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Old 02-18-2011, 08:36 PM   #371
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Originally Posted by Greyman_tle View Post
I think you need to kill around 30K+ enemies to get a full set of warmaster armour
But, is the Warmaster gear all temporary are just permanent?
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Old 02-19-2011, 12:02 AM   #372
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Originally Posted by Castingbeast View Post
Mag lb :

Warmaster lb:

Magna lb's dmg is 136-154 but with 2x 15 gems it can be 166-184, warmasters lb 141-171,with a +15 gem---->156-186.
the point IS that mag lb is only lvl45 while the warmaster lb is lvl60... So looking at their lvls the warmaster lb is a big sh**t
They should really make bows better, not to mention staffs.......
Casting i understand your point of view,but collect magna take more than 1/2 years usually.
Grind or do war to get lvl 60 how much can take?!6 month if you are slow and have only 2 h a day to play i think.
So magna weapon must continue to be something stronger than the warmaster weapon,that are pretty easy to take even if they are close to lvl 60.
So make magnanite weapon usable by lvl 55+ and work on their stats...
Then a weapon dmg is the last of my probs,i'm not intrested to know how much a magna lb will be strong by the way hunter have low dmg even with magna bow.
The spell "coolblod" got too much cd and his duration is falsed by the weapon speed.
If cool blod is 6 sec and i use it with magna long bow,SLOW speed,after casted cool blosd it take 1,5 sec first to make a single hit,so 6.0'' -1,5''=4,5''
In 4,5'' (the moment that an hunter can dream to be dmg dealer first to go down from the stair cause that class is mented to use track camo and useless trick,by the way there is no zerg that use team play,making hunter's power useless),well in 4,5'' you do 2 normal hit+ 1 enarsing with a slow bow,that IF there are no resist on the enemy will take 1500 dmg(with magna bow,if enemy is not buffed).
that was only an example ,that take me back to the original answer ignored by devs or anyone who know something about new expansion:
will be added new spell for each class,or master warrior of each class will be able to use same "specialsuperpower" like the teleport etc?
If we get a response on that it would be cool,cause ppl affected by the "stupid" dilemma like me that must choose 1 of his 6 char lvl 50 can get some useful help to decide wich class to take to lvl 60.

P.S:would be easy tell "lvl to 60 the class you enjoy more",but i like to play all my lvl 50...ok exept the conju,so let's say 5 lvl 50,conju is only for boss camp when i'm on.
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Old 02-20-2011, 01:47 AM   #373
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Originally Posted by Donatoo View Post
But, is the Warmaster gear all temporary are just permanent?
If it's not permanent, what happens to the enhancements you put in it? oO

Looks like the planned setup is for barbarians to be ridiculously susceptible to magical damage at level 60, but tanks versus any physical damage. Ah, I guess it's a tactical consideration :|

I'm concerned by the current position of the saves. Hear me out here.
I think Ignis has a tacit advantage, at least until there is an appreciable Warmaster population. With our CS moved back to Oasis:

- We resurrect within view of Samal.
- We are much, much closer to Menirah than Alsius is to Trelleborg, or Syrtis is to Algaros.
- The teleport to the castle is no further away than Menirah.

It is a fairly simple task to bring Alsius up to speed, as this can be achieved by placing their save in the clearing south of its market. It's still a bit more difficult of a trek to Aggersborg, but that's what you get for having all those damned trees. I'd also suggest migrating the teleport to the other side of the path leading from the gate (or maybe even put it in the cracked house near the crossroads)

Syrtis, on the other hand, is trickier, largely because of the sheer distance to Algaros. Quite frankly, as it stands now on Amun it's logically (though not actually) easier to defend or retake algaros while saved at Dohsim. Once you've moved the CS to a place that's handy for both forts, you're miles away from the teleporter, and you're still too far from one or the other forts. I don't know what simple solution is available other than installing an extra teleporter to Algaros.
My favourite complicated solution involves putting Algaros roughly 3/4 of the way between Stonehenge and the former Eferias Save, Moving Syrtis CS to approximately halfway between Herbred and Stonehenge, and removing the entire Eferias peninsula out past the Golden Falls.
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Old 02-20-2011, 09:16 AM   #374
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I always seem to come back right before a big update hits. I love my luck.
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Old 02-20-2011, 02:29 PM   #375
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Originally Posted by Arafails View Post
If it's not permanent, what happens to the enhancements you put in it? oO

