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Old 05-17-2010, 08:31 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post
Texas is the state that sets the textbook standards for the other 49.
This is the main problem. One state shouldn't be capable of directing other states to the bathroom of a 7/11, let alone imposing their beliefs on others.
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Old 05-17-2010, 08:43 PM   #12
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Texas..the state with the 48th worst education (2004-2009)
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Old 05-17-2010, 10:16 PM   #13
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The irony is that this state board of education is changing things to preach the wonders of the free market before going to cash their paychecks signed by the government.

Say no to socialism!
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Old 05-17-2010, 10:47 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Henri_Freundlich View Post
Why aren't Texas Parents and Residents speaking out against this biased rewrite of history?[...]
Maybe some of this Texas Parents and Residents saw this caricature:

... and now they fear consequences for asking such questions (just a joke ).

Believing in (or blaming) God in this modern age isn't going to help solve the challenges that children; the nation; the world is set to face.
Right, but for a government it's easier to govern less educated people and it's easier to lead them to war
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Old 05-18-2010, 02:04 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
Right, but for a government it's easier to govern less educated people and it's easier to lead them to war
That explains why the Americans prolly have killed more British troops than what the enemy have.

"Orange square means fire right?"
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Old 05-18-2010, 04:24 AM   #16
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Two wings to the same bird-of-prey.

They laugh as we are divided and bicker over the table-scraps that one side claims over another when the act of pitting us against each other makes it easier to sell one side of each lie.

There is the left-wing, the right-wing, and then the truth is in the middle somewhere.

If anyone wants to adhere to some cookie-cutter party philosophy instead thinking for themselves, by all means. It's the easier course to be ignorant than objective.

Of course, I see the simplest of all solutions to avoiding a state-run propagandized education (which I've seen BOTH sides of growing up all over the U.S.): Homeschooling.

Knock it all you want, but a good set of parents are leaps and bounds better for the Free Will and critical-thinking in development of a youth than some institution which waters down every person as a name on a roster which adds to their funding and budget.

The best way to destroy something pure and simple (such as the truth of history) is to institutionalize it (liberal or conservative agendas aside; they BOTH f*ck up the real picture).

Stop fighting over crumbs and declare yourselves Americans, not liberal or conservative, not Republican or Democrat, not left or right. Want to stay divided over the small stuff? Go right ahead. I say focus on the really big problems first and work our way down as adults, not as squabbling hens pecking at each other over feed.

Question EVERYTHING. Accept nothing at face value.
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Old 05-18-2010, 06:49 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Vythica View Post
Despite what people like Henri say. (He's only pissed because of some second life b.s. Look at the b.s. made up words like "techno-fascism". Sounds like a Darude album.)
My personal views of Second Life/Linden Resrech - that Linden have been (and still are) rolling out pro-corporate anti-customer policies while allowing under-the-radar Griefing groups (like Emerald/Onyx) run rampant have absolutely nothing to do with this thread, nor does it have anything to do with my anti-Communism views.

Communism isn't a viable option until post-scarcity kicks in (if it ever does), due to the self-centered nature of man.

Originally Posted by Vythica View Post
Public school should teach on to the lowest common denominator, which is testable, provable, history and scientific fact.
Facts need to be accompanied by case studies from both liberal and conservative viewpoints. Without case studies, children won't know why/how the facts were conceived.

Originally Posted by Kyrottimus View Post
Question EVERYTHING. Accept nothing at face value.
Some people question everything first and then decide and others 'trust' everything first and slowly decide for themselves at a later stage.

Originally Posted by Solarus View Post
In reality, parents (cause I am one) should not rely JUST on the education system to "teach" their children about history, what's right, what's wrong, etc. Luckily I'm a more open minded parent and I allow my children the opportunity to explore and learn "what is" and not "what is perceived."
Most parents these days just lets their children roam the Internet by themselves with no guidance whatsoever...
It's good that you are actively engaged in your children's education
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Old 05-18-2010, 09:46 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Kaliek View Post
The irony is that this state board of education is changing things to preach the wonders of the free market before going to cash their paychecks signed by the government.

Say no to socialism!
I love you Kal.

Originally Posted by Kyrottimus View Post

Two wings to the same bird-of-prey.

They laugh as we are divided and bicker over the table-scraps that one side claims over another when the act of pitting us against each other makes it easier to sell one side of each lie.

There is the left-wing, the right-wing, and then the truth is in the middle somewhere.

