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Old 09-24-2009, 02:32 PM   #1
TheMessenger's Avatar
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Default The Confusion

I think there is a bit of confusion from how classes use to be played, how they are played and how they are suppose to be played.

First off conjs.

Conjurors are not suppose to be miniguns.(scias) Scias said rhanya still does like 400-500 norms or something because of her uber items and stuff. I told him that not every mage will have those items only a few will. If you pick 100mages a very few out of those 100mages will be able to hit like that. He replied saying that if you give them rhanya's items than they will. WTF? Is it really that hard to let SM go? Ofc if every mage had items like her than the sm nerf wouldnt have done anything. But they dont and never will. So stop talking about 'if they had...'. They dont. Conjs are suppose to be healers. I hear people complaining IG because they will get killed in battle now because sm is not strong enough. I believe NGD had sm in mind as a way to grind and now that conjs/mages abused that priv it has been takin away. So stop whining and go learn to be a real conj.


I really dont see a big difference in the barbs. People say they hit less but by what? 100-300 (maybe more at higher lvls)from what I see and thats really not that serious. The tfb nerf needed to be done (in NGD eyes I think) because they took away -armour from berserker.


Really SM mages and hunters need to shutup about not being able to tank/kill like they were use to. Conjs are for healing not killing. Hunters are for being...pussys I guess would be the best word to describe them. Hunters shouldnt/and now cant put up a fight against every class. They are the trickster class. The class that hits you while you are down. And before thats not what they were. They were the god-like class that could really rape basically every class. Now that NGD has put them on the road to being the class that hits you while you are down people are complaining that they cant kill and now die more often. Get over it. Hunters will never again be able to stand out in an open battle, cast Sotw and just kill everything they see. I mean before the update a good hunter v a good marks and the hunter could almost kill the marks if not kill them. I was starting to wonder who was the killer in the 2 classes.

But yea I have to go before I get in trouble for being on the computer while sick . Had to get this off my chest for those complaining.

Edit: Id do it on the other classes but havent heard about the complaints

Last edited by TheMessenger; 09-24-2009 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 09-25-2009, 01:59 AM   #2
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Can't say I disagree with anything in this post. *reads it again* Nope.

Personally I don't see any downside to barbarian damage. Being able to give yourself a +50% damage increase without any serious side effects (c'mon, like your average barb ever evades anything anyway) is quite... effective.
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Old 09-25-2009, 11:31 AM   #3
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rhanya is a warlock but otherwise you're quite right.
drunken old dwarf
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Old 09-25-2009, 12:03 PM   #4
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I dont really disagree with any of it , but on the other hand I hate when someone trys to tell me how to play my characters. It always makes me
want to return the favor; of course they dont want you to tell them
how to play ,they just want to dictate it to you. The truth is there is no
"right" way to play any class, and no one has the right to tell you how
to spend your time playing, if they dont like it they dont have to play with
you.(or provide heals/mana/rezzy in the wz either)
I personally wouldnt choose to play a warju, but thats me , my choice.
I wont get on a soapbox to tell someone else they shouldnt.
its a game guys and games are meant to be fun, so have fun and dont let
get so uptight about how others choose to have fun.
just sayin
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:57 PM   #5
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rogueish is an unknown quantity at this point

I am so tired of hearing that hunters were overpowered. true as a lvl50 hunter there were a large number of lvl50 barbs I pretty much owned in battle. But there were also quite a few who consistantly beat me seemingly with ease. Same was true of knights and canj. So in my view it was simply a matter of ability to play the char you were playing. Most of the time when I beat a lvl50 knight it was because he made several very bad choices during the battle and would have otherwise won. All ngd did was nerf hunters so that unskilled warriors could more easily survive in battle and wouldnt have to go to the trouble of actually learning how to play their charachters well. Simply put if hunters were overpowered I would have always beaten everyone not simply the foolish and unskilled.
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Old 09-25-2009, 11:08 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by rogueish View Post
I am so tired of hearing that hunters were overpowered. true as a lvl50 hunter there were a large number of lvl50 barbs I pretty much owned in battle. But there were also quite a few who consistantly beat me seemingly with ease. Same was true of knights and canj. So in my view it was simply a matter of ability to play the char you were playing. Most of the time when I beat a lvl50 knight it was because he made several very bad choices during the battle and would have otherwise won. All ngd did was nerf hunters so that unskilled warriors could more easily survive in battle and wouldnt have to go to the trouble of actually learning how to play their charachters well. Simply put if hunters were overpowered I would have always beaten everyone not simply the foolish and unskilled.
Well I disagree, most of the time when I won with my hunter was because the others had no way to even hit me.

PS: I have a hunter and a warrior level 50 to compare both
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:00 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by TheMessenger View Post
Conjurors are not suppose to be miniguns.(scias) Scias said rhanya still does like 400-500 norms or something because of her uber items and stuff...............................go learn to be a real conj.
Yeah first of all i'm not a conju but dunno why scias said i still have my norms 400-500 ...cause i was back on my spell setup before the update(i used sm setup for 4 days-trying to find a good gem....since i heared we can buy gems i stoped grinding)and about my items...i don't know what u ppl think but i don't have any "uber" items..only Enio does XD.Well about conjus...they are suppose to be what they want...i never blame warjus like others do cause i know ppl are playing this game for fun so everybody is free to play as they wish...thats why i can't agree with ur sentence "go learn to be a real conju"I have a conju too and i don't like ppl telling me how to play^^.If sm is not a valid setup for mages then why did ngd give us the posibility for this setup.the game gives only a few variables and it is up to each player to get the max effect out of the ressources provided by NGD.
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:11 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Rhanya View Post
Yeah first of all i'm not a conju but dunno why scias said i still have my norms 400-500 ...cause i was back on my spell setup before the update(i used sm setup for 4 days-trying to find a good gem....since i heared we can buy gems i stoped grinding)and about my items...i don't know what u ppl think but i don't have any "uber" items..only Enio does XD.Well about conjus...they are suppose to be what they want...i never blame warjus like others do cause i know ppl are playing this game for fun so everybody is free to play as they wish...thats why i can't agree with ur sentence "go learn to be a real conju"I have a conju too and i don't like ppl telling me how to play^^.If sm is not a valid setup for mages then why did ngd give us the posibility for this setup.the game gives only a few variables and it is up to each player to get the max effect out of the ressources provided by NGD.
+1 , wouldnt matter what items you have, its your character, your time , your
There are 4 things you can never recover: The stone..after the throw. The word..after it's said. The occasion..after it's missed. The time..after it's gone.
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