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Old 08-24-2013, 03:55 AM   #21
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You will never relive your PoB moments, especially in Syrtis.

Welcome back, I some what remember you when I did play with them in Raven.

Like Lucian said you can find some in mumble, Rump and Karma are strictly GW2, Shaia is on nerd mode for college, and slash is Mr. Business man now.

I guess you're right on one thing about CoR being unique when you go out and play other big mmo's, still doesn't hide the fact that NGD has been neglecting the shit out of their community.

Have fun in Syrtis, I'd join Inq if anything though.
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Old 08-24-2013, 12:10 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Telwe View Post

Lucian: who are you? My knight was alaric saltzman, aka saltyballzman, aka venessa (mumble nickname).

Oh shit, hey man. I played master of doom/ hero of the ice on Raven
Absorption - Level 60 WM Warlock
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Old 08-25-2013, 04:32 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by fotomay View Post
see? this is EXACTLY what ive been trying to tell you guys!!!!! CoR is actually unique in the mmo industry and is doing ok! Also it is perfectly fine for vets to go ooff and try other games and come back! It's totally normal !

Good news Telwe - Furis Bastard is back, he even rerolled a new toon? Hutch is back from GW2 (he plays both). So is Evangeline. Elva never left. Hutch is better than ever and Evangeline with his strong knowledge is doing really well. Some players on probable break: Ultimate, Tigerious (was back briefly also), Immune (he left on break (again?) very recently).

Hope you have lots of casual fun !

I played with immune during my time in alsius and also with tigeriuos on my very first syrtis hero.

Evangeline I have no respect for. A cheater is scum and will always be scum. and here is the proof. I don't call ppl cheaters unless I am 100% sure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0Y6H6hctRI for people that dont know... that is a knight not a barb (so no spring).

Last edited by Telwe; 08-25-2013 at 04:43 PM.
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Old 08-26-2013, 01:53 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Telwe View Post
I played with immune during my time in alsius and also with tigeriuos on my very first syrtis hero.

Evangeline I have no respect for. A cheater is scum and will always be scum. and here is the proof. I don't call ppl cheaters unless I am 100% sure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0Y6H6hctRI for people that dont know... that is a knight not a barb (so no spring).
yea Evangeline is well known to have that reputation funny thing is he posts on these forums so hopefully he will answer. but.. i dont think ngd will fix it, i suspect ngd's approach is to maintain the status quo if things are "generally" ok.
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Old 08-26-2013, 12:10 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by fotomay View Post
see? this is EXACTLY what ive been trying to tell you guys!!!!! CoR is actually unique in the mmo industry and is doing ok! Also it is perfectly fine for vets to go ooff and try other games and come back! It's totally normal !
Yes, people come then go, but always fewer return with each iteration. This game & it's RvR format had so much potential once, but all things considered & honestly expressed, it's truly not getting better. In fact, in most ways, it's gotten worse since summer of '10 & 1.6.3. The fact we stay is one more of habit & hardnosed tolerance of this recognized reality (or the abilty of wishful thing to suspend disbelief) & the bonds of community affiliation than it is an ever-increasing appreciation of CoR....

Some of the changes made in that package were truly warranted, some not. Everything since (except the artwork, nevermind the lag & decreased FPS) has mostly been a huge letdown & even a humiliating kick in the crotch for those of us patiently waiting in hope for real & substantive fixes to gameplay problems in the code (the bugs, glitches, exploits, lag, crashes, class imbalance, non-scaleability to react to variable current online population, etc, etc, ad naseum).

This game could & should be better, but it's developer says they lack the means & it's sadly obvious as well, the will to make it so. They just can't do it, won't allow others to do it either, so it won't get done. Thus, they're on autopilot, coasting along, milking it for the little it's current inchoate, benighted form has left to give them....

I've said it before & I'll still say it again, because it bears repeating: "NGD, if you build it, they will come ... if you build it right, they will stay".

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Old 08-26-2013, 12:47 PM   #26
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You really need to leave the treehuggers to their forests and come join the goats. When we get an RvR team going we hit hard and fast. We are not only fearless but we know how to inspire fear in our foes. Although we had a little hiccup this summer due to an exodus to Ra and the loss of core Support Conjurers we have recently had several new Conjurers join in the action.

Also, unlike the twig shooting Gelfs and the Barbs-R-Us Ignis, us Goats tend to be more balanced with classes. Although both Ignis and Syrtis have a few famed players us goats tend to have less scrubs and work great as a team, working towards group goals rather than individual fame. Our main problem is we tend to split up too much but somehow we make it work more often than not, sowing confusion in the opposition.

Several of our Clans will not accept multirealmers and we like it that way. We fight hard and we fight as a team. If you get tired of smelling of sap, feel free to join the true blue team and win for once.
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Old 08-26-2013, 01:16 PM   #27
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Join Ignis or Syrtis. Goats have enough at the moment. Join realms that have a true need of more people. Fighting against the brainless herd is way way more fun and rewarding.


As other sayed - join Inquisition. It is old and respected clan with nice people ready to help and war. It is sad not alot of the old Syrtis clans survived... I remember the old fun times and miss you guys.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 08-26-2013 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 08-26-2013, 02:12 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by The Pirate View Post
Elite of Syrtis,
lol this clan is a joke
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Old 08-26-2013, 02:21 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
Goats have enough at the moment.
I would not agree with this. We may have been "dominant" during Feb-June. June-July was a kind of stalemate as nearly many weeks passed without much action with the gems. Now again, we may seems to be "dominant".

But the inside reality is - Alsius has very less number of loyalists. There's a reason for this I can point out. Let's assume the new coming player does not read anything about the game in advance. Now, portrayal of Syrtis (music, landscape, fort structure and etc.,) is of heaven or close to heavenly like.

Thus, people with pure white dreams and people who like to play like epitome of goodness tend to join with Syrtis. Ignis' portrayal is close to that of hell. That is, people who want to rule the world and people who want to be the epitome of all things evil tend to join ignis.

Lastly, Alsius' portrayal is more of Earth. Simple, snowy and boozey. Most of the new comers who don't know anything about the game join alsius only because of snow and the booze. As such, Alsius gets many less number of players to begin with and even those, leave in between to join either Syrtis or Ignis.

Apart from the meager amount of true bluebloods left, the "zerg" of alsius which you all see now are multis - loyalists of either syrtis or ignis. As such our numbers are only of outer. On the inner, we are few, though strong.

P.S: Very disturbing as it may sound, players from syrtis "infest" Alsius initiation zones roaming the streets like missionaries who persuade the new players into joining syrtis by acting nice (giving gold for free and etc.,) I created a noob char once as I was bored and one of these "infestation missionaries" approached me with some serious ideas of persuading me to join Syrtis. Time for the Emperor to crack-down on spies and missionaries in alsius, I say.
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Old 08-26-2013, 02:27 PM   #30
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I know what you speak of. I saw the same when Syrtis done frequent invasions. Suddenly there was a vast number of unknown mid-to-high level players which noyone knew before. They cared only about gems and relics and invasions. They was not so nice, raged if this goals failed and so on...

When things in Syrtis calmed down they vanished as they came there leaving the realm in pretty sad state.

I do not think this players are loyal to any realm - i call them "invasion wh*res". They want easy win and easy fame and because they have several chars in different realms they switch and play the winner one.


I multi in some sort - i moved to Ignis, but kept my old chars retired and waiting. I can not delete them as i'm santimental and really really love my old conju. I sometimes log them to talk to old friends.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 08-26-2013 at 02:37 PM.
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