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Old 12-21-2018, 05:03 PM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Not so sure about any of that.

Transfer could not be a one time thing in any way because many players might/would/will try to log on later on the server and only then find out about all of this, which means that the server would have to stay open even after the transfers, which then most likely means that a choice of staying there might/should be an option too. At least for a definite period of time.
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Old 12-21-2018, 06:28 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Eizaix View Post
Not so sure about any of that.

Transfer could not be a one time thing in any way because many players might/would/will try to log on later on the server and only then find out about all of this, which means that the server would have to stay open even after the transfers, which then most likely means that a choice of staying there might/should be an option too. At least for a definite period of time.
They’ll most likely have Haven open and a notice saying about the transfers. But the server won’t stay forever. Nemon is the perfect example because many players lost their accout after the deadline of the server. Valhalla would most likely be the place where NGD would ship the players who didn’t choose Ra.
Haven ~ Daggers/Miles Long *Retired*
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Old 12-21-2018, 09:01 PM   #13
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Sorry to hear about your situation Adrian, I wish you good health for the holidays and beyond.

I just have one request about the Christmas event... Please don't make whatever Christmas hat we get from the event quests account or character bound.

Alsius or nothing
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Old 12-21-2018, 10:05 PM   #14
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we love you adrian
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Old 12-21-2018, 10:16 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Pery3000 View Post
Technically, I never saw Adrian post that Ra-to-Haven or Ra-to-Valhalla transfers would never happen (tho quite likely, without some plenty MAJOR rewards/incentives, no RA-ster would ever move anyhoo'). If you did see such, then post that link here, Perry. Tho I did see that Valhalla-to-anywhere is a no-go, not-gonna'-hap'n, regardless of poll results....those Niflheim-&-Muspell 'Vikings' will remain trapped in their 'afterlife realm' for now....

Originally Posted by MDpro View Post
...Please don't make whatever Christmas hat we get from the event quests account or character bound.
Sorry, but unless I'm mistaken, it's been NGD policy since 2014 to character-or-account-bind EVERYthing that gets offered for sale or as an event reward. Alas...
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Old 12-21-2018, 11:30 PM   #16
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Get well soon Adrian .

Leily, can you please make sure we have cute reindeer christmas hats for the event?


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Old 12-22-2018, 06:37 AM   #17
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I only have one question:

-Will there be any way for those players who have/had no information about the transfers (didn't read the forums and didn't paly the game) and were not able to log in during these days and move everything outta of their stashes and banks, to get those items "auto-removed" from there, so when the transfer happens they will have those items in their inventory already?

Also, all the best for you Adrian, get well soon and Merry Xmas to eveyone!
A voice from the past. Faded.
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Old 12-23-2018, 07:57 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
-Will there be any way for those players who have/had no information about the transfers (didn't read the forums and didn't paly the game) and were not able to log in during these days and move everything outta of their stashes and banks, to get those items "auto-removed" from there, so when the transfer happens they will have those items in their inventory already?
What they've done in former server closures (which seems to be *essentially* what this is) is auto-move everybody, and give them some scrolls to correct issues (name change, for example, because you might not want to be Marila (Haven). Or you might. Who knows. This might not happen like that, because, honestly, I know people who have 6 characters on Syrtis Haven and 6 characters on Ignis RA, and that violates the rules. Adrian or Leily (don't remember which) did mention the possibility of moving those characters to a different email address, but no further details have been forthcoming.

I also know some with 6 characters on the same realm in both servers, and that also violates the rules.

Adrian/Leily/NGD seem to be trying to make this as fair as possible to those of us who spent tons of time, energy, and Ximerin in Haven, so let's see what they give us.
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Old 12-23-2018, 02:39 PM   #19
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Thank you all for your kind words!

I am still not doing so well but I'm glad we could make it to the deadline for the event. After Christmas (in two days) we will continue with the last details for the poll about the transfers and the protocol on how each case will be handled.

I'd like to have everything sorted out before New Year's eve. That would be ideal if I get to feel fine in front of a PC these days

We want to make sure that, as Roseythorns said before, all the time you invested playing is not lost.

Thank you for your patience!
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Old 12-23-2018, 06:40 PM   #20
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Thanks for uploading the Christmas event.

But, same bugs as last year...



Alsius or nothing
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