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Old 01-10-2011, 02:14 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Kyrottimus View Post
If the fault-line released some kind of energy or gas that caused the mass die-off (as a preliminary indicator of a massive earthquake), that little blip on the radar could be the emission. Then again, it's pure speculation.
That sounds like the most rational thing I've read today, thanks

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Old 01-10-2011, 08:15 AM   #32
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w_larsen is an unknown quantity at this point

could the birds perhaps have been disoriented to the point of not knowing up from down? And basically crashing into everything because their internal radar in their brain were fried? So a bunch of kamikazee birds and fish (animals which use the magnetic field in conjuction with the inner ear [birds] and bio-sonar [fish]) caused by a sudden but violent shift in our earth's polarity?
we have tools for measuring this. on the new years eve (as i understand time the action took place) magnetometers show nothing. even less than the puny geomagnetic storms we get recently.

But what if this coincided with a CME from the sun? It could literally cook creatures from the inside out (as seen from the liquified internals of some of the dead birds).
almost all magnetic disturbances happen because of solar wind hitting magnetosphere. and the birds survived carrington flare (estimated to be almost the largest flare sun can produce)

i wouldnt pursue the magnetic stuff theories, as evidence doesn't show it happening.

btw i have witnessed flock of confused birds hitting the building. 27 stunned 3 dead iirc. we concluded, that they got confused by suns reflection in windows (they just took off from tree and came straight into windows/wall)
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Old 01-10-2011, 08:46 AM   #33
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Probably as a result of the climate change or disease. The latter could even come from the first point. It is hard at the moment to find a common reason for the death of marine life and avian creatures. Fish are much weaker and fragile to even the slightest of changes in their environment. Birds on the other hand usually die in masses like this and have similar behavior when there is a disease. At most, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that fish and birds died en masse.

Just saying this based upon how this has looked in the past.
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Old 01-10-2011, 08:58 AM   #34
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Well I can't really say much about the rest of it, but the Australian bat species that have been having problems are largely a result of flooding in Queensland and northern NSW. The weird migration pattern last spring, that was odd.
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Old 01-10-2011, 09:37 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by w_larsen View Post
we have tools for measuring this. on the new years eve (as i understand time the action took place) magnetometers show nothing. even less than the puny geomagnetic storms we get recently.
The point is, no. They're dying every day, more and more up to now.

I like this site : http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php

But. "This is an information only site offering no opinions, just the facts.
As recently as two days ago the global situation map had icons and summaries of all the "biological" hazards ie: mass die offs as well as environmental and other issues.
Sometime last night between the hours of midnight and six am the site was "sanitized" and all information and icons pertaining to the mass die offs was erased from the site. Since then the site has been updated and only a single bird icon remains where two days ago there were several, if you click that icon over Beebe Ark. and select details you will go to a page with a summary of the situation and any updates. The last update states "The mystery has been solved" and gives a paragraph of information that is no information at all. The birds were apparently startled by fireworks and since they have poor night vision they collided with houses, power lines and each other. If this is so why are we not cleaning up thousands of birds every July 5th? Where are the reports by residents of the birds hitting their homes? They don't exist because it didn't happen.
The main stream news has stopped all coverage, government agencies are stonewalling and now the final frontier, a website in Budapest has been breached. The question that remains, really the ONLY thing that remains is WHY?"

above text from a concerned hungarian site user. No wonder, that IS weird.
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Old 01-10-2011, 09:41 AM   #36
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Some very interesting points in this forum..but i believe its all the government, doing Genetic testing of some sort, funny how it was all over the news one day, then i haven't heard a single word about it since that day...

And not only did thousands of birds fall from the sky, but a shitload of fish died the same day too, over 100k in one river alone, the birds and fish, all the same species... but of course the government are all 'Oh its fireworks!! oh no wait, we mean hail, scratch that its a tornado ' .... how stupid do they think we are, trying to confuse us with a bunch of reasons, god forbid we find out they are testing chemical weapons!! (wouldnt look good for them, then maybe more people will start digging around and more people will find out about the chem trails they leave us in the sky... i really wish they would stop insulting our intelligence)

So all in all, i don't thinkit was tornados' tectonic plates causing waves of magnetic fields, all to convenient to get us thinking alone other lines, the government's (whichever one the incidents happened in ) , have done this, call me a conspiracy theory nut, but i am not the only one who thinks like this... these incidents also happen a few times a year in some places, like fish washing up on Lake Michigan in Chicago each year, but the trouble with this is the scale , the sheer number of animals that died, and why report it on so many major news channels when the other times it happens it goes completely unreported...

