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Old 02-27-2010, 06:49 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Henri_Freundlich View Post
Edit: The aim of the French Revolution was to get rid of the single monarchy, who controlled everything.
No. It was about changing a system. A system of monarchy. We need to change the system now, a system of corrupt corporations doing business in the most unsustainable way possible.

Why are you so hung up on words? The words communism, revolution, single class sytem doesnt mean anything. It is the notion that is more important.
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Old 02-27-2010, 07:17 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by veluchami View Post
Why are you so hung up on words? The words communism, revolution, single class sytem doesnt mean anything. It is the notion that is more important.
Communism has absolutely nothing to do with human rights issues. Rather, such issues occur because of the largely ignorant population - people who let dodgy proceedings like ACTA (with their 'Guilt Upon Accusation' laws) go ahead.

Why are countries like China turning slowly towards Capitalism, if Communism solves every little problem out there?

One of the reasons that totalitarian ideologies run so rampant and so viral on the Internet is that people attempting to make a moral judgement on them are instantly accused of bias or an attempt to suppress free speech, essentially accused of the same thing they've identified.
... and says "I'll find likeminded comrades and together we will perfect ourselves and become a superior race" are *already* problems, and *already* proto-fascists because they have already discarded common sense, field data, and criticism, in favour of what some say is an eschatological technology -- a technology that is really more like a religion. Who would be able to talk sense to them once they are ecstatic? It really is rather like the Rapture, in which they imagine that some will be swept up because they are righteous
-- Prokofy Neva: Why Singularity is Fascism
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Old 02-27-2010, 07:48 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Henri_Freundlich View Post
Why are countries like China turning slowly towards Capitalism, if Communism solves every little problem out there?
Because they have corrupt communists?
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:17 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by DkySven View Post
People will by standard only do what's best for them or their loved ones. If that includes stealing from other people or denying other people access to certain resources they will handle that way. The idea of everybody being equal is a nice one, but because of the way people think, it will never work.

There's no good or bad in the world, only we and they.
This is the world we live in today. That doesnt mean that things cannot be changed. Everyone must open their eyes, must wake up that the only wake to protect yourself and your family is to have the support of your fellow man. Our current selfish state is what has made the world what it is today.

Corporations running rampant, pollution overflowing into our oceans, war over resources is already taking over on every level. (Try going to school in the US without seeing recruiters on a semi regular basis) We are all sheep, we must wake from our slumber of feeding on the endless consumer driven war against our lively hood. Until every "prol" wakes up with their fist in the in air, and "a pocket full of shells" (rage against the machine) we will all still be slaves...
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Last edited by terekon; 02-27-2010 at 08:18 PM. Reason: typed 1 word twice
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:27 PM   #25
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Man kind is by nature compettitive, this is why capitalism works, it feeds off competition, who has the better job, who has the better product etc, if competition is removed then so is the incentive to be the best, and thus progress is slowed.

At some point people decided they could do better than a cave, and made huts and tents, then others decided they could do better so made houses then we moved onto increasingly bigger and better buildings all diven by trying to be the best. If everyone was content with what they had we would still be sitting in caves thinking 'well this is nice'

Capitalism and Communism being opposite can hardly co-exist, and there are few examples of communism acctualy working, for it to come even close it would need to be world wide 'workers of the world unite' was a slogan for it at one point. But even then 'some are more equal than others' those in power will always want more and those in power rarely want to give power up (yet a key point of communism is the removal of class's and government). Also if everything is divided evenly, a cleaner working a few hours a week gets the same as a surgeon working 14 hour shifts 6 days a week, then why would people shoot high? Theres no point to try to be the best because you dont gain from your extra work. So production and the number of people in high-end jobs will drop drastically.

Besides, if you want to overthrow capitalism that is dominant over most of the worlds surface then you will need to 'open the eyes' of literaly billions of people, a subforum in a tiny little MMO is hardly going to make an impact in the grand scale of things

Dont get me wrong, both systems have their evils, there is no denying that, but Id rather stick with the bent-but-working system than gamble on one that has had little testing and less success.
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:40 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Dont get me wrong, both systems have their evils, there is no denying that, but Id rather stick with the bent-but-working system than gamble on one that has had little success in the world.

It has had little success in the world for several different reasons. And just because capitalism hasnt collapsed in on it self yet, doesnt mean it wont. The system is based off of greed and climbing higher by standing on the backs of those who couldn't. Cuba is an example that is used all the time against communism. They have been communist for a long time and are still surviving even though they have been heavily sanctioned.

