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Old 05-02-2008, 11:32 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by LuthienNenharma
Dont waste a terror. First meteor or arcane missles on a target in the middle of the group, then terror.
The shields are hard to break from time to time!
Terror, Summon Lightning, rush with MoD.

MOSTLY (if it works), the targets must retreat to fort or die trying.

UNLESS their a pwniger opponent
Dark Venom Fang
Spider Warlock
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Old 05-02-2008, 11:56 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Static_Fang
Terror, Summon Lightning, rush with MoD.

MOSTLY (if it works), the targets must retreat to fort or die trying.

UNLESS their a pwniger opponent
My prefered area combo was Terror, Fireball, Twister, Summon Lightening
Then if you have mana cast your MoD.
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:17 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus
I don't use terror and I never will.


I rarely use even MoD for wars unless
I love that kind of warlork... in other realms
For ages, the Rosemberg Order, made of girls from all realms and races worked for appreciation and comprehension between all the peoples of Regnum. But the war forced their split. Having failed as peacekeepers, may Lena (M50), Aenamia (C45), Helena (H32) and the others be known as powerful warriors and trustful clanmates.
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:22 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus
No, it doesn't.

I don't use terror and I never will.

Once you've played a warlock and seen how fast they die trying to cast the spell, you'll see...

I rarely use even MoD for wars unless it's inside the fort because Terror and MoD have counter spells like DI and basic resistence, and there'll always be people like that around, so if you're close up (30m is quite close up when it's not a charge), then you're dead if not everyone is hit.
In my opinion thoses spells are the best spell to use in war (remember regnum is RvR). They can be pretty fuck a whole army if you just play as a team with the warriors and archer. A sequence like Sultar, Typhoon, Rep shot is deadly for almost all Archers and Mage. You just need to play as a Team.

For exemple with my hunter I have same difficulties too find the good timing to cast my Caltrop arrow. So what I do is basically wait for a charge and cast it. Or cast it for me to start the charge. I also used it on people that has taken a sultar in the ass. So they don't move fast when we are finishing them
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 05-02-2008, 01:02 PM   #15
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I always have either rep shot, caltrip arrow, or projectile rain, and it's surely not to help me in my 1 vs 1 hunts, that's for sure.

Regnum is RvR 1st, PvP 2nd. IMO all lvl 50s should maintain one or more area attacks, and really past about lvl 45 everyone should have one.

There is no debating the fact that area attacks fired in sequence are devastating to the enemy in battles. If everyone has one, coordinating EXTREMELY powerful group attacks becomes pretty simple.

That being said, since i've been back i have to say Syrtis has been giving at least as good as it's been getting. We've had maybe 2 really bad showings at stone in the approx 1 month i've been back. I don't play as much as i used to, so i may have missed some ass-stompings we took, but i do play regularly.

Many times at Stone we repel attacks before the enemy even steps foot inside the fort. Ignis attacked stone yesterday with 43 players, and they didn't even get the gate down before we'd killed every single one of them. Of course, in that battle, we had a large number of areas, and a pretty huge force of our own. So while there was no real coordination, there were so many area attack capable syrtis present that we were still dropping areas on them in rapid succession.

So since so many players seem openly resistant to attempts at organization, it would be nice if they could at least maintain an area attack so we can win via sheer brute force in it's place....
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Old 05-02-2008, 01:15 PM   #16
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It think the problem, I am beggining to see it in Ignis to is this:

People are depending too much on one another, and not enough on themselves, for instance, someone may see a warlock, and you will think crowd control, you see a conj you think healer,

But it turns out that 50% of the time your wrong, people need to learn once again how to take the fight in their own hands, using thier own methods.

I guess examples of this would be Valorius, he leads the way, and since everyone wants to hit him so badly, he uses it to his advantage.

I don't like Val But hes using tactics ;P
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:37 PM   #17
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I admit that I am a noob and don't play that well. However, the complete lack of strategic thinking and boneheaded moves by syrtis baffle even me. People let the guards beat on our healers and turn their attention to something else, we routinely jump in between two opposing armies and get slaughtered, we run like lemmings to samal with a puny force - with predictable results, we try to take 3 forts at once with puny forces at each vs. consolidate into one army, the list goes on forever. I see little coordination. I see people venting their hatred on hunters in large fights when in fact they should be focused on the conjurers. People chase hunters forever vs. consolidating and protecting our flanks from incoming enemies. I am not specced for great areas, but at least I use them at the doors and other times when needed.

My priorities are: 1.) defend our save; 2) defend Stone; 3) prevent attacks from pp and pb and 4) Algaros. Too often I see people running to samal, when we have an enemy at stone or at our central save ganking our realm mates.

Just a few observations from a noob.
Columba, Noob Marksman
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Old 05-02-2008, 09:04 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus
No, Syrtians use plenty of areas.

