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Old 07-17-2009, 10:23 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Actually, I wonder why does NGD put such a wish (-xp) available if they want some realm balance or player retention? Imagine the Syrtis noobs this week, I'm betting they're moving to other real or game because leveling is already too hard without malus xp. Ffs, I've been playing this game for a year and I'm pretty hooked on to it and I don't even want to level when we have -xp, why should someone who doesn't even know the game right stay and level (because it's the only thing he can do until lvl40)?
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Old 07-17-2009, 11:17 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Nightchill View Post
Actually, I wonder why does NGD put such a wish (-xp) available if they want some realm balance or player retention? Imagine the Syrtis noobs this week, I'm betting they're moving to other real or game because leveling is already too hard without malus xp. Ffs, I've been playing this game for a year and I'm pretty hooked on to it and I don't even want to level when we have -xp, why should someone who doesn't even know the game right stay and level (because it's the only thing he can do until lvl40)?
Then our choice has been met in the way we wanted it !! Hit them where it hurts was our mindset, so thank you for the post... made my day !!
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Old 07-17-2009, 11:19 AM   #13
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Invasions on horus is like a joke, on underpopulated server its realy bored.

20 ppl taking forts 1 by 1 and leave them without defense and another realm 20 ppl waits them at gates coz cant split or retake two lvl 4 forts in 10 min due low numbers.
All waits to timers without any action. Then one or two fights at gates and again all waits to next 2 hours timer.... brrrr... waste of time

Additional guards at gates can help a little but they dont respawn and even 20 guards cant give a big affect under pull ranged attacks.

Forts wars more active and many people no need invasions mechanism at horus at all (except one realm that use time-zone players online advantage and invide empty realms again and again)

I wish some type of switch on horus to on/off invasion mechanism until this server fill by some amount of active players

P.S. It's realy hard to me make discussion on english, hope you understand me))
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Old 07-17-2009, 11:30 AM   #14
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thegordo thinking like this is foolish and childish.

You "hurt" only levelers that never have got to War Zone or want to be better there. People that have more than one full leveled char do not care how many penalties you will place simply because they will play other chars. Other side is that boosters are not affected by this invasion "feature".

Placing this kind of stuff hurts whole game and you know it. People leave, people get frustrated. So we all lose - less people, less wars... Stay and camp Samal and die from boredom
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
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Old 07-17-2009, 11:41 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by war_support View Post
thegordo thinking like this is foolish and childish.

You "hurt" only levelers that never have got to War Zone or want to be better there. People that have more than one full leveled char do not care how many penalties you will place simply because they will play other chars. Other side is that boosters are not affected by this invasion "feature".

Placing this kind of stuff hurts whole game and you know it. People leave, people get frustrated. So we all lose - less people, less wars... Stay and camp Samal and die from boredom
+1, gordo thinking of only your own realm wont get the game anywere, if we dont come to fight you, who will you fight? Horus has enough population issues as is without Ignis trying to make people leave the game.

Anyone who has been on the receiving end of this 'reward' admits its a stupid idea, and only the most narrow minded of those who havent cont see the big picture, its a stupid wish which makes grinding even harder for many players, if it was used on Ra it would effect litteraly 100's of grinders.

That it wont effect premium is near as NGD admitting its going to annoy a lot of people, but not wanting to annoy paying players, 'F2P'ers, meh we dont care fuck you.' No other game punish's players in this way and for so long.

Everytime someone uses the -xp perk we get threads like this with the majority of people saying its a stupid feature, so why is it still here?

Ditch it, come up with something else.
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:08 PM   #16
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I have boosters...im exempt

Aye its a shit feature.

Originally Posted by umaril
if it was used on Ra it would effect litteraly 100's of grinders.
<coughs> it aint used on RA?
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Angel_de_Combate View Post
I have boosters...im exempt

Aye its a shit feature.

Originally Posted by Umaril
IF it was used on Ra it would effect litteraly 100's of grinders.
<coughs> it aint used on RA?
Made the point a bit clearer for you
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:37 PM   #18
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I will not go to Samal, Merinah, Shaanarid until -xp penality wears off.
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Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:55 PM   #19
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TBH We'd never pick that if there were a better alternative when +XP wasn't available.

Actually I'd vote for +gold on those off times because at least it's harmless, but I have the standard ‘democracy’ worries that if I don't vote with the crowd what enough others won't have that what I really don't want (ie. ‘There can only be one’) will win.

I guess what I'm saying is, that not being able to pick +XP repeatedly is silly. Yeah, it shouldn't stack like it did, and maybe we're ultimately to blame with our +60% RLM that we got in the first week of invasions, but c'mon. Until there's better options to pick from, ...
If you can't detect sarcasm yourself, please pay attention when it's pointed out to you.
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Old 07-17-2009, 01:00 PM   #20
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Syrtis surely would be saying the opposite thing if the -xp had happened to another realm. Is a week of -xp so difficult for you guys? The majority is acting like it's lasting for a year. Guys take this opportunity to gather your strenghts in the war zone, less grinders means more players in the war zone.
Syrtis has such a great chance to invade any realm they want. You guys have so many players, the only thing left is the cooperation and orginisation. I remember a week or two ago Syrtis attempted an invasion on Ignis. We were 20 vs 50-60 and Syrtis still failed.
I definatly don't agree with those Syrtis who are leaving/quitting the game because of this matter. It is just showing that those players are simply sore losers.

Last edited by spitout; 06-04-2010 at 12:50 PM.
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