Looks like the planned setup is for barbarians to be ridiculously susceptible to magical damage at level 60, but tanks versus any physical damage. Ah, I guess it's a tactical consideration :|

Maste barbarian armour got 3 soket....now immagine all 3 soket with a + 2% piercing protection,3 soket x 5 piece of armour all with a +2% perc gem= +30% pierce protecion + passive pierce(of blunt tree) at lvl 5 +20% perce protection.
Barb will have +50% pierce protection......an OP marksman can do max 100/150 dmg on UNBUFFED barbarian....an hunter will do max 20 dmg on an UNBUFFED barb....superlol.....barb will be as a knight against archer....
May be finally war will be not only for ranged when your zerg start the wastearrows-obsession....and a barb can go charge without worry about the 15 enemy marksman that point him and kill him first he can charge.
a hunge +1 to ngd for that!

P.S: warmaster set is permanent,there is no advise "week-wamraster-set" anywhere,and ngd didn't speak about non-permanent set in his tutorial/news.
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Old 02-20-2011, 02:36 PM   #376
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Customisation is a plus. while others look to war master sets , I am not even concerned about them . It will be a good while before I get there and I look forward to looking for stuff in the lvl 52-59 range as I move up. I might find something I like very much which I can tailor fit to my needs.
War master gear would be like landing dragon stuff and magna stuff. I managed without tenax stuff for a long time and I should be okay without Warmaster stuff for the medium term as well.
It is a nice goal to reach for though.

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Old 02-20-2011, 03:07 PM   #377
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Art i think the same,but when in war you will meet ppl all lvl 60(that make their rush with booster in 1 or 2 month) and you are still lvl 52/53,so you are "unchallege" for them,you will felll a bit frustrated i think...especially if you are an archer and you can't do dmg to your enemy.
Then,lvl50-60 allow you to gain more hp lvl by lvl.
So knight lvl 60 will have around 6000 hp i think,barbs around 5000.
I still have had no answer to my question about more detail to new skills,so ppl are still a lot confused about the upcoming warmaster expansion.
Tomorrow we will see anyway....hoping ngd gives more detail during the next week when we start to play new expansion....would be sad reach the lvl 60 and have a "bad surprise" if you find your class totallly useless i war action (like hunters) by the way now all the action will be on forts-war.
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Old 02-20-2011, 03:41 PM   #378
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Originally Posted by tarashunter View Post
Maste barbarian armour got 3 soket....now immagine all 3 soket with a + 2% piercing protection,3 soket x 5 piece of armour all with a +2% perc gem= +30% pierce protecion + passive pierce(of blunt tree) at lvl 5 +20% perce protection.
Barb will have +50% pierce protection......an OP marksman can do max 100/150 dmg on UNBUFFED barbarian....an hunter will do max 20 dmg on an UNBUFFED barb....superlol.....barb will be as a knight against archer....
May be finally war will be not only for ranged when your zerg start the wastearrows-obsession....and a barb can go charge without worry about the 15 enemy marksman that point him and kill him first he can charge.
a hunge +1 to ngd for that!
Only the basedmg of a bow has to be piercing dmg, boni, arrows, rings and amulets can deal dmg of any other type so it isnt as bad as you think. Guess why marksmen with good gear can deal 200-300 dmg with normhits through steel skin.
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Old 02-20-2011, 03:52 PM   #379
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Dopp,i hope that for my hunter...
By the other hand ngd could not allow to soktet more than 1 protection dmg gem type per soket.
Ex: 3 soket on a bp: 3 different kind of protection gems,not allowed more than 1 dmg resist type.
Anyway we will see,for sure ngd will works on lot of things after they make it live....
As for the quest of the 50 unique players.
Pretty hard on horus i think.But ppls just speaked about that...we will see.
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Old 02-20-2011, 03:55 PM   #380
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Originally Posted by tarashunter View Post
Dopp,i hope that for my hunter...
By the other hand ngd could not allow to soktet more than 1 protection dmg gem type per soket.
Ex: 3 soket on a bp: 3 different kind of protection gems,not allowed more than 1 dmg resist type.
Anyway we will see,for sure ngd will works on lot of things after they make it live....
As for the quest of the 50 unique players.
Pretty hard on horus i think.But ppls just speaked about that...we will see.
Would be pretty unfair for mages, those have only 3 pieces of armor with 5 sockets on each.
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