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Old 08-12-2014, 10:11 PM   #211
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Conjurer heals are too high, the only class that can outdamage the heals is barb..
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:25 PM   #212
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Grounding Arrow: Duration increased to 4 seconds. Mana Cost: 95-120-145-170-195 from levels 1 to 5. Cast time: 0.5 secs
Revert it back to 2 sec, it was a good spell, don't make it OP. 4 sec immobilize form 35m in every 30 sec is just too much for a class like marksman. 2 sec is pretty enough to escape or to slow somebody down for a short time. Compare it to pricing ivy, grounding arrow is superior in everything.
Saturas - warlock (Horus)
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:27 PM   #213
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
Conjurer heals are too high, the only class that can outdamage the heals is barb..
yes, but this had already been the case, just think of live savior and material wall.
It just got adjusted to RvR more which is good. 800 may be too much, I'm not sure ... but anyways it's all the same, read the following post please
Originally Posted by Awrath View Post
Well, I'm glad to see a balance update that's long overdue. But, as I do in every balance update, I still have to whine about some core issues that I feel needs to be changed before balance can be seriously looked at. Scias did mention them earlier. There are a few fundamental problems in this game.

Firstly, shared trees is a huge problem and really you should get rid of them, subclasses should not be sharing trees. The primary reason why we have useless spells that no one uses is because of shared trees. Certain spells you cannot adjust and make useful without making it OP on certain classes. By removing shared trees you can still have common spells but alter the duration, spell effect or damage output more effectively.

Secondly, scaling is something that needs to be looked into, especially with mages. Fixed damage spells means that a level 37 mage with the same level 5 spells effectively is as powerful as a level 60 mage using that same spell. These spells should be scaling, and it would be nice if it scaled the damage output with the amount of int on the mage (The same could be done with heals).

Thirdly, the current armour system needs to go. The more you "balance" with the current armour system the harder it will be to balance in the future. You are balancing damage output to an armour system that is pretty poor. Absolute damage reductions need to go!

Effectively these balance updates are just temporary fixes, as come your next level cap raise, which I assume you will want to do to preserve the longevity of your game, it will all break again.

tl;dr Core issues need to be addressed first.

That's the end of my mandatory whine. Good job otherwise, but I do hope you have plans to address the root cause of your balance problems.
please give this man a cookie... totally agree.
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:31 PM   #214
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hunter at least look on something now ( not happy with duation of sotw and ecapist and can't cast bouth in time but will manage same go for distract shot but it can be managed )

Staleker can be cast only with ally it's ok to but there is bug in time lvl 1 have same duration as lvl 5 need be 90 s on lvl 2 3 4 time is correct

Last edited by Adrian; 08-12-2014 at 10:40 PM. Reason: Merged double posting. Please use EDIT button
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:40 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by Awrath View Post
We already know this. I kindly ask everyone to focus on the changes we are making NOW. Core issues need to be addressed, but the game as it is now NEEDS this kind of update first (as it is doable and effective, because core issue fix attempts can fail).

So, let us focus on the priorities and understand that saying what should change is easy. Come on, I could say that we should switch from petrol to electrical cars, stop eating meat and finding a 100% easy to access and cheap contraceptive method and yes, I'm the man of the year for saying that (no offense intended, Awrath, because what you say is right and I agree, but not on the order, prioritization and do-ability).

So, let's go back to finish polishing this changes. Next updates bring more and more interesting changes (specially about end-gameplay) to make the game dynamic again. Core problems? Take time and we need to make the game enjoyable again to buy that time.

Trust us, this time we're giving you proof and we're complying.

Let's go back in topic. (for any other problematic discussion, create a new thread, thank you!)
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Old 08-12-2014, 10:55 PM   #216
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Sad to see new Stalker go, was imaging pretty fun ways to use it :/
Could you remove the "nearby ally" requirement, too, because it's not not worth to use with a group anymore (At least from a "hunting" perspective)

Mind Blank:
Yeah well, now my beloved conj was hit hard and I gotta start a rant as well
On a more serious sidenote, I'd like to suggest 3 ways for the new MB, since you're wanting (and have IMHO) to change it. In the following I suggest values for level 5 spells

1) Keep it in the old fashion, but make it shorter
Duration: 15 sec
Cooldown: 60-90 sec
Effect stays the same
This makes it not that worth to skill it anymore but I would surely set some points into it just for the random "got ya cc" effect.

2) Make it work similar to SotW, but just block the effects
Duration: 7 sec
Cooldown: 50 sec
Immune to stuns as listed in live version
This makes it more like a "get out of jail free card" like archers have it. Has to be used properly to make it worth using

3) Make it block the next x spell CC effects
Duration: 20 sec
Cooldown: 90 sec
Immune for the next 5 incoming spell cc
The counter should also run down if spells like SC or other non-cc powers are cast on the conj to make him use it properly and to have a way to "remove" the buff from the conj as attacking enemy

Some other ideas:
Beast Attack: I still don't know why you're keeping the dizzynes effect on this spells. It serves kinda lika a double take. - Here, I gonna hit fucking hard, oh, and you now may die cuz dizzy. Either lower the DMG % down to 100% for a 100% dizzy for 2-6 or keep the 150% dmg and remove dizzy completely. Mana cost should be lowered while applying any of the 2 solutions.
Retaliation: Still bugged, does only return spells with a fixed dmg value (physical or magical) and just runs of by spells that just cause weap dmg. Also does not expire by casting a non-damaging spell on the archer

