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View Poll Results: Change the invasion system?
Yes 10 50.00%
No 7 35.00%
Other 3 15.00%
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Old 07-30-2015, 10:37 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
On my time zone Alsius has like 10-15, Syrtis 20-30,
Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
Wow we got many online cool, we go forts start invasion, weird no opposition from Syrtis..
LOL? Admit that alsius the overpoprealm and dont start to talk some BS.
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Old 07-30-2015, 11:53 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by time-to-die View Post
LOL? Admit that alsius the overpoprealm and dont start to talk some BS.
The time when i am at work-> no idea is it overpopulation or is it mindless farming of the empty realms or most likely BOTH.

My time zone recently its either i log, no action log out or i log to be farmed by syrtis at trelle.

And the bunch of failed invasions in 2014 is a fact, inconvinient maybe to many ppl here who multi but still is a fact and a reason why I didnt care about any invasions except defending my realm gate.

Now with new retarded system of rewards at forts I stop care about forts as well as for recent months i can recall mabe 4-5 fights when there was nice fun with decent numbers n both sides-> no one sided farm-> dull

Actualy the only reason i log so far is to chat with the few remaining friends who log from time to time and selling the remaining items i have.

I hope NGD will change stupid wmc wish to wmc booster as it will be useless for jumping monkeys and farmers and will benefit only ppl participating in more fair good fort fights. Now you can just log in get wmc log out what is stupid. Fort rewards also need change, reward should be given when holding more then one enemy fortification only.

Since january i participated total in 5 invasions including 2 yesterday-> Ignis was dull as there were no resistance, one sided farm (actually there were only gems to farm) and i quit, no fun at all, syrtis we didnt even cap gate and half of our numbers miracously dissapeared in the middle way to syrtis gate.
And it was only cause i managed to get out of work more early.

Dragon wish? I recall 3 i took part in 2015. twice was wmc reward (once i crashed so no reward for me) and once it was loot gem. Twice i participated in portal only because i woke up early in the weekend and once it was only cause I got day off. So from my time zone perspective there is no reward and most important NO FUN.

Some ppl say that soon all in Alsius can have ammy and rings-> not true. From my time zone perspective I got on my main 84k wmc. Other chars have less then 10k.

60k come from daily quests and 1 dragon wish before new system introduction. 6k comes from capping gates/defending realm gate. Rest is few fort rewards and daily quests i managed to finish-> and its not easy as there is either syrtis zerg farming at trelle or its a desert with nobody to fight.

Game is dull and no fun at all, i spend more and more free time off RO cause that. Current situation does not please either long term loyalist like me nor players in opposite realms.

Interrealm item trade is a fact as well, when tried to sell my spear last weekend i got like 4 pm from ppl offering me stuff in syrtis. When they learned that i dont multi each of them said..."You suck".
Kyle Katharn (knight) Darth Malgus (barb) Marka Ragnos (Hunter)
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Old 07-30-2015, 02:06 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
The time when i am at work-> no idea is it overpopulation or is it mindless farming of the empty realms or most likely BOTH.

My time zone recently its either i log, no action log out or i log to be farmed by syrtis at trelle.
Originally Posted by kowocki View Post

Wow we got many online cool, we go forts start invasion, weird no opposition .
Okay again lol
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Old 07-30-2015, 04:28 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
Interrealm item trade is a fact as well, when tried to sell my spear last weekend i got like 4 pm from ppl offering me stuff in syrtis. When they learned that i dont multi each of them said..."You suck".
In case you aren't lieing, I'm really surprised there are players on such cesspool level.

Could you please write their names in here? It's best you can do against such "let's play in OP realm" multiing.
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Old 07-30-2015, 04:40 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
Some ppl say that soon all in Alsius can have ammy and rings-> not true. From my time zone perspective I got on my main 84k wmc. Other chars have less then 10k.
Of course nothing can be generalized like this. But if someone want to explain the wmc situation on Haven with few words, this is very concise. Take for example amounts of wmc earned by first 100 players in each realm in last week:

Ignis: 1st player = 19800wmc, 100th player = 500wmc

Syrtis: 1st player = 59300wmc, 100th player = 4050wmc

and now Alsius

Alsius: 1st player = 277550wmc, 100th player = 56000wmc

And that was ONLY! in last week.
So you see why saying "soon all Alsius will have enough wmc for ring and amu" is not far from truth.
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Old 07-30-2015, 05:37 PM   #16
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Taking note of NGDs most recent change in an attempt to fix a balance issue, what we could do is add amulets and rings with +100 elemental damage and 500 hp to Syrtis and Ignis. People will want to play there then. You know, because adding OP jewellery into the game apparently fixes things.
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Old 08-03-2015, 05:24 PM   #17
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Default haven numbers and multis

Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
On my time zone Alsius has like 10-15, Syrtis 20-30, Ignis no idea. Few times i logged we could do nothing at all against Syrtis as we were so few. Why they did not invade us is still a mistery to me. They could eaisily get our gems-> no idea still about ignis.
In Syrtis, otoh, we see that when we invade Ignis, certain characters show up. When we invade Alsius, certain characters show up. If we somehow by dint of superhuman exertion have an Alsius fort, and take two Ignis forts, certain characters disappear from Alsius, and certain other characters appear on Ignis.

So, it may seem that Syrtis is timid, but often it's a calculation: is this the time period when Alsius/Ignis multis are playing? Because we know that in moments, when only a few Alsius were on, 40 of them can be at Alsius front gate.

The problem on small server like Haven is "Face ####" group of multies who do as they pleased. Guess they got all what they want on their Syrtis accounts now they decided to boost their Alsius accounts.