If anyone wants to adhere to some cookie-cutter party philosophy instead thinking for themselves, by all means. It's the easier course to be ignorant than objective.

Of course, I see the simplest of all solutions to avoiding a state-run propagandized education (which I've seen BOTH sides of growing up all over the U.S.): Homeschooling.

Knock it all you want, but a good set of parents are leaps and bounds better for the Free Will and critical-thinking in development of a youth than some institution which waters down every person as a name on a roster which adds to their funding and budget.

The best way to destroy something pure and simple (such as the truth of history) is to institutionalize it (liberal or conservative agendas aside; they BOTH f*ck up the real picture).

Stop fighting over crumbs and declare yourselves Americans, not liberal or conservative, not Republican or Democrat, not left or right. Want to stay divided over the small stuff? Go right ahead. I say focus on the really big problems first and work our way down as adults, not as squabbling hens pecking at each other over feed.

Question EVERYTHING. Accept nothing at face value.
Kyro, here's the problem with this libertarian mindset; it's archaic.

You're right about the parties. They are right-wing and ultra-right-wing. We need a party of the people, of the worker to take power. That's all I have to say about that.

Now homeschooling? Seriously? Unless your parents are board certified teachers, they are in no way, shape, or form in a better position to be academic instructors the way a teacher is. But here's the catch, they are in a FAR better place to be MORAL instructors than a public school teacher. Which is why you should learn natural selection, the big bang, Jefferson and Lenin at school, and then if your parents are sufficiently hick enough they can tell you it's bullshit. Point being school should teach the facts, it's up to the parents to indoctrinate morals. Homeschooling is not a viable option for many, many reasons and I'm not going to list them all because that would be stupid.

Libertarians have this ass-backwards view of being "mountain-men" or "pioneers" or to be honest I'm not sure what goes on in their heads most of the time, but here's why Libertarianism is dead; It's not 1800 anymore! The way some Libertarians talk you'd think that the Union army was coming to confiscate their land, as ordered by Andrew Jackson. If Libertarians had their way there'd be NO public services because they'd throw out regulations as opposed to "being bogged down in bureaucracy". To hear a Libertarian speak it's as if they'd want to turn back the hands of time to 1776, and as novel as that sounds it really ignores a lot of the more pressing, modern issues faced in the United States today.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure you will.

Last edited by Vythica; 05-18-2010 at 09:57 AM.
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Old 05-18-2010, 10:43 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by WhateverUSMC View Post
This is the main problem. One state shouldn't be capable of directing other states to the bathroom of a 7/11, let alone imposing their beliefs on others.
Well, my apologies then, I didn't know about that one thing, my bad.

I don't think Poland is a country of freedom, but in my opinion it's more free than Sweden. Sweden terrifies me in many ways, while Poland just starts to creep me out :P
We have written in our Constitution that we're a nation of Christ. So Catholics are default here :P And basically, we do have MANY schools where teachers are Fathers and Sisters who won't allow the kids to even walk around the city; they live in the monasteries that act like schools. They teach them history, biology, barh, even sexual education, in their own ways. And somehow, those kids aren't crooked and still can have different opinion than the teachers. They're not beaten up for that.

But yeah, I get your points, it's just that I want to explain it doesn't always mean a sect full of drones.

btw. I'm for Monarchy. This shit was good in Medieval Poland :P yay.
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Old 05-18-2010, 11:56 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Vythica View Post
Kyro, here's the problem with this libertarian mindset; it's archaic.
There is no expiration date on free will.

You're right about the parties. They are right-wing and ultra-right-wing. We need a party of the people, of the worker to take power. That's all I have to say about that.
What we need are fewer busy-bodies trying to tell others how to live their lives.

I'll live how I want, and I'll let others live the way they want with equal respect to each other's rights to life, property and prosperity, equal across all races, genders and what-have-you.

Libertarianism harkens back and is in sync with the very essences of many dynamics of what it means to be self-actualized, free-thinking individuals. A lot of it stems from Common Law, from which all Contract Law and Criminal Law is derived.

1. Do everything which you have agreed to do.
2. Do not encroach upon the rights of another.

Simple concept. If, say, for example someone wanted to figure out some information for themselves, that is their right to do so. If someone tries to squash that effort, they are basically infringing upon their rights. Public school or not.

It's not an archaic concept, it is the basis of all things good and decent which result from our humanity.

