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Old 11-14-2007, 03:07 PM   #11
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is not a bad set but yea evasion rules
lucas te estraño por q te estava q ir tan temprano.. espero q este descansando en pas amigo adios... siempre va esta en mi memoria
Originally Posted by Inkster
Lucas was truly a really great player, he may be gone, but will never be forgotten
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Old 11-14-2007, 07:33 PM   #12
CHeesE_13's Avatar
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when i frist set up my marksman i did it some wat like a hunter, fast and can get a away quick, with a few dmg spells, but i found it much more useful to have the range and power

so right now im only training on high lvl mobs
so i have the recharge arrow thing on all the time
and the other thing that is +20 foucse that stays on all the time
and SP is wat i use against the hard mobs
and when i wanna fight the impossables i simple just
cast hawkeye 50+ it chance is im not mistaken
Serpent bite, and than that freeze arrow thign and run

(im was half asleep typing this so i might have go a few things mixed up)
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Old 11-14-2007, 10:04 PM   #13
amade's Avatar
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Originally Posted by CHeesE_13
and the other thing that is +20 foucse that stays on all the time
and SP is wat i use against the hard mobs
and when i wanna fight the impossables i simple just
cast hawkeye 50+ it chance is im not mistaken
Serpent bite, and than that freeze arrow thign and run
Sorry to say this but that sounds very inefficient :P You're taking too much time and spells per MOB.

If you're training solo it's better to stick to normal-challenging MOBs and use 2-3 basic spells at most. Moving backward after the shooting animation starts and timing when to stop walking to release the next shot and learning how to piggyback spells on the back of normal shots means you can take down a MOB in less than 25 seconds without losing any/much health. You'll only need to rest for mana.

Harder MOBs are only worth it if you're training in a group.

As for spell focus, I don't know if it's just me but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Besides I didn't like turning it on because like recharged arrows there's a particular bug that forces you to go off combat mode first before disabling it. When enemies appear and start to charge at you, fumbling around trying to disable the spell does not sound appealing.
*end.transmission - amade*

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