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Old 12-17-2009, 12:33 PM   #251
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Comp will become famous soon enough

Woooo can't wait...
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
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Old 12-18-2009, 01:16 AM   #252
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/me waits impatiently for new story

and don't worry, I guarantee in advance I'll enjoy it
\o\ M'bwana - Mbwana - Embwana (Ra) /o/
~ PERL ~
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Old 12-18-2009, 01:54 PM   #253
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Comp will become famous soon enough

Well these stories are done for us all to read and enjoy. If you don't enjoy the read, don't read it. Insults are not constructive criticism

Originally Posted by Vythica View Post
Hey man, we all took a consensus and we decided that your stories suck and you should stop writing them. We did however, come up with an alternative way to spend your free time now that you won't be writing; Night School. Take a creative writing class and we'll see you in 6 months. Good talk. Take 5.

The above is an example of an insult instead of constructive criticism.
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:58 PM   #254
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Ok, Let me say the final word on this.

1. I know my grammer and spelling isn't great, I've never been awesome at punctuation and didnt get the highest grade in my english. However i am aware that alot of people do really enjoy these stories. I started out writing these for my friends and more people than i could have ever hoped for liked them. That makes me very happy and yes a few people have expressed they dont like my stories. I still only write for my friends and as long as they like them i will never stop writing.

2. If you dont like my stories dont read them. I dont get paid for writing them and i am in no need what so ever for you to like them.

3. Vythica i dont know you, nor can i say i have ever heard of you in game or else where, Thus I don't care if you want to be insulting most people who know me know getting a rise out of me is like getting blood from a stone. So all i will say is thank you for your "criticism" and absolutely nothing will be done about it.

now lets continue with my story thread story should be up today ^^
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:10 PM   #255
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I am one of many who love your stories. I am sorry that others have tried to bring you and your stories down, it must be some kind of jealous reaction.

Anyways, I cant wait for the new story to come out!!!

Your friend,
Jippy (Gage)
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Old 12-18-2009, 05:36 PM   #256
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kylecasey is an unknown quantity at this point
Cool eh this is typical regnum for ya

well first time i actually look at forums. do you clowns ever tire of bsing? we got gawyn writin stories some jokers rambling about their mothers sisters children or w/e. some other moron on about the stories suck then piss off go back to your dc comics or something. as for ppl doin nothin at their comps who cares about that as well. the whole post was supposed to be about stories (initially, as usual the kids playin regnum have to get their 2cents in) so continue on the topic. as for everyone else doin nothin go look for some rocks(i mean magna by that) or buy some magic boxes if youre bored. back to topic im waitin for next story, can we move on now? come on gawyn copy paste already.

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Old 12-18-2009, 05:57 PM   #257
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uch just please stop this nonsence, Zero's website idea might be a good plan at least this cant happen. New story will be up soon though whether this series of stupidity continues or not. In the immortal words of Dannboy and Van


please stop feeding the trolls and just ignore them.
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:13 PM   #258
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Your wish is my command oh epic storyteller..... (Jippy gets on one knee)


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Old 12-18-2009, 10:52 PM   #259
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Salutations! New story dude hope you enjoy ^^

Two knights, their armour tarnished with dirt. Looked at each other from across a burning fallen tree, they had been fighting for what seemed hours. Roofus twirled his spear between his fingers as they walked toward the end of the burning tree, the trees had been falling down around them for the latter part of the fight. Smurv kept his spear steady and faced him with a dead stare, he wasn't at his limit but this would be the second knight he had fought consecutively. They approached the end of the tree, just before they reached it Smurv jumped through the flames landing a blow across roofus's back. Roofus rolled forward and just managed to get to one knee and raise his shield. The blow rang against his shield and Roofus was sent onto his back from the force, using his momentum he rolled all the way over and back onto his feet. Setting himself in a defensive position toward Smurv, he gripped his spear in one hand and tried to raise it ready for the next attack.

Pain went across roofus's shoulder the blow was deeper than he thought, the metal that was once protecting him was now cut and mangled. The sharp points of the jagged metal ripping at his skin underneath. He had no choice but to take it off less he do himself a fatal injury. Roofus undid the clasps and the breast plate fell to the floor. Roofus could raise his shoulder now and he charged at Smurv, fully aware of his over exposed chest. Smurv smiled and slung his spear back between his shoulder blades, opting for a smaller, lighter ignite kopesh blade. Roofus jumped through the air, the blade of the spear aimed towards Smurv's heart. The blow bounced off his shield sending Roofus off balance, Smurv side stepped and sliced at the exposed chest piece with great speed. Another gash appeared across Roofus's back. Roofus quickly regained his composure and turned on his heals, He lashed out a kick and it crashed into Smurv sending him sprawling to the floor. Roofus slung his spear and drew his hammer to finish the job, Smurv raised his shield and Roofus's hammer crashed through twisting and cracking the metal as it went. the hammer blow crunched into Smurv's shoulder and he let out a cry as bone crunched underneath the blow. Smurv cast off the wrecked shield and punched Roofus in the side of the head with his free arm. Both the Knights scrambled to their feet, the fight that had started out skilled and elegant had now just turned into a brawl. Smurv switched his weapon from his useless arm to the other, Roofus winced at the deep slashes on his back he had lost a lot of blood. Roofus charged to end it without a shield Smurv didn't stand a chance. Smurv ran toward the knight charging at him laughing manically as he did, As the two collided Roofus's spear struck, Smurv's arm was cleanly sliced off by the blade of the spear. Smurv didn't even flinch he had no control over the arm Roofus made useless and though it was unfortunate the advantage was now his. Smurv struck his sword into the back of roofus's leg it hit so hard it stuck fast and he couldn't remove it again. Roofus grimaced as he fell to the floor. The towering Molok walked over to Roofus, his stump of an arm leaking blood.

