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Old 02-01-2009, 07:51 PM   #1
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Lightbulb "Realm Imbalance", "Speed Hacks", and Other Things Cried Out By Sore Losers

So, maybe I'm arriving a little bit late to this subject, but this has been eating at me, like some kind of online-fueled melanoma.

I have always been cursed (?) with the ability to see 2 sides of every argument. For everything on earth, there are at least two different viewpoints.

However, with respect to this 'realm imbalance' complaint, and the people who post it;I just don't see it 2 ways. The server I play on (Horus) is, as I understand it (please correct me if I am wrong on this point) available to anyone across the globe. Any person who wishes to play RO is able to log into Horus and start playing.

Always, at the forefront of every 'Imbalance' complaint, is Ignis. 'Ignis keeps invading us.' 'When is NGD going to make this game fair?'.

Whoo-whoo! Here's the clue train, last stop; you. The reason Ignis has been so successful is that they know what they're doing; they know how to play, they understand the concept of tactics, and they have great leadership. There's no realm imbalance; Ignis simply plays better. You're tired of being invaded? Make it stop. Stop wasting your time complaining about the blatant unfairness of life and Do Better.

On to this 'Speed hack' thing. This is actually part of a much larger problem; namely, the 'You Cheated' Witch Hunt that occurs anytime Ignis so much as farts is the general direction of their keyboards.

As far as the Speed Hack accusation specifically, I can only say; learn how to us a calculator.

These accusations are coming from a very suspect direction; see if any of this sounds familiar; people who create level one characters to steal the gems from Ignis, to listen into Igniss' realm chat, to join Ignis in the voting (at the moment, that's pretty much the only way for the other realms to SEE the dragon, other than doing an image search on Google), who wait by the save points in a usually successful attempt to gain RP, who break up the WZ PvPs , who allow other realms characters to come inside and commit suicide to keep Ignis from getting the gem, and who also think that 'zerging' is a tactic. But *Ignis* cheats. Right.....

A.A.s' definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting a different result. Again, learn to play better. That's the answer. Not making up nonsense reasons to cover up the fact that you were soundly beaten. Although, the fact that Ignis keeps winning, despite the above-mentioned dishonorable behavior, probably means that Alsius and Syrtus has its work cut out for it.

Enjoy your digital selves.

Wyatt Earp
M*A*S*H 4077
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Old 02-01-2009, 08:00 PM   #2
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First, not everyone has access to Horus, people in Spanish and Portuguese countries can't log in at Horus. Also, tell me what this has to do with tactics and why it isn't realm imbalance:
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 02-01-2009, 08:21 PM   #3
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So what is NGD supposed to do? Dictate which realm people join? There's a word for that; FACISM.

It still goes back to this; play better. If you guys played better, you might actually win, and people will stop going to Ignis.
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Old 02-01-2009, 08:24 PM   #4
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Old 02-01-2009, 08:25 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by WhateverUSMC
So what is NGD supposed to do? Dictate which realm people join? There's a word for that; FACISM.

It still goes back to this; play better. If you guys played better, you might actually win, and people will stop going to Ignis.
Saying there is not such a thing as realm imbalance won't help either. Also, no matter how good you play, against 20 players 5 people won't do much.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 02-01-2009, 08:40 PM   #6
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Ignis is not the only realm with good players, good tactics and good leadership.

If you fail to see that, then perhaps glasses are needed ^^
Even in the heart of darkness shines a dream of light.
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Old 02-01-2009, 09:07 PM   #7
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Account with 0 posts?

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Old 02-01-2009, 09:08 PM   #8
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Wow this is a thread created by someone who shouldn't be talking!!
Syrtis cheats ehh! yeah you guys actually opened the portal by cheating having a noob go into syrtis and take the gem that was dropped into the wz and bring it to ignis who ran it back to there Realm!!! so don't try and act innocent! And any realm who has the best tactics is by far alsuis they lack the numbers to invade sadly!
And Tactics is tactics but invading at hours that you know you will have little to no resistence is just shameful it ruins the point of the game!!
and you would also have a problem with it if you were on the losing team! for obvious reasons!
Back Before invasions when syrtis dominated the globe ignis created 12 threads a day bad mouthing syrtis making up the most stupid things! just for the sake of trying to make us look bad!
We make threads about ignis but it's actually the truth! that ignis has cheated to invade! and open the portal!
.................................................. .................................................. ....

I Wanna Say One last thing! you wanna prove ignis's Skill to us and So called supieror Tactics! Try to invade in The Most Active Times! (15:00gmt - 23:00gmt)
I doubt ignis would try such at thing since all of there domination has been during most peoples Sleeping Hours!!! Ohh Sorry All There Domination!!

Good Luck Fighting Npc's

-Slayer Of Light
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Old 02-01-2009, 09:16 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by LunarSeraph
Ignis is not the only realm with good players, good tactics and good leadership.
Show it, not just talk about it. Every1 can be strong with his/her mouth and not prove his/her words when they should.

If u see Ignis "zerg", count how much low levels there are. I was seriously taking part in only one invasion (about week ago when we only got 1 gem from u). You had about 20ppl at the gate (some of them were low levels of course, but we also had low levels in our "swarm"). But when we get inside we were able to walk across ur realm (Syrtis[Horus]) without any problem. Without any coordinated action from you guys. How do you think you can stop us if you even don't do anything for half an hour except sitting at the gate and waiting for us?

So when we come at last to the gate you were mostly surprised, doesn't know what to do. One Tremor from me and most of you couldn't do anything for enough time for us to get through.

Another thing. You even don't try to get the fort/castle back. Build your defending strategy! Believe me, even lvl30 ppl can help with some actions.

Maybe you don't have clear leaders to decide what to do. Decide on your own who you wanna listen to. Who has the highest authority. Even if such person make a mistake, there are always other ppl to tell him what decisions were wrong.

Enough about it. I'm not gonna teach you how exactly you should play and what tactics you should use. These were only some clues. Hope I'll find you take some more actions in wz, even without invasions.

PS. I'm sick of reading such hate posts like this above from you, Slayer Of Light, but I must say it's also funny hahaha. You're just playing clown, SOL. It's not our problem if you prefer boycotting us instead of fighting. I can tell you what we are doing at peak time - we are realizing our strategy DD. But it can be too hard for u to catch it. I can't tell you when we will try invading you at peak hours, but I can assure you, we will.
Kosiash Moozgoov, Lord Belial Renegades
Renegades clan is looking for mature thinking ppl (esp. solo grinders) (lvl20+) from Ignis Horus. Contact me ingame.

Last edited by n4gh4sh; 02-01-2009 at 09:28 PM.
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Old 02-01-2009, 09:51 PM   #10
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2 sides of a story? I think you need to get this skill checked

fact: Syrtis is the only realm on horus to have invaded while there were players online on BOTH sides.

fact: ignis are cowardize

fact: It's funny reading about how ignis thinks they are successful "oh look at me look at me, I just killed a mob"

and speed hacks? if you don't believe there are speed hacks why could a mage with rez dizzy from save follow an onslaughted group?

ignis doesn't have tactics and it's easy to see in their gameplay, they just jump where the fence is lowest, but hey I can also see why american players won't refrain from invading, it's not their fault they play when there is almost no resistance.

But boasting about it? This is just too funny
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