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Old 02-16-2011, 04:12 PM   #201
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Originally Posted by Dalkor View Post
Well, since everybody is doing his own previsions about this new Expansion, i say mine...

Why can't it be that max lvl is still 50, and as u get to that lvl, a new "specialization" is opened to you: warmaster... which is a 10 lvls specialization... for which u can lvl up ONLY by killing realm enemies, it means a new xp bar appears, parallel to normal one, that indicates new status of warmaster and how many xp left for next (warmaster) lvl...

unrealistic??? perhaps :P

lol, say hi to the latest RO ragequitter, the fresh lvl50 six months from now who tries to grind the next levels on lvl60's (which the server is now full of) but can barely touch them before getting 1-shotted.

You can all have your little fantasies till monday I suppose, which is when everyone will start to grind mobs like crazy
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Old 02-16-2011, 04:23 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by Kittypretty View Post
Hoping im not banned day by day, as always, since people love to harass me in game (you know who you are)
I hope too, it's so sad when someone harass someone in online game :-( maybe they don't realize there's real person behind virtual character, who may feel bad...

On topic: really nice NGD, i was hoping something new on map and got it! I would love if you redo more areas. Some trees looks pathetic imo
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Old 02-16-2011, 04:24 PM   #203
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All I hope is that if there are new skills, they will be lvld with different power points and discipline points, because most classes are already short of power points, and with more disciple points very OP builds would become possible(e.g., barb 19 wep 19 warcies 19 2h mastery 15 tactics etc etc)
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52

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Old 02-16-2011, 05:42 PM   #204
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53453467734534 is an unknown quantity at this point

Ok , let´s wait until next Monday.
Enhancing the WZ (Blog part 2) is at least a nice thing.
If you want to change something, everybody will complain. So do nothing? Wrong! That´s the only case they will complain even more
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:54 PM   #205
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I'm pretty sure leveling to 60 will be based on "player of the week"-like ranking, so XP or RP will not be used.
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:04 PM   #206
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News from Amun:

New kind of money with a W symbol

New kind of premium item: armor enhancement.

All I saw for now cause for no reason I was lvl 1 there...
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:05 PM   #207
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Default Amun is up with some new changes

I just went on to see the changes on Amun. First thing i noticed is i can't equip any of my gear because im not the required level. Another thing i noticed that kinda bugged me was my exp was down to 3 million something to be level 50. I know you are changing the exp curve and everything for players for the new lv 60 max. But, having 15 million exp on my current knight atm, shouldn't people with that much exp be rewarded instead of punished? It took about 2 years to get 15 mil exp from grinding without boosters, alone, on a beach, with a knight because i always had a feeling, like with many mmo's, that the lv will be increased one day.

The way to get lv 60 hasn't been explained at all yet but if it is with exp, i don't think you should be able to knock off like 8 million from people that earned it, veeerrrryyy slowly:P If it will be with another medium then i think it's ok. But it seems i can level up with exp on mobs atm on amun, and to lose all my hard earned exp, i think that's not fair at all.

Last edited by Ulti19; 02-16-2011 at 08:14 PM. Reason: can equip lv 62 ala pauldrons for some reason
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:06 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by Ulti19 View Post
I just went on to see the changes on Amun. First thing i noticed is i can't equip any of my gear because im not the required level. So to equip an alasthor pauldron for example i have to become lv 62?

Another thing i noticed that kinda bugged me was my exp was down to 3 million something to be level 50. I know you are changing the exp curve and everything for players for the new lv 60 max. But, having 15 million exp on my current knight atm, shouldn't people with that much exp be rewarded instead of punished? It took about 2 years to get 15 mil exp from grinding without boosters, alone, on a beach, with a knight because i always had a feeling, like with many mmo's, that the lv will be increased one day.

The way to get lv 60 hasn't been explained at all yet but if it is with exp, i don't think you should be able to knock off like 8 million from people that earned it, veeerrrryyy slowly:P If it will be with another medium then i think it's ok.
Same story for gear all for nothing also
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:06 PM   #209
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How it's on Amun now:

- Enchantments on your armor yeeeeey (BUT ITS PREMIUM )

- as Hunter I hit 200 on a challenging mob with a crappy bow

- Why a crappy bow? Because my bow is lvl 51!

- Lol why would you grind anylonger in the new update do it now fast!? NOPE xp reset everyone starts at lvl 50 with the same amount of xp doesn't matter who spend 9 years of grinding

- Well hwo much to lvl 51 then? ''We adjust the xp curve'', yeeey another 400k to grind till lvl 51 so what's next, 800k xp lvl 59-60?

If this is like Amun... I'll be pissed of, first of all give premium users an advantage AGAIN, then make lvl 50 armor parts NOW lvl 51 then so people can't use them ''grats ngd'', and then you make us grind even longer
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:12 PM   #210
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Ye the loss off exp and the fact that i cant use my shield and Spear on amun is
worrying me. How do you expect ppl to lvl up in grind or in war when they cant
use their weapons or equipement?
Beardo-Knight / Fautor-Conju / Fury-Warlock
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