (not OP, not fantastic, just usable) and used it to buff up absolutelly unusable spells to make it a little less unusable - petrify hands, laziness, wind wall...

SM magnification buffing is not worth commenting.

Anyway, since warlock is my main class and I'm not intending to grind up knight to stay alive in battles long as you planned it, and if you implement those proposed changes without serious modifications, I'm off of CoR. I was playing warlock, as hard as it because it was challenging, and I found some fun in it. With new update challenging level becomes impossible and this is the moment when the fun will gone.

Bonus moment is that I'm on the vacation next few weeks and my quitting will not be too hard.

tldr; I'm far from being happy with this update. Buffing sultar's terror is nice, but not sweet enough to accept all other bullshit.
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Old 08-10-2014, 10:30 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
After reading another nerf update for warlocks, let me give my opinion.

Warlocks, as we are now, are very slow damage dealers. Weak armor, weak defense, low damage output and the only way we can defend from melee classes is to keep the range. New update nerfs all the warlock abilities to keep the enemy off the range. This could be acceptable if damage output for all usual damage spells (lightning, ice...) is 50% or 100% higher. But, as someone already stated (I think it was Sathius), with new nerf update all the vital spells goes to cooldown too fast and lock is left helpless without anything to do against rushing enemy.

Next important nerf is changing frozen storm and time master effect. The worst thing about it that it will be dispellable! Raising FS chance from 90% to 100% doesn't mean a thing - it's still resisted and blocked by many players.

You took the powers from usable spells (not OP, not fantastic, just usable) and used it to buff up absolutelly unusable spells to make it a little less unusable - petrify hands, laziness, wind wall...

SM magnification buffing is not worth commenting.

Anyway, since warlock is my main class and I'm not intending to grind up knight to stay alive in battles long as you planned it, and if you implement those proposed changes without serious modifications, I'm off of CoR. I was playing warlock, as hard as it because it was challenging, and I found some fun in it. With new update challenging level becomes impossible and this is the moment when the fun will gone.

Bonus moment is that I'm on the vacation next few weeks and my quitting will not be too hard.

tldr; I'm far from being happy with this update. Buffing sultar's terror is nice, but not sweet enough to accept all other bullshit.
Although I agree to a lot of points you make, you have to think away from a Warlock's point of view and look what it means for all the other classes to fight a lock in field.

1) Deadlock CC: If you're willing to commit a bit of time its quite easy to learn a few cc chains to completely kill an enemy without him being able to do shit to you
2) Group fight ability: A lock can fight mulitple enemies at the same time. I agree you need skill to do so, but it's possible. And once you got the deal groups of 5 or 6 loose to a lock+conj combo. My personal record is killing 7 ppl at the same time together with a lock only.
3) Freeze OP: Yes, freeze is imho one of the best cc the game offers, it's not dispellable from range, there is no mass dispell for it. And you got two areas applying this effect.
4) Tradeoffs: NGD gave you some pretty nice tradeoffs for loosing long time ccs. Lazyness offers a 70% DMG reduction, it basically makes an enemy hit as hard as if you had shield wall and stars shield buffed, although you don't need a knight for it. No other class got so nice spells as tradeoff for the general cc reduction. (Keep in mind, all CCs have been shortened, so it doesn't only affect you)
5) Hard CC is toxic: Fighting a lock is no fun, he offers too much CC. While I agree that a locks DMG output has to go up in order to make him feel better, you should not make him able to stun you to hell again. And still, you got enough "soft" cc to make up for your loss of hard cc, try around and use it.

I may not have that much of experience playing a lock as some others, but I spent a lot of time hunting with some. All classes have to addapt to the new changes. Trying and playing the same way as before is impossible, for any class. Think out of the box, try something new.
And of course NGD stated they will have more changes coming in the future, I am quite sure there will be something affecting mage.

And a last "but" to all of you fellow mage players: Mage was considered to be the hardest class to play, but it didn't feel like it at all. Take it as a challenge, and so will I.

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Old 08-10-2014, 10:30 PM   #88
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With knights being so strong now, maybe it would be better to take away the passive block ability, and make them block only through Precise Block.

Also, something need to be done about Mindsquasher so you cannot spam it or something. After this update was announced, people on Haven have skilled accordingly, especially knights, and in one hour fight at Aggers yesterday, I received approximately 55 mindsquashers from Ignis knights which worked 90% of the time. If not this update, then maybe you could think about it in the future ones.

