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Old 06-29-2007, 09:24 AM   #11
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im sure if we wanted to every class could complain warriors can complain about how they only manage one or two hits before enemy is killed by others because of there speed and no range so they have to run to get to the enemies. hunters could complain of not being able to heal. marksman can complain of speed. conju's can complain of see above. and warlocks can complain of loading time for spells or something.

every class has ups and downs. barbs do mass dmg. knights take mass damage. warlocks do massive dmg. conju's heal, summon, bless. marksmen kill from distance. hunters disapear without a trace while a pet follows.
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:34 AM   #12
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krushkarkas is an unknown quantity at this point
Default mann2411

mann said
im sure if we wanted to every class could complain warriors can complain about how they only manage one or two hits before enemy is killed by others because of there speed and no range so they have to run to get to the enemies. hunters could complain of not being able to heal. marksman can complain of speed. conju's can complain of see above. and warlocks can complain of loading time for spells or something.

none of the complaints above is 'i die so easy'.
since when can a healer NOT keep himself alive.
maybe you should look into the class a little more.
and find out what there supposed to be like.
im not trying to put regnum in some box.
im just sick of getting stomped all the damn time.
and im sick of trying to explain how gimped this character is.
make one and spend months leveling it then when your
ass gets kicked over and over and over you might know what
your talking about.
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Old 06-29-2007, 11:00 AM   #13
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Exclamation Conjuerer is the worst class?

I feel like you want to make Conjurer battle machine. Remember that there is always decision. All archers, mages and warriors have to choose if they want to be offensive or defensive. Hunters, Conjurers and Knights (ok knights are strong) have to be defensive and Marksmen, Warlocks and Barbarians have to be offensive. My hunter can hardly hit enemy so painful like marksman. But it's all about decision. I allways need conjurer for fast lvl up. I and Orcus are same lvl and we get lvl almost at same time. So no slower lvling. In WZ is my main enemy Conjurer. I need to take him down as first, because he heals, buff and revive my enemies. And enemies protect him. It's just nightmare. And fighting in WZ is about parties. It's rare to go to enemy fields alone. Only if you have really high lvl and you go somewhere are noobs training.

At all, I think good Conjurer is allways needed in all parties.
Syrtis - Hunter (lochnesss lvl. 35) and Marksman (Lochness lvl. 19)
Guardians of Syrtis
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Old 06-29-2007, 01:05 PM   #14
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and im sick of trying to explain how gimped this character is
i can understand you feel sick, because you really seems to be the only one out there to think that and to have understood that the conj would be a battle-Uber-pwnzor with heal, pets, buffs, armor and enormous area damage spell with low mana cost.

make one and spend months leveling it then when your
ass gets kicked over and over and over you might know what
your talking about.
I made one and i'm 50 and i have NO IDEA of what ou are talking about, i'm not dying more than any other class do (except maybe knights).
I dont want to be rude but have ou ever thought that you might play it bad ?
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:18 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by krushkarkas
make one and spend months leveling it then when your
ass gets kicked over and over and over you might know what
your talking about.
Reach lvl 50 first, make friends and force them to protect you. Conjurers must be respected because they focus on saving their allies and leave the pleasure of killing to them.

I was 50 for a long time, man... I know what I'm talking about.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 06-29-2007, 03:35 PM   #16
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arlick is a jewel in the rougharlick is a jewel in the rougharlick is a jewel in the rough

if u become the better conjurer u'll be the most respected player in the game
only be patient and choose carefully ur spells
"Nunca un científico ha quemado a un religioso por afirmar a Dios sin pruebas". Manuel Toharia
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:29 PM   #17
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It's easy just to complain how hard it is, if u wanna play - play, if not - bye bye!
Only one thing - if u think u are getting killed like a noob on the battlefield, then you probably are one!
Ravion Xartes, Syrtian Wood-Elf Warlock
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Old 06-30-2007, 09:38 AM   #18
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I don´t think conjurers are weak. In the colosseum was I beaten four times by a conjurer, Ieep, The thirth and the fourth time he doesn´t have a pet, but I do. We had the same lvl, 21. Maybe I lost because Ieep is very good, but that sais that conjures could be strong.
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Old 07-01-2007, 01:35 AM   #19
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I can understand where you comming from sort of but for different reasons Just today I got my conjuror to lvl 30 after about a week and a half of tranning. I was extreamly happy and decided I should get my new stuff and head into the war zone and see how I do. Well I found out quick how much I stink I DONT thing conjurors are unballanced and weak (I dont have alot of experience with the game but I can tell at least that much) my problems are I my self am to slow mainly all I did the hole time was revive people. Now I liked doing this since I was still helping but I would have rather been up healing people my lvl is low so that also was a part. Another problem was the lagg the battles I was fighting in had 60+ people in right in my screne and in my opnion if I was going to be slow at healing I couldent have lagg. but all thies draw backs have to do with me I had plenty of health to stand near the front I just wasent fast enough responding I would heal 1 or 2 people then while I would look for a third I would die LOL . Now mabey im just an inexperienced noob but seeing as all my problems and slowely wanting to be on the front lines doing dammage ive decided to make a new Knight or Hnter (debating between them 2) I Hate to have to start all over expacially because of how ill miss being a conjuror there where many things I liked Like energy burrow + Heal + summon = nonstop tranning hehe and when you a conjuror everyone respects you way more even at lower lvls and people want you help the second I would enter a tranning area I would have a party invite if others where there. but this is my first time ever being a healer in any game and those reasons above are why I tryed it im allways some type of tank because I like having health ect but hate having to get someone to help me. but thats what im going to do and in every mmorpg ive played healers have only had a fewcombat spells (I havent played Knight Online,Silk Road)but realy while Regnum was downloading for me I went and read about all classes and looked through forums which told me that conjurors where helalers and could fight but not as good as any other class (on most ocasions) but I still chose them and thats my problem thats why I dident complain Im only saying it now because every day I look at the forums and see you with a thread about how conjuros stink or you want to be a new class well guess what start over then stop crying to us I dont care they dont care and some how i dought Ngd cares by the way you keep complaning if you dont want to start over QUIT I wont miss your posting sure I cant spell I dident space anything out Poor grammer but Im tired and just trying to read through the forums and thiese are allways at the top and yours isent even a good arguement its "conjurors die alot" when everyone else besides you who IS a conjuror says they dont I died alot but im just not good at being a healer in war zone im fine in tranning because there less lagg and I can do everything alot slower because the monster are weaker than the people we fight in war zone. I also understand that if it did take you 2 mounth or whateve thats a long time allot more than the week and a half I spent on mine but realy thats not that bad I know people who have spent a year or 2 on a charter thy dident even like just so they dident have to restart but once they did they wher much happier and wished they did it sooner. so instead of writing complaints every day about how much you hate you charter start over and invest that time in tranning I et with all the time youve wasted posting thies youd be lvl 30 by now at least. Well hope I covered everything also now im going to go post a complaint about computers should read my mind and type what I think so I dident have to waste all this time in my life and if they dont change this soon I refuse to ever touch a computer or keyboard again!!

I do apoligeze to any one who read that its Long I may have repated things 2 or 3 times Im tyred semi grumpy from waking up at 5am this morning and its now 2am also the grammer and stuff is bad but Im never good with that kind of thing. and I was rude throught the hole post dont get to mad thats just how you talk where I live hopefully people understand that.

Edit-- Just now I weant back and realized that I stoped reading you list around ish number... 3-5 so i dident cover everything but I think that will be enoght to get the point across and more than enouh for everyone to read.
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