But the problems arise the moment someone tries to push their agenda upon me or others like me who want to live life without stepping on another, but without being stepped on by another.

Now homeschooling? Seriously? Unless your parents are board certified teachers, they are in no way, shape, or form in a better position to be academic instructors the way a teacher is.
Don't be so miopic; it's not an absolute of one or another. There are plenty of areas of in-between where the kids spend 3-4 days at public or private school then have lessons at home with their parents.

The parents can follow approved cirriculum and if they are good parents they'll instill a desire for the child to search information for themselves instead of being spoon-fed it.

Also, there are private schools and so forth and options are necessary to avoid a child's mind growing stagnant, be it from state-sponsored public "education" or dogmatic preaching from some clergy.

But here's the catch, they are in a FAR better place to be MORAL instructors than a public school teacher. Which is why you should learn natural selection, the big bang, Jefferson and Lenin at school, and then if your parents are sufficiently hick enough they can tell you it's bullshit.
If the kid had any brains at all he/she would question everything equally; Santa Clause, Darwin vs. Wallace as well as Big Bang, Chaos Theory and historical figures. Lenin? Sure they'd be free to study that genocidal megalomaniac who was Stalin's single-greatest influence (for those who didn't know, Stalin purged more people than the Nazi's in WWII, and Mao one-upped him and eradicated 80 million human lives in under 20 years).

So yeah, I think it is important to inform and educate on *all* characteristics of a historical figure; not just quotes and talking points, but their actions as well.

I like Thomas Jefferson, but as an example I would have opposed him 100% during the Whiskey Rebellion.

Point is if we had people who learned how to critically think and think for themselves at an early age, propaganda being trumped in public-school format wouldn't adhere to the minds of already-developed individuals (instead of robots).

Point being school should teach the facts, it's up to the parents to indoctrinate morals. Homeschooling is not a viable option for many, many reasons and I'm not going to list them all because that would be stupid.
I agree, but not just a selected sample of the facts, but also a list of sources and methods by which they can further investigate any given topic so they can decide for themselves.

Libertarians have this ass-backwards view of being "mountain-men" or "pioneers" or to be honest I'm not sure what goes on in their heads most of the time, but here's why Libertarianism is dead;
Ahh yes, the Ad Hominem approach. Here it comes

It's not 1800 anymore! The way some Libertarians talk you'd think that the Union army was coming to confiscate their land, as ordered by Andrew Jackson.
So because some of them say some crazy things, they must all be crazy...I follow you so far... By the way, ever heard of Eminant Domain?

And Andrew Jackson, like many historical figures, had a good side and a bad one: The Good - He kept the corruptive bankers and banking interests from wresting control away from the economy of the people with their fascism. The Bad - The Trail of Tears. Being 1/8 of Eastern Cherokee (the ones who fought back instead of walked to Oklahoma with up to 50% casulaties) I guess one *might* say I have an ancestral obligation to hate that man.

If Libertarians had their way there'd be NO public services because they'd throw out regulations as opposed to "being bogged down in bureaucracy".
You're mis-informed. If *TRUE* Libertarians had their way, there would be plenty of public services; but they would be optional to all to pay into and receive their benefits.

You know, the crux of the whole "Freedom to choose" concept.

To hear a Libertarian speak it's as if they'd want to turn back the hands of time to 1776, and as novel as that sounds it really ignores a lot of the more pressing, modern issues faced in the United States today.
To the foundational approach of a Constitutional Republic, yes. But it wasn't perfect back then, there were Amendments required and some far later than should have been added.

Some were wrong and some weren't even legitimately ratified. Point being, a true Libertarian differs from a Constitutionalist (which sounds more like the type of person you've been describing)...in that Libertarianism existed long before there was even a word for it.

It is rooted Nature's Law and that sense of defiance in the face of tyranny / fascism comes from the same bolt of metaphoric cloth.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure you will.
No way to correct an opinion, as they are all different. There would be no debates at all if everyone believed everything and saw everything from an identical perspective.

The means by which we expand our horizons is to listen to the viewpoints of others instead of snuffing them out before they can be heard. In a truly free society, all opinions should be respected even if they seem "backwards" and "crazy" to some.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I shall defend unto my death your right to say it." -- Voltaire

Bet that quote sticks in some people's craw (<--- hick phrase!! o noes!!!), but meh..

But what do I know? I'm just a hick living in the mountains with too many guns.
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Last edited by Kyrottimus; 05-19-2010 at 12:23 AM.
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