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Old 08-04-2010, 03:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Godot View Post
if you saw 8 Iggies, it was a fort taking party
Ummh do you see any for at efe beach? And yes i know what you all mean it is stupid if we do that. And yes i do it some times to.

with kind regards
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Old 08-04-2010, 04:24 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Shwish View Post
the point DTK is trying to make is that this particular hunt party should be at the Orc Camp or Imperial Beach hunting grinders more on thier level, but instead they're killing grinders alot lower levels than them. ever hear the phrase "taking candy from a baby"?

Theres nothing wrong with this or any rule against this but i hope they enjoyed the 1rp they got from every grinder they found.

Maybe you did not understand my point or maybe you think I am nuts. Maybe you could be elsewhere, but I have hunted Horus....many times I find NO one at Orc camp or Imp beach. So basically I waist an hour running around to do jack squat. So if there is people near Trelle beach I would much rather get 1 RP (though they were prolly getting more then 1 RP from grinders in that area, but RP really does not matter anyway) from them in hopes they will call more people to come help them, then just absently waist my time running around a barren map. Does this make more sense?

Again as I said in the original reply I made, this picture shows a much bigger and underlying problem with the server Horus that it has had for a long time. On a full server such as Ra this picture would not even be an issue as that small group would quickly die. But also there would be more choices for that little party to have interactions with enemies (especially with ones more there lvl) then there is on Horus. On Horus if you play to war and don't wanna spend countlesslly long amounts of time running around doing nothing, then the best bet is to go where the people are regardless of there lvl and hope that they can gain more numbers or higher levels to make a decent fight. Of course this is just my opinion and could be way off to most but it is how I feel and I will stick to it.
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Old 08-04-2010, 06:23 PM   #13
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Meh, just more lame-ass grinder gankers.
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Old 08-04-2010, 07:09 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by time-to-die View Post
Ummh do you see any for at efe beach? And yes i know what you all mean it is stupid if we do that. And yes i do it some times to.

with kind regards
Ya, its big white, and ugly, all flowery with a see through door. They call it a 'castle' but its not a real castle like shaan.
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Old 08-05-2010, 12:57 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
Efe beach is a lvl 48 - 50 group grind area (high mob density, lots of 50+ mobs). Trelle market is a lvl 36 - 43 or so solo grind area (low mobs density, highly variable level range for mobs).
Actually there(efe beach) is no lvl50+ mobs. Highest lvl mob there is lvl 50 aquantis and kelonte is lvl 48 if i remember right. And many times i have seen 8-10 ppl ignis HUNTING parties there. They didnt attack efe, they just killed our grinders.

I think it is quite lame to hunt and kill grinders with over 4 ppl. I agree that what syrtis did at near trelle market was so lame
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Old 08-05-2010, 02:00 AM   #16
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If only the best grind spots for level 40+ were all in the warzone, then this wouldn't be such a huge problem.

Four-man hunting groups would die so fast if they met one of the massive grind parties at Elther...
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Last edited by linearguild; 08-05-2010 at 02:11 AM.
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Old 08-05-2010, 11:52 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Warthog View Post
Maybe you did not understand my point or maybe you think I am nuts. Maybe you could be elsewhere, but I have hunted Horus....many times I find NO one at Orc camp or Imp beach. So basically I waist an hour running around to do jack squat. So if there is people near Trelle beach I would much rather get 1 RP (though they were prolly getting more then 1 RP from grinders in that area, but RP really does not matter anyway) from them in hopes they will call more people to come help them, then just absently waist my time running around a barren map. Does this make more sense?

