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Old 03-11-2009, 06:41 PM   #191
Join Date: Dec 2008
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I was refering to the clan who took imperia while we were at the event. I was on that day, and some said "that's stupid, you're ruining the event blablabla", but they changed there mind when they knew the attack was planned a week ago.

It's the game to have fun too. That's why i like fighting alsius, we can kill each other, but they don't play the way you do. That's why i know i can have fun with alsius, and i just seek to destroy syrtris when i see them. That's because alsius plays well, as a team and fort wars at aggers are great. No sneaky things...

You're choosing at time when you all are one. We all know there is more ignis players later on at night. That's maybe why you have more people.I was suggesting to change the rules, where everyone can go after killing the boss, without a fight. Since, you outnumber us, and you're not chasing rp's...:P

The ignis people that are on irc are not a major part of the ignis population. We all know there is always the same people on irc, a few, always there. And sometimes they say things they regret later, like what happened with the pvp contest.

I can read ignis chat, there were just a few (when they attacked imperia) who did complain and that's not the majority. My clan have lots of members, and no one cared if the event was ruined or not. Ghosts seem not to care too, unless that's only smurv's and kaliek's opinion. What about the clan that attacked imperia? guess they didn't want to change their plan's too. That's the 3 major clan's on ignis.

I wasn't at the last event, I don't know who ignis behaved. But the only time i got there, i didn't even want to kill you. What for, we just killed one boss together.

If you want to make things right, try to speak to Efrendi, that's one real ignis leader, and if you can get along, he'll group a lot more ignis and maybe we'll participate. Unless you do that, there is a small chance that event will work.

I wasn't there when they messed up last time, and i don't care about rp either, I just like to hang in wz and test different setups. But i can understand those who want to kill you at every occasion, as I can understand your point too. Thing is, everyone is free to do as he like.
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Old 03-11-2009, 06:46 PM   #192
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Everyone is free to have a go at killing any Syrtian Alsian or Ignian for 6 of the week and most of the 7th, Im sure that a 2-3 hour truce isnt THAT HARD to abide by

Strangely Syrtis prefers Fighting Als as well, the most common reason it "they bother to fight back more often"

Syrtis may be a realm of mostly adverage/sub adverage players, but you gota admit, (unless its an invasion ^^) we very rarely give up a fight.

Anywho, Evendim is back, any word on the others?
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:41 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by Gravat
Propaganda? There were Ignis complaining about their realmmates actions to try and ruin the event on IRC =)
Unfortunately like any great kingdom we have our own internal fueds. We can handle it just fine. They are still our brothers and there ought to be disputes between siblings which we will resolve. As I had said already NGD didnt implement crossrealm chat in their game for a reason. May be it would all be well if you could stop gossiping in IRC for a while and come to defend your respective gates while we invade :P

- The Scarlet Pimpernel

PS: Red Powaa... FTW !
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Old 03-11-2009, 08:30 PM   #194
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What are you ignis's Mascot lol

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Old 03-11-2009, 08:49 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by veluchami
PS: Red Powaa... FTW !
Just put it in your Sig allready, save yourself the trouble of writing at the end of EVERY POST.
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Old 03-11-2009, 08:51 PM   #196
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For christs sake you guys...

I'm getting fat from all this popcorn. =\
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 03-11-2009, 08:53 PM   #197
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock
For christs sake you guys...

I'm getting fat from all this popcorn. =\
Happy to oblige I may as well just admit I cant resist a good argument, all the more so when the guy on the other side seems to have apointed himself the Ignis massiah
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Old 03-11-2009, 09:25 PM   #198
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Originally Posted by 210paul
Just put it in your Sig allready, save yourself the trouble of writing at the end of EVERY POST.
Had I thought it was trouble clicking or pressing keys I would have stopped killing you greens long back...
My posts are not just random flame wars, but calculated 'psych ops', a part of the greater Ignis war strategy for world domination which compliments our ingame ascendancy.

- The Scarlet Pimpernel

PS: Red Powaa... FTW !
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Old 03-11-2009, 09:32 PM   #199
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Originally Posted by veluchami
Had I thought it was trouble clicking or pressing keys I would have stopped killing you greens long back...
My posts are not just random flame wars, but calculated 'psych ops', a part of the greater Ignis war strategy for world domination which compliments our ingame ascendancy.

- The Scarlet Pimpernel

PS: Red Powaa... FTW !

ahehehahhHAEhaehaehaehaehaeHaehaehaehaehaehaehaeEH AEhahehaehahe

I can't decide if this is funny because it's completely retarded or absolutely brilliant
Hit me, nail me, make me God.
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Old 03-11-2009, 10:22 PM   #200
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Default sigh

What is wrong with some of you?

This has gotten way out of hand, its supposed to be a talk about planning super boss events, and some of you are turning it into your own personal flame war. Im not talking about any realm at all, i mean everyone together. Some of you are you full of yourselves that all your posts have the same pointless spam about your realm being better then the other, and refuse to see any other point of view.

How about, instead of filling your posts with smileys and other spam like "my realm owns yours" and a bunch of random crap your realms done followed by some stuff you made up about another realm and ending it with propaganda. You sound like a bunch of nazis trying to convince people what your doings right. think up a actual arguement that shows your more mature then a 5 year old at a soccer game. Loose the realm and high any mighty crap. Most of you are only trying to encourage flame wars and pointless spam.
I think its pretty pathetic that a lot of you cant prove your point unless you insult another realm somewhere in it, or spam it up about how great your realm is, and if you dont know whats going on then just dont bother complaining about "something you heard and must be true because the other realms the devil". Most of you are old enough to think properly and can behave maturly without the egos. if people look at this game and see on the forums its just flaming and a big war of "pointing the finger at the other people" their not going to want to play it.
When a problem occurs dont just assume a bunch of crap and accuse the other realm of everything. Make your posts to actually try and be helpful. Instead of following each persons post with a comeback and flaming them so you can feel like a special little kid. Your not all 8 year olds, stop acting like it.

Even though this has been a bit off-topic, i feel it needed to be said, since this has already gotten way out of hand and is downright pathetic reading all of it.
Moo- Sytris Hunter- Horus
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