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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 09-12-2011, 03:53 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
I still have no problem with the concept of falling damage. So far I have adjusted and remain relatively unaffected by it. Jump is not for me so I simply left the jump bind key unassigned.

NGD entered into an arrangement with Game Samba. This is in the heart of the North American market. We don't know what the arrangement is (and it is none of our business anyway) but what we do know is that NGD needs to make this work to actually yield any revenue out of it.

The effect is that Raven will now be the driving force for many decisions. Horus and even RA is now depreciated in favour of Raven. It is just pure economics. If poor (as we may chose to see it ) decisions are made, tell yourself that NGD has to pander to this North American demographic and please them. They will have to do this until they get enough market penetration ,appease Game Samba and service whatever contractual obligations they have. We will get 'hand me downs ' from these innovations.
As such, expect other 'features' that are prevalent in games in that market to show up here. I fully expected it and was not disappointed.

All I will say is that the community should thank their lucky stars that NGD did not hook up with a major publisher in South Korea.
What ? Jump and falling damage is because of North American people ?
God bless america ! They always make the world better.
Everyone should bow down to them to appease their divine anger.

Btw, I'm sure lots of ppl would like to know where did you get your weed to test few samples. =p
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Old 09-12-2011, 04:58 PM   #32
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Only Caribbean finest Nel. The good stuff. When I use it I find it reduces my falling damage significantly.

Many things may have been in the pipeline and some were nearly done but the birth of Raven surely sped a few along.
I will mention a very good thing that came of it. GM tools. Now, we can get bonuses, GM have more flexibility and enhanced abilities to provide services, boosts and assistance. This is a very good enhancement.

Jump was almost done by all accounts but incomplete. Requests by many players in Raven asked about jumping. To my mind this made it come a bit sooner than it might have originally.
Falling damage was probably almost done anyway too. I doubt this one came due to Raven.

All in all, having Raven brought some improvements to the game. Some may not like falling damage but I am okay with it. I am not forced to use jump so I am also okay with that as well.

It is not because of Americans but because of revenue. If NGD went anywhere else and had to make the game more palatable to that market , they would have to work hard and make concessions. If NGD made a major deal with South Korea publisher for example, I am sure some stuff from there would have to creep in to keep the game competitive on that market.

All I am saying is that some items have been fast tracked to make the product a success in a particular market. Some of these features will filter to the other servers because it is cost effective to do so. Some will be accepted and others not so much. This is the balancing act NGD must perform.

Look , the coloured mounts came as a request by a partner (name not called). It made sense to replicate them here.
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Old 09-12-2011, 07:22 PM   #33
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Carribean? omg a pirat!

About GM tools, you're probably rights. French community manager from Gamigo is too tightfisted and lazy to request anything. Don't know about German ones.

Concerning jump, it's funny because one of Game Counselor from GameSamba said it comes from 1k+ ngd players.
> http://www.gamesamba.com/forum/viewt...p=17642#p17642

I bet falling damage is a feature that came from introduction of physics engine in game engine. It was probably planned a long time ago, but they had to test deeply this new library before releasing.

Concerning new features, I think it works in another way. NGD does what they think to be the best for their game.
In addition to this, partners as GameSamba may request specific features. So, NGD examines the feasibility and draw up an estimate. Then they negotiate about price, delay, possibilities to share costs between other partners as Gamigo or BoaCompra. And finally, NGD dedicates coders and graphic artists to get down to this task.

I think GameSamba see things totally differently than Gamigo. Gamigo looks simply like "follower", they take regnum as it is. They don't care much about features and other stuff. What I saw from them (french one woman team ^^) in relation to NGD is only: report bugs, write very few feedbacks from players and that's all. Comparatively, GameSamba looks like more involved into Regnum.

Colored mounts come from german DVD release.
> http://www.regnumonlinegame.com/foru...ad.php?t=64730
They probably asked to Gamigo if they can release "Flammenross" to every servers. Then they added 2 new textures for green and blue ones.
Nel's VidZ
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Old 09-12-2011, 07:28 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by _Nel_ View Post
Colored mounts come from german DVD release.
> http://www.regnumonlinegame.com/foru...ad.php?t=64730
They probably asked to Gamigo if they can release "Flammenross" to every servers. Then they added 2 new textures for green and blue ones.
Flame horse in that DVD afaik is now a horse available for 300k WM coins (aka WM horse). I didnt see yet WM horse though, so I cannot 100% confirm.

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Old 09-12-2011, 07:36 PM   #35
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I don't know if there is a difference between WM horse and flame horse.
I never saw a WM horse either.

Looking at icons, they look like very similar.

More screenies of Flammenross:
> http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Flammenross
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Old 09-12-2011, 08:15 PM   #36
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Noap WZ horsie is looks a bit other VV and some other iggies have it.
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Old 09-12-2011, 08:34 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Archonaut View Post
+1, for the past 3 years I have been playing this game people have always been saying that RO is getting worse and worse.. back then I know like 90% of all players were like: The fact that you can't jump is awful, they should implent it soon. Now that NGD did so, everybody is complaining? This is a gaming community, some are gratful for what they get. But others on the other hand...
Anyway, even if RO ever gets the best Balanced game award ever. Still then people will keep complaining, this is the key of the Gaming Community. That's just who we are.
How have you been playing for 3 years with your current join date?

Yes, in the past many players did want to be able to jump.
We also wanted to be able to swim.

We did not want fall damage.

About the community, we are not a bunch of complainers. In the past, in the start everything was wonderful. We all laughed as we died and found ways to win in all situations. The community understood that there were limits to the classes in PVP and RVR. Then we had a chance to help modify the game by our suggestions. From that point on things changed. Some people felt that their ideas were not being heard, while others got their every wish. People saw their classes get dismantled, torn apart, skills changed, promises of Xim will not effect the outcome of battle, no horses will be allowed in the warzone, and many more things promised without ever seeing these promises through. People left because they felt betrayed. People left because the community changed. People left because their friends got banned or decided no longer to play. We on regnum are a group of friends family members co workers and the like. This is why we all follow each other, and this is why some stay. Others are here to see what will happen in the end. Don't you want to know what will happen past 2012? This is why some are here.
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