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Old 06-20-2007, 06:00 PM   #21
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Originally Posted by Signatus
I didn't knew many south-american folks (only brazilians) and dude, THEY ROCK!!
Except for the ones that kick us out of teams or try to ban us from the chat i totally agree!
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Old 06-20-2007, 06:27 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Ketobitus
Edit: "it is suggested that they should be removed" - no, it isn't, read again
Hi again.

I almost missed the Edit.

Maybe I don't understand the point (which is very possible), but if a solution is to close the spanish forum and the client (I think that includes the spanish quests, interface and everything else), where goes the people who do not speak english?

I haven't played other MMORPGS nor other on-line games so I'm not going to talk about them, but here, in this game; I knew a lot of people which are as far from the internet as I am from rocket science, I met old men/women who felt strange using the mouse, or chatting; they were dragged to the game by their children (even their gandchildren in some cases) and they stayed.
So they don't know the "internet" or the knowledge they have about it is limited to the use of their local web sites (or sites in their native language).

As a last (in this post) thing:
as a conclusion i can say i appreciate your post and i would be glad if some spanish speaking people would read this thread and spread the word of international friendship
Many many many people here are nice to each other and they would happily commit to international friendship, but that won't make them automatically speak other languages


PS: If anything here sounds harsh, it is not my intention and I apologize beforehand.
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Old 06-20-2007, 06:44 PM   #23
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Learn a lil of spanish language...
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Old 06-20-2007, 06:47 PM   #24
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hi people

Some information to krass:

I don't speak spanish = Yo no hablo espanol
i can't speak your language = Yo no hablo tu idioma
I speak english = Yo hablo ingles
Could u say it in english please? = puedes decirlo en ingles por favor?

Perhaps it can help u

Other thing,

all the time i have to read and write things in english (but my english is a shit XD) and because that when i can i speak in spanish (im from spain). Is difficult to speak in english all the time when this is not your mother language.

Lots of games are in english, well here is an spanish talking game. u can learn spanish (like night twix XD), is simple to learn the basics things. And there are lots of friendly people to speak with all of u, but sometimes they cant speak in your language.

"Nunca un científico ha quemado a un religioso por afirmar a Dios sin pruebas". Manuel Toharia
"uno empieza a darse cuenta que eso de no hacer ejercicio, comer y beber como si fuese la ultima cena y mantener la figura ya no existe...". Maryan

Last edited by arlick; 06-20-2007 at 07:01 PM.
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Old 06-20-2007, 06:53 PM   #25
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Ketobitus is an unknown quantity at this point

Originally Posted by imasu
Maybe I don't understand the point (which is very possible)
it was just a provocation, just forget about it.
Originally Posted by imasu
PS: If anything here sounds harsh, it is not my intention and I apologize beforehand.
you don't need to, your post is very nice and informative.
Originally Posted by ALBIN
Learn a lil of spanish language...
thanks for this post i just waited for this. now i think everyone see what i mean.
thx for the sentences arlik, i wrote them down
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Old 06-20-2007, 06:56 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Ketobitus
thx for the sentences arlik, i wrote them down
if u need more say to me
"Nunca un científico ha quemado a un religioso por afirmar a Dios sin pruebas". Manuel Toharia
"uno empieza a darse cuenta que eso de no hacer ejercicio, comer y beber como si fuese la ultima cena y mantener la figura ya no existe...". Maryan
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Old 06-20-2007, 07:10 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Ketobitus
thanks for this post i just waited for this. now i think everyone see what i mean.
Many people here (i mean: spanish people) speak a lil of english. RO mix all the users (anglos, latinos, europeos) and every one have the posibillity to read the game text in his language: ingles, español, portugues. It's enough like this.

I'm not a racist (absolutely NOT), but i'm nationalist. In many other games mmorpgs i speak english, in Regnum Online only to help some anglo. So.. learn a lil of spanish language. Is to easy..
Killer - Thunder - Shaman - X Chiquito X - Thaumaturgus - Thundercrusher
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Old 06-20-2007, 07:14 PM   #28
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that sounds better
yes i will do now that i have a personal trainer *me waves to arlick*

but don't forget that this thread is also about beeing kicked from teams and the behaviour in the alsius chat. i'm not the only one who got work to do...
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Old 06-20-2007, 07:16 PM   #29
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Just one thing to all of you:

If you think you're being abused or treated badly, ask for help in game!!! Most of us would be glad to help you!

I'm argentine, so my main language is spanish. Still, I always speak english when I'm with a non-spanish user. If I knew any other language I'd use it too. :P

Those people who harass you because you speak foreign language fail to see that there's a human being behind the keyboard (or even a living thing, some of them treat you like if you were trash). But you shouldn't think that all the people that speak the same language as the offender are like him/her and will treat you badly.

See you!
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 06-20-2007, 07:17 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Ketobitus
that sounds better
yes i will do now that i have a personal trainer *me waves to arlick*

but don't forget that this thread is also about beeing kicked from teams and the behaviour in the alsius chat. i'm not the only one who got work to do...
i had never see that anyone kick other because he cant speak spanish or someting like that, but stupid persons are in all places and all nacionalities
"Nunca un científico ha quemado a un religioso por afirmar a Dios sin pruebas". Manuel Toharia
"uno empieza a darse cuenta que eso de no hacer ejercicio, comer y beber como si fuese la ultima cena y mantener la figura ya no existe...". Maryan
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