No matter how people will deny the merge with Raven was big misstake. Multirealming was always present but was never big issue (except few cases of gem, later relict abuse).
I think the big problem with multis is that it's now permitted. The rule against them has been removed. Many objected to removing the rule, but NGD went ahead and removed it.

Wow we got many online cool, we go forts start invasion, weird no opposition from Syrtis who was dominant for so long. We go gate, strange 2/3 of our numbers dissapeared, we get to gate, we got farmed at gate by syrtis zerg which log out of nowhere.
That's the problem we see. We go to invade Alsius, and our numbers diminish. Certain characters appear in Alsius. Or Alsignian characters log their Alsius accounts. The same thing happens at fort wars. We know of several multis. I personally don't trust them -- they are fundamentally disloyal, only wanting to play on the winning side, and willing to be on the winning side even if it means sacrificing friends. No honor, no morals, no ethics, no warrior mentality.

Who else trade items in commerce selling item "x" in Alsius for item "y" in Syrtis,"contact <syrtis char name>".
Don't see that in Syrtis.

The problem promoting such behaviour is the dragon wmc wish as its an easy win button. Dragons and other stuff are not so game disturbing, they are not so selfish and require your efford to be useful.
I agree with this.

Now its just a monkey clicking box to get banana, then next banana and next and next....
In other words, it's another form of button-mashing, which NGD has stated publicly they do not want this game to be.


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Old 08-03-2015, 06:12 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
Thats why since this madness started when NGD published wmc jewellery proposals I suggested to remove wmc wish and change to wmc booster. It wont be easy win button, it wont promote dragon wish farming-> nothing to gain. Will be more fair to whole player base not only the "choosen ones" and will discourage farming at all. WMC booster-> you mus do war, fight, invest time and IT WILL PAY REWARD ONLY IN MORE BALANCED FIGHTS. Now its just a monkey clicking box to get banana, then next banana and next and next....
I thought of a problem with this.

Currently, Haven Alsius night crew (relative to my timezone (US Pacific time)) is invading between 3 and 10 times a night. They have 30+ online, versus 5-10 from each other realm.

So, if we give WMC booster, this will increase their reward, although it will still be less than the Dragon Wish provides.

So.. Alsius invades Syrtis 10x a day, Ignis 10x a day. Alsius gets 20x2k = 40k WMC just for that. Now, say WMC scroll doubles, for 80k. If dragon booster is 2x, than 160k -- per day. A single player could accumulate 1020k WMC in a week playing invasions like this.

So... while I agree in general principle with the idea of the booster, I think other changes need to be made in the game mechanics, to increase the time required for an invasion to take place.

Here are my suggestions:
The relic capture time is 30 minutes if two forts are held, and 20 minutes if all three forts are held.

Once a fort is recaptured, that fort's relic reverts to the fort in 15 minutes, whether the relic is placed or not. This could cut short an invasion.

If the realm wall is not currently held by an enemy of the realm, any holder of a realm gem inside that realm should die immediately.

All forts revert to the possession of their realm after an invasion (as currently), and those forts are not capturable for a period of 30 minutes. All occupants are removed from the forts as though they had relogged.
Just some thoughts for today.

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Old 08-03-2015, 09:15 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by rinky View Post
In Syrtis, otoh, we see that when we invade Ignis, certain characters show up. When we invade Alsius, certain characters show up. If we somehow by dint of superhuman exertion have an Alsius fort, and take two Ignis forts, certain characters disappear from Alsius, and certain other characters appear on Ignis.

So, it may seem that Syrtis is timid, but often it's a calculation: is this the time period when Alsius/Ignis multis are playing? Because we know that in moments, when only a few Alsius were on, 40 of them can be at Alsius front gate.

I think the big problem with multis is that it's now permitted. The rule against them has been removed. Many objected to removing the rule, but NGD went ahead and removed it.

I don't think it's so much as multis as it is really people communicating through facebook or other means of communication or using regnumsentinel.com to check for events.

And yes, the problem is that multirealming is allowed, but not only multirealming has caused the severe imbalance of Haven. It's also multiservering, which so many people don't even consider. Before the Raven merge, Horus was closed off to all Spanish players from Ra. Upon the creation of Haven, we have seen many Spanish players from Ra (or BR's from Piranha) come to Haven, the most of which are no doubt in Alsius. The same applies to English players going to Ra, leaving gaps where they once were (many Ignis and Syrtis players have migrated to Ra).

Btw, I don't seem to recall there ever being a rule against multirealming, and if there was, it still wasn't being followed.

Originally Posted by rinky View Post
In other words, it's another form of button-mashing, which NGD has stated publicly they do not want this game to be.
Sure, maybe NGD did want to prevent this theoretically, but then again, all the changes they made to warriors and archers (NGD wanting marksman to be motionless turrets) just beg to differ. Even the GCD fix and casting speed nerfs that have made mage combat so stiff and edgy.

OT: This poll is a bit misleading because the question asks for a change to invasions, as if not referring to any specific change that is later mentioned in the OP. Perhaps if you left what should be changed open for the public to decide, the votes would be all yes because there is no doubt that invasions must be changed (sigh) yet again.

Last edited by Raindance; 08-03-2015 at 09:30 PM.
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Old 08-04-2015, 03:38 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Raindance View Post
Btw, I don't seem to recall there ever being a rule against multirealming, and if there was, it still wasn't being followed.
I remember it in the terms and conditions: only one account.

And, if you look into archives, such as http://www.championsofregnum.com/for...p/t-80460.html, the rule was clearly in place, but such a rule is difficult to enforce.

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