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Old 03-11-2009, 11:02 AM   #11
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It's funny to see that the organisation problem of Syrtis in Horus, looks a bit like the one on Ra.

I played my Ignis marks a bit lately, and defeating bigger groups of syrtians is generally no problem because they just don't fight in team, everyone doing his little shit alone.

Warriors rush without range support (Terror, Tremor, Lightning arrow ?).
Then one warlock goes Terror on a buffed group, he gets down by 2 archers very fast.

My opinion:
People don't need order during a fight. Orders are for higher level decision, like invasion plots.

And no, just because you are from RA, doesn't mean your expierenced. Just like the previous example of 50's leveling up and being noobs in WZ. Its not the same war on Horus, tatics need adjusted a little bit. So veteran RA players are NOOBS here until they learn how its different.
Who are you trying to convince with that ?

You seem to value too much tactics and chat communication during war. Chat is only useful for synchronisation, you can't waste your time writing in game. And IMO lvl 50s on Ra are generally more experienced than lvl 50s on horus.
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 03-11-2009, 12:21 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Inkster
Speak for yourself ^^
Ohh, I'm sorry inkster, I didn't realize YOU were not fusterated. So I retract my previous statement.....it should say this....

We are all fusterated...except Inkster...

I was pretty fired up yesturday when I started this post, but at least I'm not the only elf with some pride. Maybe some of my thoughts are over the top, but my point remains true....WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER AS A REALM AND WORK TOGETHER.

And I'm not even going to respond to the realm jumper who always puts in the opinion like its gold or something. Pick a side dude.
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Old 03-11-2009, 12:24 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lostican
Its not the same war on Horus, tatics need adjusted a little bit. So veteran RA players are NOOBS here until they learn how its different.
As someone who came from Ra, I can tell you what is different. War in Ra is much harder than any war in Horus. Players there are more skilled and they generally know how to play their classes better than people in Horus. Of course there are some bright players in Horus, but those are probably an endangered species.
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Old 03-11-2009, 12:41 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by e30ernest
As someone who came from Ra, I can tell you what is different. War in Ra is much harder than any war in Horus. Players there are more skilled and they generally know how to play their classes better than people in Horus. Of course there are some bright players in Horus, but those are probably an endangered species.
Probably true what you say. I'm not doubting a RA players ability, I'm RA myself too. But my first week or so going into the war zone was very different. Yeah, its still the same fight.....but where you go, how you choose to defend, and where to defend is quite different. Most of the time, there isn't enough of us to put up a good fight. That is because, I see two lvl 50's, and 5 very easys helping me. Ohh, and the 4 "no challenge" pt's that just showed up to help.

But if were just to lazy, as someone stated earlier, then I guess my effort is wasted. Ignis then will always be stonger, cause I don't think they are lazy, and many will just quit or go to the other realm so they don't loose all the time. NOBODY likes losing ALL the time.

I've said my opinion, I will not defend it anymore, take my words or leave them, that is your choice.

Lostican out....
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Old 03-11-2009, 12:45 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Lostican
I moved to Horus a few months back because I am tired of not understanding most of the community. (syrtis) So now I have made my first lvl 50 on horus. However, now that I can understand everyone, they drive me crazy!

Because I can't get my opinion out in realm chat, I shall do it here.


You are our leaders weather you like it or not. All those below you will look at you as the more powerful soldier. Please start acting like leaders! Getting mad at noobs will not make them understand. It will only detour them from being positive and confident. If your bored, stop looting and go help lower levels get higer. If you see someone doing somthing totally noobish and stupid, FIND A BETTER WAY TO TELL THEM!

We are all fusterated, but getting mad will only make matters worse!
If someone just plain dosnt understand even when you explain in the simpilest possible way, or asks you the same question 5 times in a day, then its the newbs fault not the lvl 50 :P


You are on the cusp of greatness. But you are not yet powerful enough to handle everyone and everything. Even 50's can't do that. So don't get to thinking you should be listened too like your the expert. IDC if you have 10 lvl 50's on RA, Horus is a totally different animal, and your tatics in RA just won't work here. (for the most part) You should shut up, and listen to the more expierenced players when it comes time for war or invasion. Just simply, shut up.
I have played Ra for 7 or so months, and Horus since the day it launced (I was in the top 10 first people to log in ^^) beucase I have 2 mind 40 chars instead or one lvl 50 is my advice worth less? Surely haveing been at more battles, and knowing more classes gives a better veiw of the world than spending all your time grinding to 50, then getting there with no idea how to play.

TO THOSE 30th-41st

You barely even belong in war or invasion. But we have so few on Horus, you help is appreciated. But your ideas of what to do are not. Ask questions to learn by all mean, but do not expect anyone to follow you off into battle just because you said CHARGE! Don't complain, just take your licks and keep grinding. You really can do nothing for us except being cannon fodder. IF you start wailing your opinion around during wartime, you WILL disrupt what we are trying to achomplish.
30+ conjus are allways nice, and other classes will make a impact as well, would you say no to a lvl 37 knight with lvl 5 auras? Some do have combat expericance as many are alts of other players, which they bring instead of their main for some reason, but for the most part they are better off watching and learning than taking up the role of general as soon as they hit 30

TO THOSE 29 and below

You need to be training, not goofing off in the War Zone. Not chatting all day long spamming the chat log. yes, you wanna see what its like, fine, just go and see, then go back to your training. Don't stay too long, because every second YOU spend NOT training, is another minute WE will spend suffering from being outnumbered.
I dont mind them comeing to have a look, but they should be grinding I aggree ^^


Stop being impossible, start working together. Only good things will come from it. Ignis has invaded us how many times? Stolen our gems?