'Good fight Roofus, but finally I'm gonna cut out your heart and attach your skull to my armour.'
He raised his spear malevolence in his eyes a loud creak and sound of wood cracking in flames around them. Smurv thrust his spear in murderous intent as a large burning tree crashed into him crushing him instantly. Roofus shuffled back against the ground away from the twitching arm holding a spear. his left leg the hamstring was ruined he could hop back to syrtis but not much chance of that in a burning forest. he noticed a change in the air around him the flames began to spiral upward until the black/blue pre dawn sky was naught but flame.
'Roofus you have proved worthy I have a task of thee, rise sir knight your burdens are relieved I have a task of you for the greater good.'

Roofus stood and looked around a shadowy figure behind or in the flame around him he couldn't tell the voice was nothing he had heard before not the flowing tones of a wood elf or syrtian or the harsh gruff tones of an alsrian, nor the sly and oily tones of an ignitian this was something different.
'Who are you?'
'My name is not important, I am one of those who locked away with the soul devourer and I head a warning for you and those of all the world. The rune stones have been gathered and the lock has been found. This world is in danger of burning not just Horus but Ra, Nifhelm, Muspell, Tyr and even Amun too. One of your people is going to unleash the soul devourer and destroy this world and all it's continents and people.'

Mattdoesblock raced through the syrtian controlled wood immune and Gringgo darting around them with their superior speed diving into and out of the darkness sometimes coming back with blood on them sometimes going for hours at a time. Karma ran with Klutu who wore the sword Karma stole and Jippy and Rykor flanked him they where the first line of defence against attack from behind,
Klutu ran he was surprised he could still wield the Satarco sword he was handed though it felt slightly odd in his hands, he reminisced about when his sword shattered from the cold against Gawyn's armour he has come along way since then.
'Could you not get me any breast plates or at least a shirt something to keep me warm, my nipples are gonna get frost bite in Alsius.'
Karma chuckled and reached into a deep pocket in her robes
'I always keep a spare.'
'I'm not wearing that.'
'fine kiss your nipples good bye'
Jippy piped up
'That's what your mother said'
Klutu frowned at Karma and threw on the tunic being offered. Rykor and Jippy roared in laughter as they ran along with Klutu in a pink and white tunic. Klutz's expression turned sullen.
'I hate you guys so much.'

Lexen stood at just behind the warlocks eviscerating the forest in front of him as the Ignian army marched behind him. Vincent Valentine ran up behind the knight and cleared his throat.
'Smurv has been killed by a syrtian Lex, his mission has failed.'
Ex enraged by this news turned on his heal and grabbed Vincent Valentine.
'Why do I rely on any of you!'
He looked toward the forest and turned to the army
'We march for the Syrtian camp we will erase them with our brutal and merciless attack, Blood will be spilt this day and we shall bathe in it.'
The warlocks stopped with the burning and true to Lex's word they had made everything they touched turned to sand. They ceased and the Ignian army sprinted into the forest toward the Syrtian camp.

Gawyn, Gwynavere and Isemon raced through the forest on mounts, Gawyn led the way followed by Isemon on a horse as brilliant white as he was. Gwynavere followed on horse sometimes standing up on the horses back to scout out the surrounding area.
'Look Isemon I cant remember exactly where it is, this is foolish we might get cauGGGGHHHHHHTTTT!!!!!'
Gawyn disappeared his jet black horse and all. Gwynavere was the first off her horse and she peered down a huge hole.
'Found it!'
Isemon dismounted and jumped down the hole with a lot more surety to himself than Gwynavere who satyed pearing in at the top. Isemon landed crouched and stood every bit as regal as always his strange metal staff glinting with energy as he walked through the cave.
'It isn't glowing any more but I daren't touch it again'
Isemon let out a hand toward the smooth cylindrical object almost touching it before Gawyn caught him.
'Isemon you could not imagine the horrors have you not seen what I look like what that made me do to myself'
Isemon stroked the column with his other free hand the image shot through Isemon to Gawyn and Gawyn threw up violently Isemon just shuddered a little.
'It's Beautiful isn't it....'
Gawyn looked at the Syrtian leader shocked.
'I beg your pardon!'
'I have no need of you any more Knight and I cant let you tell anyone else what you have seen. Goodbye Gawyn'
Isemon touched Gawyn's shoulder and he let out a scream that filled the cavern, flashes of his life filled his head and searing white hot pain, then darkness.

Last edited by Gawyn_Trakkand; 12-19-2009 at 12:41 PM.
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Old 12-19-2009, 02:24 AM   #260
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Silent_Shadow is on a distinguished road

Wow, such awesome stories gawyn, i cant wait for the next.
And aww, poor ickle sol has to wear pink
Silent Night | Silent Shadow | Silent Shade
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The Dark Side has Cookies. The Cake is a Lie. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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