One idea that comes in mind is the same as stalker, you need x number of allies around/near you in x/y range to use Mindsquasher. But this will be sorta like temporary fix, so not sure.

Last edited by Irsh; 08-10-2014 at 11:17 PM. Reason: added content
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Old 08-11-2014, 12:12 AM   #89
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I was asked to post my ideas of proper balance & so I did....
....(months ago)....:

Is it perfect? No, very likely it's not. Is it entirely completed? Again, no, it's not (for one, I'd add a change to the spell-cd-system: after character dies, all cd's reset IF he/she rezzes to the gate or an altar, but they do not reset if rezzed by a conj; there are many changes others have recommended as well that are solid gold, yet are unlisted there). Yet, is my recommendation-package more balanced overall for RvR considerations & thus better overall than the current test-package on Amun? Yes, I really think it is.

If the desire is overwhelmingly there in the community to further reduce cc durations (as is the case in this Amun test-package), then it is fully possible to still use my package's recommendations as a metric of sorts. However, if these cc reductions are made, other related 'factor' reductions must also be made to retain a reasonably healthy & consistent balance.

One, movement would need to revert again to the slower rate we once had 4 years ago. Slower movement rate would increase the 'time'-factor I spoke of in an earlier post here, as well as reduce latency & position errors also (both of which increased once move-rate was increased back then, so win-win). Two, all bow base-ranges would need a 5m range reduction to offset the movement reduction (& perhaps foresight & para shot would need further modifications as well).

Just food for thought....(& more to come)....

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Old 08-11-2014, 12:31 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Ryan_Carmon View Post
Although I agree to a lot of points you make, you have to think away from a Warlock's point of view and look what it means for all the other classes to fight a lock in field.

1) Deadlock CC: If you're willing to commit a bit of time its quite easy to learn a few cc chains to completely kill an enemy without him being able to do shit to you
2) Group fight ability: A lock can fight mulitple enemies at the same time. I agree you need skill to do so, but it's possible. And once you got the deal groups of 5 or 6 loose to a lock+conj combo. My personal record is killing 7 ppl at the same time together with a lock only.
3) Freeze OP: Yes, freeze is imho one of the best cc the game offers, it's not dispellable from range, there is no mass dispell for it. And you got two areas applying this effect.
4) Tradeoffs: NGD gave you some pretty nice tradeoffs for loosing long time ccs. Lazyness offers a 70% DMG reduction, it basically makes an enemy hit as hard as if you had shield wall and stars shield buffed, although you don't need a knight for it. No other class got so nice spells as tradeoff for the general cc reduction. (Keep in mind, all CCs have been shortened, so it doesn't only affect you)
5) Hard CC is toxic: Fighting a lock is no fun, he offers too much CC. While I agree that a locks DMG output has to go up in order to make him feel better, you should not make him able to stun you to hell again. And still, you got enough "soft" cc to make up for your loss of hard cc, try around and use it.

I may not have that much of experience playing a lock as some others, but I spent a lot of time hunting with some. All classes have to addapt to the new changes. Trying and playing the same way as before is impossible, for any class. Think out of the box, try something new.
And of course NGD stated they will have more changes coming in the future, I am quite sure there will be something affecting mage.

And a last "but" to all of you fellow mage players: Mage was considered to be the hardest class to play, but it didn't feel like it at all. Take it as a challenge, and so will I.

Yeah, locks will be fine.

Time master is closest a lock has to a safety spell, something all other classes have. It will be missed, it an awesome feeling when screw up some gankers with it.
But this new spell have potential, the benefit of working better on sotw, um and knights, it can also be precast and used with mp, static field or other spells for great effect.

Lazyness may be an ok support spell, but with a 2 sec cast limited range it hardly very useful as defence, no use on DI or when confused also easily dispelled in rvr, its rather weak to spend 5 points in it +20% hardly going to make a new must have spell.

Mind push 4-5 might work well enough with the increased cast time on roar, just be ready disp balestra which likely will be the new spell of choice.

Frozen storm as stun will be something ngd soon regrets, best gank spell ever range 25 roar ftw. Talk about smörgåsbord for barbs with their jb+kick hack n slah instant win combo.

This update is not that much to be worried about, In fact the freeze spam will be pretty nice to get rid of also.
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