Anyone sick of this yet???
Syrtis works pretty well when everyone aggrees on a leader, Arwen for example has done very well several times, but if we have AWD, Tigerous, Arwen, etc... all arguing over the best way to do things... Fail
[/QUOTE]TRAIN SRYTIS....for the love of the elven gods (alt. ones too) ....>TRAIN!

there, see now, I feel better already! lol[/QUOTE]

I do, when I can

A, Be bothered
B, Not much else is going on
C 46-48 is a real morale breaker

Originally Posted by Lostican
I have never been apart of any fort war or invasion where a 25th lvl won the war for us.
I remember takeing forts with ONLY >lvl 25's back when the server launched (this was pre-fort update though) we took shana with 5 lvl 10's and a lvl 30 (mast scroll) ^^

Also have you never had one high conju and one low one, high one dies, low one Rezzes, to me thats a significant contribution.
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
Umaril 45 Conju Kailas 45 Marks Pel 45 Knight

Last edited by 210paul; 03-11-2009 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 03-11-2009, 01:08 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Lostican
I have never been apart of any fort war or invasion where a 25th lvl won the war for us.
Well he meant the strategy?
ltl Conjurador , Eilux Kulh Cazador
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Old 03-11-2009, 04:11 PM   #17
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Generally Horus fighting is totally different, as different trends are there. But a lvl 50 from Ra thats moved onto Horus if anything has evolved the system, most of the Ra players have carved the way for new players, it is only different from Ra since they are isolated into different tactics.

Why do we still use terms like aca and pb, pn, pp with Horus? Its because the Ra players have carried on their trends including battle styles. How can you say a lvl 50 from Ra is a noob lol?

Syrtis dosen't get it, its not about getting every little fish into the game, though that is important too. No your faults lie with mega uncoordination, you usually do not help each other, like dracus said, everyone picks her/her own target and just fights. When we fight over here everyone knows their role, its depending on their class, seems like where the grass is greener everyone is just "Durrrrrr, kill?" Its interesting reading this thread though, seems like an emo breakdown over there on what to do.

The problem dosen't change because you've grown into this kind of system for so long, that whenever a new fresh player comes he gets used to the system as well. And like I said in another thread, although Ignis has nooo problem at all with Syrtis feeding us RP Really you would have better odds with Alsuis, I don't understand, if you are as shit as you are allies then invading each other should be easy. Moreover Alsuis has been seeming like the pet of Syrtis atm, its funny when even if you do invade oneday, do you know where Syrtis will go after Ignis? Yeah, so just keep tugging on the leash of Alsuis Syrtis

Last edited by Rated_R_Edge; 03-11-2009 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 03-11-2009, 05:32 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
Moreover Alsuis has been seeming like the pet of Syrtis atm, its funny when even if you do invade oneday, do you know where Syrtis will go after Ignis? Yeah, so just keep tugging on the leash of Alsuis Syrtis
If one day we do invade Ignis then were will we go, Alsius, well duh? If Ignis invades Als do they go to Syrtis after, yes, If Alsius invaded Syrtis where would they go? Ignis? ofc they would.

This last part of your post is very vauge, and I cant get any sence or point out of it :P

Yes Syrtis is hugely uncordinated, but we have our moments, most of the time they are at Samal, dureing one charge I had 3 other barbs targeting the same Ignis that I did again and again and again, we dropped about 6 Ignis in about 15 seconds, If only it could be like that more often :/

Yet more often than not, Ill agree that people will target people they Dont like, or easy Rp targets, than acctual vital targets like Conjus, Warlocks, etc. Also rarely does a Syrtis plan survive first contact, we can prioritise targets tell X marks to follow X mark's DS's but most of the time as soon as someone gets hit they will break off from the main target and shoot their attacker.
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
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Old 03-11-2009, 06:34 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Lostican
Ohh, I'm sorry inkster, I didn't realize YOU were not fusterated. So I retract my previous statement.....it should say this....

We are all fusterated...except Inkster...
sarcasm is the lowest form of wit :P you will find a hell of a lot of people are not fusterated within this game
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:24 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by 210paul
If one day we do invade Ignis then were will we go, Alsius, well duh? If Ignis invades Als do they go to Syrtis after, yes, If Alsius invaded Syrtis where would they go? Ignis? ofc they would.

This last part of your post is very vauge, and I cant get any sence or point out of it :P
I mean then what is the point of having Alsius help you destroy our gate... when you will kill them right when you finish with us. Im talking about the mostly useless point of teaming up, Alsuis' fault though.
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