You are right about one thing, posting in a tiny thread in a little mmo is not the way to wake ppl up... but is that all we do???
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:47 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by terekon View Post
You are right about one thing, posting in a tiny thread in a little mmo is not the way to wake ppl up... but is that all we do???
Well you can vote for communist (or other) partys, you can try convince your freinds, but I think by voting age most people are too settled into the current system for their minds to be so drastically swayed.

(exaggeration) It would be like being an atheist/big bang theory person for 18 (or whatever your voting age is) years then someone knocking on your door telling you about god and you instantly imbracing it.
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:49 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Man kind is by nature compettitive, this is why capitalism works, it feeds off competition, who has the better job, who has the better product etc, if competition is removed then so is the incentive to be the best, and thus progress is slowed.
No, this is a myth perpetrated by the Capitalist to keep us down. Capitalism DOESN'T work. When's the last time it worked for you? They tell you it feeds off of competition, but it actually only feeds off of exploitation. The Capitalist tells you that competition and being "the best" will be rewarded, but does that ever really happen? Rarely. And only as a demonstration of "the American Dream" to keep you in your place trying in vain to out-do the next guy to please the Capitalist. All the while, lining his pockets. Why compete with the next guy when you two have similar class interests? Why not join with him, tear down the Capitalist, then split the work and the rewards evenly?

Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
At some point people decided they could do better than a cave, and made huts and tents, then others decided they could do better so made houses then we moved onto increasingly bigger and better buildings all diven by trying to be the best. If everyone was content with what they had we would still be sitting in caves thinking 'well this is nice'
It's important to note that the first human societies, at least at the point you're speaking of (cavemen etc) didn't use money, and didn't have the slightest notion of money or exploiting someone else for their gain. They built better things and shared the technology of fire, tools, etc with each other freely.

Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Capitalism and Communism being opposite can hardly co-exist, and there are few examples of communism acctualy working, for it to come even close it would need to be world wide 'workers of the world unite' was a slogan for it at one point. But even then 'some are more equal than others' those in power will always want more and those in power rarely want to give power up (yet a key point of communism is the removal of class's and government). Also if everything is divided evenly, a cleaner working a few hours a week gets the same as a surgeon working 14 hour shifts 6 days a week, then why would people whoot high? Theres no point to try to be the best because you dont gain from your extra work. So production and the number of people in high-end jobs will drop drastically.
Yet another lie perpetrated by the Capitalist.
One of the reasons communism had a rough go in Russia was the external influences of Western Capitalist countries actively sabotaging the Soviets via Economic Sanctions and the constant threat of war.

If everyone is in the workforce, then you won't have surgeons working hour shifts, 6 days a week. With everyone in the workforce work will be split more evenly so that no one has to bear anymore than he is capable of. These stories are fallacies put forth to sway people from realizing the true nature of their plight and scare them into submission to the Capitalist.

Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Besides, if you want to overthrow capitalism that is dominant over most of the worlds surface then you will need to 'open the eyes' of literaly billions of people, a subforum in a tiny little MMO is hardly going to make an impact in the grand scale of things
You have to start somewhere. It's the responsibility of every worker to open the eyes of his comrades around him. For me, that includes you all.

Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Dont get me wrong, both systems have their evils, there is no denying that, but Id rather stick with the bent-but-working system than gamble on one that has had little success in the world.
Said like a true lap-dog of the Bourgeoisie. That's exactly what they want you to think, speak and convey to others. Stick with the status quo. My friend the status quo has nothing to offer but your exploitation.

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Old 02-27-2010, 08:55 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Vythica View Post
Said like a true lap-dog of the Bourgeoisie. That's exactly what they want you to think, speak and convey to others. Stick with the status quo. My friend the status quo has nothing to offer but your exploitation.
Yes, because after all I probably am one

As I said above, people grow up in it, embrace it, live it. If I were born in your place my veiws may be that of your own, if I was born into a devout christian family then I would probably be christian, and so on.

And because the vast majority of the (richer) world are born and bred in capitalism its probably going to stay that way, for better or worse. In the same way most of America speaks American (well twisted-English) they are not going to one day decide to all speak French instead.

It may in your eyes by a good idea, but its very unlikely the masses will accept it, so its just a dream. Talking about it can be intersting though.
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Last edited by Umaril; 02-27-2010 at 09:29 PM.
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:58 PM   #30
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imo, communists go to hell !!1!1!1!
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