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Old 02-12-2009, 06:11 PM   #21
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Grinding in a party is faster nealry all the time.

because allthough you get less xp per mob (in most cases, in some you may get more ) You still kill mobs faster, and rest less, so get more xp per hour in the end. Also its more fun in a group most of the time.

200~ mobs wont take as long as you think

At the end of the day though if you are not prepared to spend proberly over 100 hours grinding then most MMO's are not for you, since they all have grinding some less than Regnum some FAR FAR more.
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
Umaril 45 Conju Kailas 45 Marks Pel 45 Knight
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Old 02-12-2009, 06:14 PM   #22
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There were times in this game where you could level much faster. It took my hunter 4 weeks from 1 to 50 without premium and before fatigue. Nice groups and experienced players make a big difference especially today.
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Old 02-12-2009, 07:16 PM   #23
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I leveled my last character from 1 to 50 in almost exactly 3 weeks. However, I used a Scroll of Mastery to instantly get to level 30, and then +200% scrolls from then on. It was expensive, but I had more money than time. Without boosters, it would have taken closer to 8 weeks, and sucked up too much of my life.

Leveling in groups is by far the fastest way to level. Here is about what I found while fighting sabertooths with my marksman, with +200% boosters:

It would take me one spell and 3 or 4 arrows to kill a sabertooth. The cat would usually block/resist/evade between 0 and 2 times. This would use up some of my mana for the spell, and I would usually get hit a few times, so I would have to rest after about 4 or 5 cats. Being alone and low on HP and mana most of the time, this made me a frequent target for passing hunters. This would bring in around 500 XP per cat (with booster). I could kill about 2 cats per minute, for 1000 XP per minute.

In group with 3 or 4 others:
First of all, when in a big party, mobs become far easier, meaning they block/resist/evade a lot less. I only shot each cat with one arrow, only using Recharged Arrows buff, meaning that I was always 100% full of mana. I almost never got hit by a cat, so no resting necessary. Also, since I was always 100% HP and mana and with a few others, we were rarely attacked by hunting groups. Each mob would give me maybe 150 XP +250 GRP XP. That's 400 XP per cat total... with just one arrow! We could easily kill 4 cats per minute, rewarding me with 1600 XP per minute.

Another factor, especially for archers, is arrow cost and repairs. Level 48 to 50 arrows cost more than 20 gold each! In the above scenarios, I would use 200 to 240 gold worth of arrows grinding along per minute, compared to just 80 or 100 when in a group. And less arrows shot means less repairs on your bow. Also in a group, I get hit far less often, so repairs are less.

Groups means faster XP, less cost for repairs, less interruptions from hunters, and better chance of meeting new friends.
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Old 02-12-2009, 08:52 PM   #24
Join Date: Feb 2008
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tmp003 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by 210paul
At the end of the day though if you are not prepared to spend proberly over 100 hours grinding then most MMO's are not for you, since they all have grinding some less than Regnum some FAR FAR more.
You would usually find that those MMORPG's where it takes longer are PvE centered, and its much more fun there. RO is focused on PvP/RvR.

Originally Posted by octopus
Groups means faster XP, less cost for repairs, less interruptions from hunters, and better chance of meeting new friends.
I agree. I had doubts about this being true also for mages (because of their dependency on mana), but with the suggestions in previous posts it should work.

Originally Posted by Mellion
There were times in this game where you could level much faster. It took my hunter 4 weeks from 1 to 50 without premium and before fatigue.
Hopefully they will implement the changes which would return this state soon, at least for the pre-WZ levels.

Last edited by tmp003; 02-12-2009 at 10:05 PM.
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Old 02-12-2009, 09:02 PM   #25
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Originally Posted by Inkster
49 - 50 is around 600k xp my point is you have no patience to grind ...
That is exactly my point - why try new player's patience by forcing long tedious grinding on them? I believe i am not alone who thinks it simply takes too long.

Besides, i don't care if it takes long to level when you are already in WZ, i am talking about the levels before you can enter and not be killed in one shot/hit/spell (which was thankfully already decreased from ~45 to ~35).
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:46 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by ciduletu
In biger partyes you level faster. That is a fact. And by big partyes i refere to partyes of 5+
It doesn't work for everyone. Knights and mages (even more than knights) with auras will always lvl faster than the rest of the party.

High level barbs (dunno how about knights, maybe it's simillar?) are fastest alone (1 big hit and 1 normal), in two barbs together (1 normal hit both), or even better one with a support conju (1-hit-kill, hardcore xp harvesting). Combination of warrior + ranged class doesn't work very well.

Warlocks without SM will be gaining quite low experience in bigger parties because mobs die usually sooner than the warlock casts his spell.
Blaine (barbarian), Lyra (hunter), Naku (warlock), Bivoj (knight), Yu Niu (conjurer), Radegast (marksman)
<:::(°_°) ::::::::::::||===) \(°l°)/ (===||::::::::::::(°_°):::>
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