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Old 12-01-2011, 12:32 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by standistortion View Post
No, he was blind. He had a couple of operations during the time I have been playing, haven't seen him on horus since raven started up. Hope all is going well for him.
How are you so sure?
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Old 12-01-2011, 12:44 PM   #12
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How are you so sure?
Discussing someones personal issues like this is a bit distasteful. Other members of a clan I was in had been playing much longer than I had and knew him better than I did.

Never asked about the software he was using but he would have to home in on targets, turning one way then the other until the target was straight in front of him before attacking.
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Old 12-01-2011, 01:20 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by standistortion View Post
Discussing someones personal issues like this is a bit distasteful. Other members of a clan I was in had been playing much longer than I had and knew him better than I did.

Never asked about the software he was using but he would have to home in on targets, turning one way then the other until the target was straight in front of him before attacking.
Well maybe, but can you actually believe that? How would he know where he is walking or when he hits a rock or something.. I don't know if such thing is possible, and from the things you just said neither do you. Not saying it's lied or just impossible but I find it a little bit hard to believe
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Old 12-01-2011, 01:31 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by standistortion View Post
Discussing someones personal issues like this is a bit distasteful. Other members of a clan I was in had been playing much longer than I had and knew him better than I did.

Never asked about the software he was using but he would have to home in on targets, turning one way then the other until the target was straight in front of him before attacking.
His program would have to hook into the game first, like a hack. That sounds something more like what a bot would do, if an auto-player was ever coded for this game, and I really doubt a blind person would understand the values being read to him by the computer. It's more likely that he would code a bot for the game and be covering his ass with the blind excuse. There was a thread around here last year accusing a playier of having something like that anyway.

Or he was just completely BSing you.

Last edited by Regnum_Online; 12-01-2011 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 12-01-2011, 08:57 PM   #15
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This seems all so unlikely.

Why would a blind person play an mmorpg. He would have no idea whats going on, not matter how high tech your computer is.
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Old 12-01-2011, 09:05 PM   #16
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Amusing thread, gone a bit off track though

Suppose thats a decent way to set up a controller for Regnum, 3 on "select" seems odd to me but I suppose it works and you have to make extra concessions dealing with just one hand, bravo for being determined enough to keep going though

There was an article on IGN a while back about some Kid who learned to play console games one handed (and pretty damn well) pretty inspirational.

Playing blind though, I simply can't see how that would work in any way, regardless of how high spec your PC is if you can't see a screen then I don't see how it can be done, a very basic program maybe if you could be walked though it by sound or something, but combat in a game like this? No way.
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Old 12-01-2011, 11:34 PM   #17
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Just a little info, some blind people wanted to play WoW so they got a team together to develop a program that will explain what is on the screen. The people play WoW on a daily basis with no problems, anyone of us could adapt given time, You would be surprised what is possible these days.
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Old 12-02-2011, 02:02 AM   #18
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WoW has a much, much larger playerbase though. That would still have to hook into the game engine, and probably be considered a hack, right?
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Old 12-02-2011, 10:21 AM   #19
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That would still have to hook into the game engine, and probably be considered a hack, right?
It would be helpful to use hooks but it's not essential. Screen data can be parsed, mobs and player's have single colors for levels and realms, chat is in a single font, opponent difficulty and map co-ordinates can be found in the same place on the screen etc. There would be a lot of work involved but once it has been done for one game it could be adapted to others. Unfortunately it would also be fairly simple to run bots using the same system.
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Old 12-02-2011, 06:52 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by S_N_I_P_E_R View Post
a program that will explain what is on the screen.
I think you underestimate how much you need to take in to be effective in game, for this to work you'd need sound cues for spell cooldowns, effects active on you and when they run out, which spells you have hot keyed where and which bar you're currently on (unless you have a very good memory) the direction you're facing, if there is something in your way, including rocks, cliff faces, water, walls, and aggro mobs. Or if you're currently under attack: from what direction, by what class, level, realm, mob, what your health and mana levels are. I could go on and on for hours. And even if you could get all of this information out in audio form without it becoming one big noise you'd still need some kind of bot like behavior working an auto-target, its hard enough to get the right target in war when you can actually see it.

Maybe it could have very limited function in a game like WOW where it can be heavily integrated, supported by developers etc. But no way could someone set up something like this by themselves in Regnum.
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