And maybe its possible to add a 2-6 second instant-camo spell for hunters. Would be nice to have to counter to fulmi or marks range deadlock infight.
This one is ofc copied by the new-old-removed Stalker, but I really liked the idea and maybe this is something fun to have for hunters without creating to much imbalance. Oppinions?
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Old 08-12-2014, 11:06 PM   #217
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Originally Posted by Ryan_Carmon View Post
Sad to see new Stalker go, was imaging pretty fun ways to use it :/
Could you remove the "nearby ally" requirement, too, because it's not not worth to use with a group anymore (At least from a "hunting" perspective)

Mind Blank:
Yeah well, now my beloved conj was hit hard and I gotta start a rant as well
On a more serious sidenote, I'd like to suggest 3 ways for the new MB, since you're wanting (and have IMHO) to change it. In the following I suggest values for level 5 spells

1) Keep it in the old fashion, but make it shorter
Duration: 15 sec
Cooldown: 60-90 sec
Effect stays the same
This makes it not that worth to skill it anymore but I would surely set some points into it just for the random "got ya cc" effect.

2) Make it work similar to SotW, but just block the effects
Duration: 7 sec
Cooldown: 50 sec
Immune to stuns as listed in live version
This makes it more like a "get out of jail free card" like archers have it. Has to be used properly to make it worth using

3) Make it block the next x spell CC effects
Duration: 20 sec
Cooldown: 90 sec
Immune for the next 5 incoming spell cc
The counter should also run down if spells like SC or other non-cc powers are cast on the conj to make him use it properly and to have a way to "remove" the buff from the conj as attacking enemy

Some other ideas:
Beast Attack: I still don't know why you're keeping the dizzynes effect on this spells. It serves kinda lika a double take. - Here, I gonna hit fucking hard, oh, and you now may die cuz dizzy. Either lower the DMG % down to 100% for a 100% dizzy for 2-6 or keep the 150% dmg and remove dizzy completely. Mana cost should be lowered while applying any of the 2 solutions.
Retaliation: Still bugged, does only return spells with a fixed dmg value (physical or magical) and just runs of by spells that just cause weap dmg. Also does not expire by casting a non-damaging spell on the archer

And maybe its possible to add a 2-6 second instant-camo spell for hunters. Would be nice to have to counter to fulmi or marks range deadlock infight.
This one is ofc copied by the new-old-removed Stalker, but I really liked the idea and maybe this is something fun to have for hunters without creating to much imbalance. Oppinions?
lol about stalker maybe if you read up most hunters agree wold be fair about ally part but duration was problem but well from mage view that duration is problem as I see but then again as I tell before for mages or warriors that think like you wold be best to remove hunter move speed, camo, stalker .... maybee all posible skill and leave it on normal hits and maybee even slower then other classes ... lucky for hunters taht will not happen and well with this current situation and last update it's acceptable for hunters not great but still acceptable
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Old 08-12-2014, 11:08 PM   #218
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German Translations are not quite on point.

For SotW and Escapist "Abzuluze" should be "Absolute"
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Old 08-13-2014, 04:08 AM   #219
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Concerning CC's (My 2-cents-worth):

-A very good rule-of-thumb on durations imho would be 2/3/4/5/6 secs on all knocks & freezes (shorter because target becomes completely helpless, or invulnerable), 4/5/6/7/8 secs on all dizzies, stuns, can't-attacks & immobilizes, & 12/15/18/21/24 (or perhaps 8/12/16/20/24) secs for confuse & darkness. The various slow-CC's are currently a very hodge-podge mixed-bag of various effect %'s, durations & cd's (tbph not sure what to make of them all atm as a single cc-type, but thinking on it). It's hard to balance the use of CC's when a certain class has so high a dps-production that they can easily kill in less than one cc's duration (this needs to be looked at closely & adjusted as well imho). I'd like to add a stun-component CC to the spell Golem Fist (this would get more to skill it I'm sure). Also, no single-target CC, or de-buff either, should ever have a longer cd than 1 min. Opinions?

Last edited by Lebeau; 08-13-2014 at 04:19 AM.
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Old 08-13-2014, 06:00 AM   #220
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Heals 800?
Mind Blank malus?
Mana Burn increased cooldown?

I'm kind of with Ryan_Carmon on Mind Blank. Or at least increase its effects to let's say:
70% CC Resist.
20s duration
70s Cool down

I'm ok with that as a support conjurer. Doesn't effect it too much.

But Warjurer? It's the side a Conjurer grinds and rages.
The only Crowd Control spells a Conjurer has, have been nerfed. And yes, all the classes have been, which is a GOOD thing.

However, a Conjurer is severely limited at offence now. We still have the old arsenal, with exception of Timemaster, so we can dwell alright.
We have Staff Mastery now, yes! If only it wasn't that gear depended that made players assholes to trade you a piece of gear.

But defence? Let's see:
Steel Skin and Mind Blank? Yeah they're going to be used to run away.
Force Armour? Not very "armoury". Combined with Karma Mirror gives you a chance to hold on yourself for about 10s about it.
Self Heals: Those are the only thing that remained unchanged.
Energy Barrier: It's an eh. Good for the first few hits, after that, he's vulnerable.

And I do know that these changes are RvR oriented and I'm with that. As a supportive Conjurer I'm still benefiting.

Notes about summons:
Can you please add the command bar to summons that doesn't disappear after the enemy dies? That would give a certain supportive element in Summon tree.
I would say something about mana reduction but people may not like that at all.

One thing I wish to see is:

Some CC or damage spell on the Conjurer trees. Something useful as an offence which can be used by a Conjurer.
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