Again as I said in the original reply I made, this picture shows a much bigger and underlying problem with the server Horus that it has had for a long time. On a full server such as Ra this picture would not even be an issue as that small group would quickly die. But also there would be more choices for that little party to have interactions with enemies (especially with ones more there lvl) then there is on Horus. On Horus if you play to war and don't wanna spend countlesslly long amounts of time running around doing nothing, then the best bet is to go where the people are regardless of there lvl and hope that they can gain more numbers or higher levels to make a decent fight. Of course this is just my opinion and could be way off to most but it is how I feel and I will stick to it.
You hunt for rps then? Since i hunt because im bored and i want to fight, if i see someone alone, i will try to make let him/her sit down and pvp, but since this results in HELP HELP HUNTER HERE, im doing that less often, but still i just do it to have a nice fight, not to kill some noob that gives me 1rp because i want rp, and this wasnt even a pic of the full group, i had to ask around quite abit and we needed 10 ppl to kick them off, and they where just getting more, all inq clan ppl, so i dont even want to see when they also ask other big clans to use fort-capturing capable parties to farm a grindspot
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Old 08-05-2010, 12:40 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
Speaking of "they are syrtis" comments i can say i saw several times a hunt party of 5 ignis hunters with toltards. I will not put names they are all well known. Once they was even 6 - 5 toltards and a marksman.

So lets not put this kind of stuff. This depend on players mainly not on realm.
Yeah, exactly. Once I was in a grind group so big that we had 2 parties (yes, really) at efe beach, and a big enough hunt party came that we all died (so did most of them to be fair, too).... so the obvious reaction was that it was a fort group going for efe who just stopped off at the beach on the way past for grinders, so we went to the castle, and they just didn't turn up.

4 in a hunting party isn't that bad really....

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Old 08-05-2010, 01:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Gabburtjuh View Post
You hunt for rps then? Since i hunt because im bored and i want to fight, if i see someone alone, i will try to make let him/her sit down and pvp, but since this results in HELP HELP HUNTER HERE, im doing that less often, but still i just do it to have a nice fight, not to kill some noob that gives me 1rp because i want rp, and this wasnt even a pic of the full group, i had to ask around quite abit and we needed 10 ppl to kick them off, and they where just getting more, all inq clan ppl, so i dont even want to see when they also ask other big clans to use fort-capturing capable parties to farm a grindspot
As I said RPs are pointless. Personally I don't hunt that very often, when I am hunting it is usually mainly (not always but for most part) in syrtis territory tracking and trying to kill enemy hunters on my lower level hunter. I went by the picture and what I saw in it which was a 4 person party. If there was more then there was, but even then it really doesn't change my opinion that much.

As for the size, not everyone enjoys fort wars. Not everyone enjoys running around trying to find phantom people. Not everyone enjoys standing at a bridge doing nothing in hopes an enemy group may come. So I will stick to my opinion that on Horus with the under-lying problem there is, during certain times and even sometimes during the active times if you don't want to be a part of a farm or don't like fort fighting then you can easily run around and spend an hour of your time to try to find just 1 fight. So if you find a person or a group and camp the area you find them in, in hopes they will get more people to come help them and you will get a good fight more power to you. I'd rather be standing in a fixed position where the enemies knows where I am but it is close enough to something to get them perhaps a bit worried that they might actually come play then stand at a bridge where they may know where I am but could care less to be bothered to come play.

The issue is that with Horus the population sucks so much that this screenshot is even an issue. As I have said and others from Ra in the beginning this type of party is normal on Ra. Is it an issue there? No, because there are more people readily available, it's not like you need an all points bulletin to the whole realm who could be very far away to try to get rid of a few people. I have an Alsius barb on Ra who grinds in this area, there is constantly Syrtis hunt parties around there, many times ones alot bigger. Is it a problem? No, is it annoying, yes it can be at times but most times it is fun cause it actually means a break for a few mins from the boredom of grinding.

Again I will say the same thing I have before, on Horus yes there are theoetically better spots for parties to hunt at. Do you know if this party checked these spots first? Do you know if they planned to move from there if whoever was dying where they were decided to just wait for friends at either the save guard or the realm gate? I mean there are many reasons for a group even higher levels to be at that spot, the main one on Horus is a complete lack of players many times so if you find a area with a few why would you want to leave and run for a half hour or hour to find more people?
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