The only problem is their lack of coordination.

and its hard to coordinate when we all speak different languages...

most people think self.. and not team...
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Old 05-02-2008, 09:09 PM   #19
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GIGO305 has a little shameless behaviour in the past
Originally Posted by perskele
Reason why syrtis allmost every time losts all fights is ->

Warlocks not train area spells (sultan terror) it is pointles fire missiles if +5-10 barbarians is running toward you and kills all with 1-3 hit ( i have only saw about 2 syrtis warlocks using area spells and and when i ask whys hell you not use area spells,answers is like this : it cost too much (YAY) well is spell cost even +500sp and safe your and your team mates live,then it is CHEAP (TRAIN IT-USE IT-LEARN HOW USE IT) usually 50lvl warlock fires missiles (YAY) thats way enemys 3-4 warlock can wipe 10-20 syrtis player easily (barbarians,hunters,knights and warlocks)

Players -> every time when im near central save and i see enemy running to save and there is +10 player (talking and rubbing balls) i ask help or shout alarm (enemy/acaa/goats/tomatoes etc) them not help only watching about 4-15m away that killing, AND when enemy start killing that watchers he wake up and only says UH,OH,HELP,I DIE and start WHINING that i not help he/she... (ARE YOU GUYS IDIOTS!?) Last day i runned to my clan mates when 4 archers chased me, clans barbarians runned to kill lion and watched about 5m away when me and 2 mages are killed (i asked why them runned away and not helped us,answers was like this: enemy,where,im not saw them (yep,right,i die front my clan barbarians and them not see enemy or nothing...)

Running to hunt or fort war-> DONT LEAVE MAGES BEHIND GROUP, it is nice to see warriors die when healers are dead about 2 miles ago ( i saw only 2 barbarians to care team mates, giving them speed bonus and etc and if some hunters start kill mage behing group them are moving to help team,not running first fort and dying firts)

I really want know are you people stupid or too young to play games...huoh, yes i know answer that is both.. and i dont beliwe that spanish or other country players not understand little english or spanish..like ENEMY,ACA,GOATS;TOMATOES !!!!!!!!!!!

yes, my english is bad and there are very much words what are typed wrong or no capital letters are right place or ect BUT MESSAGE IS CLEAR !

ps: i have played this game about +12kk and i m not are only player who are saying this.

pss: and Valorious is right, we need LEADER not whiner, whiners will been shoot and who survises that will been shooted again..
yes our warlocks are severely mentaly retarded so us warjus use kamikize tactics while they play the pussy role of a caster behind enemy lines me and any warju (mage with balls since syrtis got no others) runs overthere with areas and i give my fudjing life for the danm group unlike those idiots i turn around (onsloth and divine will help alot) go in the midle of the enemy with areas (edvin and time master) then run the other way so my allys get away unlike alot of ppl that when im hiding come right at me screaming for help then ask me why i didnt heal them CUS U WERE GONNA DIE MORON NOW THEY FOUND ME TO!!!

val is right we need a leader but syrtis is waaay to severly retarded to vote so we should chose between us smart ppl and stay together, syrtis needs a civil war so we can clear out the morons and get rid off them besides their huge numbers we are better then them in every other way and if they vote Goerge Bush will lead us to friking war.

those danm save hippys are useless BullCrud and i hate them all, i hope they go to inner realm or leave to reduce the lag because sitting in save making homo luv makes more lag than just spaming forums.

hard to belive some ppl are so stupid that they actualy dnt notice our crys for help, i ban them from syrtis personaly take em all to coliseum and beat the sht out of them see how they like to die, sad that so many of us in syrtis can make a change but every retard in RO is in the same realm as us we need to slit up, i declare the smart useful ppl of syrtis leaders and anyone whos aginst that will friking die no question a fair trial up mines!

no matter what these morons only care about stone eferias and algaros for them can burn in hell but lets not start with enemyforts and saves. they plan wars at pinos when we were having a sucesful 30mins in samal, leave mages behind when hunters track 1 pt mage 500m away those idiots go after them and take te group with them, scream atras when they are all the way over there (self explenatory) then wonder wtf happened.

i know even i made some of these pts mistakes and still do but danm i never asked to be revived and learnd from them, these IDIOTS never change.

im starting a new group called the secret society of syrtis where we separate our selvs from these RETARDS!

(im srry for my languege its just unbelivable how soo many fools end up in one realm its like they started their own litle club and BUSh the leader, the majority of syrtis would vote for bush a 3rd term even after all this and it being imposible if u dnt give these stupid ppl cookies they will riot by killing eachother and multiplying their numbers)
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Old 05-02-2008, 09:20 PM   #20
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GIGO305 has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by ljwolfe
I admit that I am a noob and don't play that well. However, the complete lack of strategic thinking and boneheaded moves by syrtis baffle even me. People let the guards beat on our healers and turn their attention to something else, we routinely jump in between two opposing armies and get slaughtered, we run like lemmings to samal with a puny force - with predictable results, we try to take 3 forts at once with puny forces at each vs. consolidate into one army, the list goes on forever. I see little coordination. I see people venting their hatred on hunters in large fights when in fact they should be focused on the conjurers. People chase hunters forever vs. consolidating and protecting our flanks from incoming enemies. I am not specced for great areas, but at least I use them at the doors and other times when needed.

My priorities are: 1.) defend our save; 2) defend Stone; 3) prevent attacks from pp and pb and 4) Algaros. Too often I see people running to samal, when we have an enemy at stone or at our central save ganking our realm mates.

Just a few observations from a noob.
sad but true and ur not a noob im the perfect example of a noob so u know.

i have some ppl calling me an idiot when we are in stone and they get there and start screaming PB when the reason we are there is because alsius is a t pp! and those morons even look toward pb out of habit this is rediculos! then when i try to organize something and idiots take charge its my fault i got nothing to say but sadly sometimes i feel like just going to another realm but if i chose the right one and they aceptme im afraid syrtis might not be able to ever capture a fort i know all their hiden weaknesses and how to trik their simple mids that a green fort will never be seen in the reankings and thats why invasions or not implimented yet because some realms suck that bad.
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