/me goes off to find her tinfoil hat...
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Old 01-10-2011, 09:59 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Orimae View Post
So all in all, i don't thinkit was tornados' tectonic plates causing waves of magnetic fields, all to convenient to get us thinking alone other lines, the government's (whichever one the incidents happened in ) , have done this, call me a conspiracy theory nut, but i am not the only one who thinks like this... these incidents also happen a few times a year in some places, like fish washing up on Lake Michigan in Chicago each year, but the trouble with this is the scale , the sheer number of animals that died, and why report it on so many major news channels when the other times it happens it goes completely unreported...

/me goes off to find her tinfoil hat...
That's a bit too much. They're not that awesome as most people think they are ;] chemical weapons are tested in a bit different way, there's absolutely no need to wipe out thousands of birds all over the world. US government can't test chemical weapons in Italy, China, Sweden etc.
It IS reported, but as a minor news. There are more important things to talk about right now like Iran plane crash or Jo Yeates death, Arizona shooting, and no wonder.
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Old 01-10-2011, 10:31 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Pizdzius View Post
They're not that awesome as most people think they are ;] chemical weapons are tested in a bit different way, there's absolutely no need to wipe out thousands of birds all over the world. US government can't test chemical weapons in Italy, China, Sweden etc.
It IS reported, but as a minor news. There are more important things to talk about right now like Iran plane crash or Jo Yeates death, Arizona shooting, and no wonder.
Google 'chemical trails' read it then watch the sky's... (aye im off on a rant again that makes me sound insane XD )

That's the point, the news is there to keep us busy so we don't delve too deep into what they are doing, and maybe the Governments from those countries you mentioned are all testing at the same time? .. one country gets guns, they all want guns, one country has metal boats and not wooden ones, they all want metal boats..one country gets nukes ...i think you get where im going with this...... the media is merley a tool to keep us entertained and blind to what is really happening around us, maybe i am wrong, and if i am i will hold my hands up and admit it, but still, our governments are up to way more things like this than they want us to know.. and what better to test it on but in animals? they can cover the deaths of a bunch of birds and fish, but if the same amount of humans were to suddenly go missing...

/me re-adjusts her tin foil hat...

oooo speaking of tin foil hats, this is a good site for this kinda stuff

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Old 01-10-2011, 10:36 AM   #39
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as for your solar flair theorie, i'll shoot it down right now.

the sun is currently in a low activity cicle, there are hardly any black spots or prominences, so there is no way the sun has anything to do with this.

what i think is happening is something sience knows for a long time that it's happening and that's a magneticfield shift, the south magnetic pole becomes the north magnetic pole, not mutch is known of this event exept that it happens every 2-1 milion years, so don't be afraid, humanity all'ready been trough one.

atm the magnetic field on the northern hemisphere is weaker then the one on the southern, so infact the earth is raizing shields for a solar blast that is prolly going to happen someday in time (they said when but i forgot ).

anyway about the lower activity lvl of the sun, this is also very common.
and everytime we have this we have very cold winters as is happening now, be happy it's not the minimum they had in 1645-1715 the so called "maunder minimum" cause it's said to be a little ice age, check the paintings of rubens (flemish muhahahaha) to get an idea of the harsh winter then. and he lived when the activity only begun to drop.

regards (enough info? )
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Old 01-10-2011, 10:38 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by blood-raven View Post
as for your solar flair theorie, i'll shoot it down right now.

the sun is currently in a low activity cicle, there are hardly any black spots or prominences, so there is no way the sun has anything to do with this.

what i think is happening is something sience knows for a long time that it's happening and that's a magneticfield shift, the south magnetic pole becomes the north magnetic pole, not mutch is known of this event exept that it happens every 2-1 milion years, so don't be afraid, humanity all'ready been trough one.

atm the magnetic field on the northern hemisphere is weaker then the one on the southern, so infact the earth is raizing shields for a solar blast that is prolly going to happen someday in time (they said when but i forgot ).

anyway about the lower activity lvl of the sun, this is also very common.
and everytime we have this we have very cold winters as is happening now, be happy it's not the minimum they had in 1645-1715 the so called "maunder minimum" cause it's said to be a little ice age, check the paintings of rubens (flemish muhahahaha) to get an idea of the harsh winter then. and he lived when the activity only begun to drop.

regards (enough info? )
aye, its definately nothing to do with the Magnetic Flip were going through right now
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